Reborn as Batman's Little Brother

Chapter 22: Training Kara

Chapter 22: Training Kara

Superman looked at Lucas in confusion as Lucas did his best to explain the existence of this so-called Fortress of Solitude.

In the past, when he had learned from his parents that he was an alien, he thought he was all alone in this universe. He tried to look desperately for the existence of his own family but was not able to produce any results.

One day, he was grumbling while leaning his back on his space pod when it suddenly shone after his tear dropped on it.

A hologram of his parents appeared afterward and explained to him the fate of his own planet.

There, he was also shown records of his own family in the past.

Kara, the one he saw today, is also amongst them which was why he recognized her.

Strangely though, the image he saw in the hologram back then was exactly the same as her appearance now as if she hadn’t aged a day.

Lucas explained that it may be caused by this Phantom Zone thing where time is frozen. He seemed very familiar with Kryptonians after hearing him explain this Fortress of Solitude.

How can this man know so much when he himself doesn't know it?

Superman wanted to go inside to have a look after hearing about it but he also can’t bear to leave Kara who may be his only blood-related family left.

Maybe Lucas saw his hesitation, he smiled at him and patted his shoulder.

“The fortress wouldn't leave, you can slowly take a look at it later. For now, let’s go back to the Watchtower and get Kara settled.”

“Well, okay.”

Superman thought for a moment and nodded.

Seeing him being so awkward around Kara, Lucas talked to him telepathically using Martian Manhunter’s powers.

[[Clark, unlike you who was only sent to Earth as a baby, Kara saw your planet get destroyed with her own two eyes. You are her only family left. I hope you don't distance yourself because it feels weird to you.]]

[[I...I understand…]]

Lucas sighed in relief when he heard that.

In the show Young Justice, Superman wasn’t comfortable around Superboy and kept distancing himself. He doesn’t know if he will do the same to Kara but it was better to prevent it now.

Hearing Lucas speaks to his mind, Superman was shocked at first but calmed down when he heard what Lucas said.

Lucas is right. Unlike me, Kara is old enough when she was sent away. I can’t even imagine how she must be feeling now…

Superman no longer thought about the Fortress of Solitude and walked over to Kara.

He patted her shoulder and spoke in Kryptonian.

“Welcome home.”

Perhaps Kara had been waiting for him to say that, her tears started to fall and hugged Superman.

Lucas and Batman smiled at the two warmly and waited for her to stop crying.

Batman looked at Lucas and felt the situation was similar to when Lucas had returned. A bit overwhelmed with his feelings, he patted Lucas’ shoulder but spoke nothing.

Lucas turned to look at Batman and smiled. He knew what his brother was thinking and also didn’t speak.


After Kara finished crying herself out, we all returned to the Watchtower.

Batman explained the situation to the rest of the Leaguers who were present and they all looked at Kara warmly.

Barbara was also here as she had rushed when she heard there was an emergency earlier.

She looked at Kara who was talking with Superman in Kryptonian while Superman translates for everyone. I also looked at Kara and noticed her eyes meet. She looked away quickly and pretended not to notice.

Barbara saw this little scene and suddenly pinched my waist.


Surprised, I looked at Barbara in confusion.

What’s wrong with this girl now? Just earlier today, she was still pretty happy along with Ivy.


Barbara snorted and walked over to Kara. The two of them seemed to get along well after a while. Maybe because Barbara is closer to her age rather than the others.

Still, the language barrier is still causing some of their exchanges to be awkward and Clark can’t always be there to translate for her.

Seeing this, I spoke up.

“Brother, about the Young Justice plan. I think we can let Kara join in as well so she can have a better grasp with her own powers first and I can teach her our language as well.”

“That’s a good idea. What do you think, Superman? You are her guardian from now on after all.”

“Guardian...un. I also think this is a good idea. Lucas, I’ll leave my cousin to you in the meantime.”

Superman seemed to be a bit awkward with suddenly being a guardian but shook off the feeling. No matter what, Kara is still his own family, now that he is old enough, he needs to look after her.

“We should also settle an identity for her. But Kara Clark sounds weird…”

I said while thinking how to somehow get in touch with the Danvers family…

Barbara clicked her tongue and spoke.

“Tsk, you’re just looking for an excuse to call her Kara Wayne right?”

“W-wha-!? That’s not what I was thinking!”

Damn, is this girl jealous? It seems I must pamper her more in bed later.

Barbara just rolled her eyes and didn’t believe me.

“Don’t fool yourself, I know she is exactly your type! Look at this body! You have been staring at her chest for a while now!”


“I-I wasn’t!”

Kara yelped when Barbara suddenly grabbed her breast fiercely, making everyone speechless.

They seemed to see that this isn’t something they should be looking at so everyone quickly left, leaving me, Barbara, Kara, and Diana alone.

Diana chuckled seeing our antics and embraced me from behind.

“Dear, do you like her too?”

“I...I really wasn’t thinking that!”

Give me a break...the only reason I was staring at her chest was because I was wondering how big it was compared to Melissa Benoist who played her character in a TV series from my past life.

In fact, her chest is closer to her Power Girl version…

...Okay, fine! I was indeed thinking of dirty thoughts about her! But just because I was thinking about it doesn’t mean I’ll act upon it!

Suddenly, I felt a hand touch me below.

Diana whispered close to my ear as I felt her soft breath tickles my neck.

“You see, this part is more honest.”

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and coughed to clear my throat while pushing Diana away.

“We can do it later if you want...but not here.”

“Fufu, why are you being so shy? I heard you did Barbara and Poison Ivy last night?”


Speechless in the fact that she knew about it already, I turned to look at Barbara who turned away and didn’t dare to look at me.

...She told them huh?

I sighed and spoke to Kara whose face is beet red.

“Don’t mind these two, they are just too playful. Anyway, for now, I will be teaching you our language and help you get accustomed to life here on Earth.”


Just then, Diana and Barbara touched their earpiece and nodded.

I heard it as well and it seems there is an alien attack on Metropolis and also multiple villains appearing in Gotham at the moment. I nodded at the two who gave me a quick peck on the lips.

“Stay safe you two. If anything happens, I’m here to back you guys up.”

“Don’t worry, we can handle this.”

The two left, leaving me and Kara alone.

After a while, Kara asked me.

“ it normal here to have two lovers?”

“Ah? Well...not really. I’m just a bit...special...I guess?”

It felt awkward discussing this so I tried to change the subject immediately.

“Anyway, follow me to the training room. I’ll help you adjust to your abilities first.”

Kara nodded and followed me from behind.

After reaching the training room, I stood in front of a punching machine built for the likes of Superman and spoke to Kara.

“Try punching this.”

Kara tilted her head cutely but still did as she was told.


She let out a cute shout as well as she punched.


The punching machine trembled under her punch and displayed a number on the screen.


Seeing this number, I nodded and explained.

“I’ll tell you now. Normal humans in this world only reach a maximum of 10k points in this machine unless they are enhanced or with special abilities. This means your strength here is far beyond normal. You would need to get used to this power to make sure you don’t break anyone's hands with a handshake or kill anyone with a hug.”

Kara seemed surprised hearing this. She didn’t know she had such power before…

Just as a reference, Superman tried using his full power and reached 350k. As for me? Hehe, the machine was destroyed. This is already new equipment used to replace it.

“This is a special trait of Kryptonians under a yellow star. You are also weakened to the point of being a normal person under a red star which is why you are considered as normal when you were in Krypton.”

“I see…I saw Kal-El...Clark, fly earlier. Can I also do that?”

I nodded to her to which she excitedly tried to do it by jumping.

The result was she used too much strength to jump and nearly hit the ceiling.

I quickly caught her as she fell back to the ground.

“Haha, you won’t learn that easily. At first, you will only get to jump really high. It will take some time for you to learn how to fly.”

“A-ah! I see…”

Hm? Somehow, her face went red again.

However, I noticed that I was carrying her in a princess carry so I figured that was the cause.

I let her stand up and distanced myself while clearing my throat.

“Ahem. Moving on, Kryptonians have other abilities as well. We’ll go through them one by one.”


Kara was still embarrassed but tried her best to shake it off while listening.

Superspeed, check. Kara was surprised when she tried running earlier and crashed onto me. Since I’m quite strong myself, there was no reason for me to fall down when she crashed so an embarrassing situation where it looked like she pushed me down didn’t happen...sometimes I curse this ability of mine...maybe I should’ve faked it and ‘fell’ down...Ahem.

X-ray Vision, work in progress. Kara tried to use it but accidentally activated her Heat Vision. She panicked quite a bit as she didn’t know how to deactivate it so the walls and floor were riddled with line marks…

Heat Vision, check...but still needs to be trained properly.

Superhearing, check. I asked her to see if she can hear my heartbeat. After a while, she nodded while blushing...I don’t get it.

Freeze Breath, check. Kara cutely puffed her cheeks full of air and blew, creating a freezing breeze that turned the ground to ice.

Invulnerability, check. I took a gun in the armory and shot at her chest to surprise her. In no way did I do it just see her breast jiggle...definitely not. On another completely unrelated note, her breasts did jiggle. Kara glared at me hatefully after that.

Weakness to Kryptonite, check. Superman asked Batman to hide a stash of Kryptonite just in case he turned or it is needed in the future. Holding the Kryptonite, I felt Superman’s powers in me had disappeared but it didn’t really cause me to be overly weak since I still had other characters’ powers. Kara was surprised when she suddenly felt weak and her body was full of sweat...somehow, she seems even sexier now.

I coughed and quickly stored the Kryptonite away and locked it inside multiple layers of locked vaults.

The reason I did this check was just an excuse to let Kara know not to be too arrogant with her powers. Often when a person suddenly becomes powerful, they would lose control and think there is no one who can stop them.

It was definitely not because I wanted to see her sexy look after her sweat made her clothes wet and stick to her body. Definitely not.

While I was trying to convince myself, Kara panted and slowly regained her ground.

“What...what is that?”

“It is called Kryptonite. It’s a special mineral that can cause Kryptonians such as yourselves to become extremely weak. Your cousin, Clark, had nearly died because of this numerous times.”

“Wha-!? Why can’t you destroy it!?”

“This is Clark’s own choice. He wanted there to be something that can be used against him in case he becomes an enemy. This is his way of saying that he fully trusts his comrades. It also serves as a reminder to him to not be too full of himself because of his power. Do you understand?”

Kara went silent and didn’t say anything.

It seems that she has indeed become arrogant earlier when testing out her powers. I knew what she was thinking and smiled while patting her head.

“Don’t worry about it too much. As long as you do what you believe is right, I will fully support you.”


Kara looked up at me with upturned eyes. But due to her sweat falling and gathering on her cleavage, I didn’t know where to look so I quickly turned around.

“Well, get some rest. We’ll continue again tomorrow.”

Kara tilted her head when she saw me turn away. Then, she seemed to remember where I was looking at and looked down on her chest.

Seeing her cleavage exposed in that view, her face went red and quickly ran away with super speed!

I already told her where her room was so she should know where to go.

Scratching my cheek, I sighed as I know this girl has already started to have feelings for me. Who knows why the author made me so handsome?

Author: “...”


Some had commented in the previous chap that Clark shouldn't get to know or recognize Kara since he was a baby when he was sent to Earth...and you're right! So I came up with a reasonable bullshit and explained it in this chap. Problem solved.

For now, I decided to have Kara become Supergirl, and instead, Power Girl will appear later as Kara in another multiverse. Twin Kara FTW!

Of course, this is still far into the future...after this, I will slowly get the Young Justice members and combine them with the Teen Titans as well so expect Starfire, Miss Martian, Zatanna Zatara, Artemis, Raven, and many more to be a part of the harem!

Not everything will be about sex though so the romance between them will build up slowly...

...I need to get back to work. See ya next chap!

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