Chapter 28: Hell Yeah!

“So? What are you gonna do with these guys?”

Pamela asked while looking at Joker and the other unconscious villains.

Lucas scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed look.

“Ah...I don’t know. I told the League I won’t be helping them much and would only act if needed...forget it. Since the League is away, I’ll just consider this to be an emergency case.”

Lucas nodded while convincing himself.

At the side, Pamela and Selina rolled their eyes.

What is this guy? Others would either throw their enemies to prison or kill them but this guy thinks it's too troublesome to deal with them…

“Should I just kill them? Ah, but it would be too troublesome if those straight justice guys like Superman bothers me about it…”

Lucas sighed when thinking about all the scenes in the comics or movies when a good guy kills a bad guy and all the other good guys turn on him saying things like ‘killing is wrong’ then things escalate and eventually the good guy is treated as the new bad guy…

Actually, Lucas isn’t afraid of the other heroes. It’s just that everything will become troublesome to deal with.

“Batman will probably hate me if I kill his arch-nemesis too…forget it, I’ll just lock these guys up.”

Lucas looked at the villains and suddenly had a thought.

Hm? What if I use these guys to train those kids?

It should be fine as long as I’m supervising...Reverse Flash may be a bit troublesome to deal with though. Especially if this guy cheats with time hacks.

Lucas thought it would be nice to get the Speed Force power too…

Thinking about it, Lucas looked at his status one more time.

[Name: Lucas Wayne]

[Level: 9 (110/900)]

[Characters: ]

Hm? When did I level up? And twice at that?

Lucas looked through his system and found the system logs.

Actually, Lucas had pretty much ignored this system of his and wasn’t active when doing quests.

At first, there was that quest of needing to go to school, otherwise the system would disappear from him. From then on, he had been meticulously looking at his quests but after a while, he noticed that there were no longer any penalties like that so he stopped paying attention.

Usually, quests would only generate when encountering a scenario. As long as he deals with it, he gets the reward experience so he didn’t need to look through it.

[System Log]

Blinking, Lucas checked the details of the quests as well.

The Gotham City Sirens was completed when he helped establish the club. The Another Krypton is when he met Kara and welcomed her to Earth. Another quest seemed to have activated when he helped train Kara as well.

Child of Demon quest was activate upon helping Raven and another quest was completed when he helped her train her powers too.

The Young Justice creation quest was when the other members had arrived and officially became a group.

Finally, the Injustice League was created just now and was considered complete when he defeated them.

Lucas got a lot of exp out of it too…

Since most of the quests had [I] or [II], it means that it is part of a chain quest.

Probably, as long as he hangs out with Kara, Raven, Pamela and the others, as well as beat up a bunch of Injustice League, he would activate the other quests too.

After musing about it for a while, Lucas focused his attention on the two slots.

One is definitely gonna be the Flash. It’s convenient to have the Speed Force powers and he can also have cool lightning trailing behind him when he runs. 

Coupled with Superman’s speed...aren’t I the fastest man alive now?

As for the other blank slot…

Lucas had two people in mind at the moment. Raven, or Pamela.

After thinking about it, he was in no rush to get Pamela’s power and felt that it’s more useful to get Raven’s power for now.

Lucas looked back at Joker again and couldn’t help but wonder.

I wonder what would happen if I synch Joker instead?

...Nah, not worth it.

Lucas chuckled and shook his head. If he was gonna synch with someone crazy, might as well do it with Harley instead.

“Anyway. I should get going. I’ll be taking these guys with me then.”

“Un. See you later then.”

“Next time, bring us gifts when you visit. Preferably diamonds.”

“Here’s your goodbye kiss Cupcake! Muw-ah!?”

When Harley was about to take advantage of Lucas again, Lucas covered her face with his palm while pushing her away then left while carrying the villains.

He had been using Martian Manhunter’s mental abilities to prolong their unconscious state but it won’t last long so he had to take them somewhere.

As he left the bar, a man was idling outside while waiting for his companions who went in the bar.

He was the one known as Kiteman!

Naturally, he isn’t a big villain so he was just asked to do miscellaneous stuff like keeping watch outside.

He saw a guy walk out while carrying the bodies of his companions…The scene looked surreal. One guy holding a stack of bodies with one hand…

Kiteman gulped down and couldn’t help but ask, thinking that maybe there was something wrong with his vision.

“Are those...Joker and the rest?”

“Hell yeah.”

The next moment, he was knocked unconscious as well.

Lucas chuckled and tossed him to the stack of bodies as well and flew away while carrying them.

Lucas flew back to Mount Justice and tossed the villains to the prison in the mountain. The prison cells had built in power dampeners and also had its own isolated power grid and backup generators so as to keep the power running at all times.

After tossing out the villains inside their cells, Lucas left and went to the Watchtower to look for Flash.

He walked to the main hall and saw that everyone had gathered and there seems to be robot parts on the table.

“Lucas, you’ve arrived just in time.”

“Hm? What’s all this?”

Batman saw Lucas and smiled as he gestured to him to come over.

Lucas looked at the robot parts on the table and remembered hearing that the League was fighting some robot. This must be it.

While Lucas asked, he glanced around and saw Flash. He quickly activated his system.

Hm, it is quite high. Probably because Barry was one of the first few that I had met before.

Batman answered.

“This is AMAZO. Or rather, what’s left of him anyway.”


“Un. One of Ivo’s works. It has the ability to copy other people’s powers and abilities. It took awhile for us to defeat it.”

“Oh, kinda like me then?”

Lucas let out an amazed tone as if he was hearing about it the first time.

Batman shook his head and sighed.

“Not really...well, not completely. From what I see, you can use other people’s powers at the same time...AMAZO can only use it one at a time so it is much easier to defeat than you.”

“Can’t be helped. Lucas is a monster.”

Green Lantern shrugged while shaking his head.

The others nodded in agreement, leaving Lucas in shock.

Batman coughed and quickly got to the point.

“Anyway. We’ll be sending parts of it to different locations to study it and also to prevent it from being whole again. I want your team to deliver the parts to their destinations.”

Lucas frowned as the plot seemed similar to one of the episodes in Young Justice but also different.

“Why can’t we just use the Zeta tubes?”

“We fear whoever is behind this attack only did so to lure us out and do something.”

Superman answered.

“In other want the Young Justice to be bait?”


Superman looked awkward when Lucas pointed it out.

However, different from what they thought, Lucas nodded.

“I agree!”


“Anyway, those guys are just idling in the base so it’s nice to let them do something. If they get beaten up, I’ll punish them!”

Superman chuckled and shook his head. Inwardly, he started to pity those kids in the Young Justice…

Suddenly, Lucas remembered something and showed his phone to Batman.

“Batman! Check this out! I went to Pamela and the other’s bar when these guys showed up. Hahaha, look at Joker’s face!”


Lucas showed him the video of Joker hitting Joker while saying ‘stop hitting yourself’ repeatedly.

Unexpectedly, Batman let out a laugh but quickly stopped it when he saw the others looking at him weirdly.

He glared at Lucas and blamed him for destroying the image that he had been building up for 5 years!

Lucas laughed and quickly explained what happened.

“...So you’re saying that these guys...formed a league of their own?”

“Injustice League? Pshh, talk about not having some originality.”

Flash sneered.

Lex frowned when he heard what Lucas had said.

“Judging from what Lucas said, this...Injustice League...seems to be recruiting members to join them. To require this much people means they are planning something big. The incident earlier is definitely a part of their plan and as thought, it is probably a diversion to something else.”

“I agree. We should get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.”

Martian Manhunter nodded. Beside him, Wonder Woman sighed as well.

“The idea of our greatest enemies banding together is unsettling…”

“Where is Joker and the rest?”

Batman asked.

“I killed them.”


“Kidding. They’re locked up in Mount Justice.”


Lucas sweated. He got goosebumps just now when Batman and the others looked at him.

Batman sighed in relief and asked again.

“What do you plan on doing with them?”

“Hm? Oh, I’m gonna make them train the others.”


The rest was speechless once again.

Not only were they imprisoned, he was even planning on using them as whetstone...maybe they might even think it was better if they were dead instead?

Batman hesitated for a moment before sighing.

“Well, you know what you’re doing. Just be careful.”

“Got it.”

“That’s all then. I’ll send you the coordinates for the mission later. Get your team ready.”

“Sure. Ah, by the way.”

Lucas remembered something and quickly asked Batman.

“Did something happen between you and Selina? She seems pretty mad about you…”

“...There’s nothing.”

“Ooh! Ooh! I know about this!”

Flash raised his hands while laughing.

Batman glared at him and unleashed his killing intent.

“I dare you to say one word…”

Flash opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it as soon as he heard Batman.

Lucas shook his head and patted Batman’s shoulder.

“Bro, I know you like to be Batman and be all brooding all day, but you need to relax every once in a while. Also, help me do something about that Harley...she’s started calling me Cupcake now…”


Batman didn’t know what to say.

“...Just get your team ready.”


Just as Lucas was about to leave, he heard Wonder Woman call out to him which made him trip.

“Lucas! Remember it’s my turn tonight!”

Lucas waved at her and quickly left as he was embarrassed to stay any longer.

Back at Mount Justice, Lucas sighed.

“Sigh, why is it so hard to be handsome…?”

Kid Flash happened to be nearby and heard Lucas mutter.

He clenched his fist and really wanted to smack Lucas in the head!


By the way, as you may have noticed, I have already switched to 3rd person writing as it is getting harder to write in 1st person POV.

Dunno what to say.

See ya next chap!

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