
Chapter 32: Race

After a lot of trouble, Lucas and Caitlin were finally able to reach Earth-2 using the interdimensional extrapolator that Barry gave him.

Caitlin had come along since she said that she had something to talk to Harry, the Harrison Wells of this Earth.

Meeting Harry for the first time, Lucas was about to introduce himself when Harry gave him a side look and smiled.

“Ah, you must be the Lucas of your Earth.”


Harry continued to tinker on whatever it is he’s working with while talking.

“Every Earth always has a Lucas. Doesn’t always have the same last name or face but there is always one. 8 out of 10 Earths, Lucas would have a powerful ability granted on him by some kind of cosmic being. One has the ability to bend reality to his will, one is able to wield both light and dark powers, one became a God of Time, another became Fate himself. So!”

Harry turned to look at Lucas squarely in the eyes and asked.

“What’s special about you, Lucas?”


Lucas was completely speechless.

He wasn’t sure if this Harry was joking or not. If not...what kind of scary existence is he!?

Lucas knew himself that he also had cheat-like abilities. And according to Harry, he wasn’t the only Lucas in the multiverse to have this kind of power.

So...just who is this cosmic being that always keeps using him!?

Author: “Ahem, nothing to see here...move along…”

Before Lucas could speak, Caitlin laughed beside him.

“Apparently, he can make Batman laugh.”

Harry turned to look at Caitlin but didn’t react as she expected. Instead, his face paled as if he thought of something else.

Shaking his head, he turned back to tinkering.

“The Batman who Laughs is no laughing matter. Don’t tell that joke to anyone who knows about Earth-22.”

“What’s on Earth-22?”

“You don’t wanna know. Now, you came here because you need something, yes? What is it?”

Caitlin and Lucas looked at each other.

“Well, I’m looking for Wally. Did you see him here?”

“He went out.”




Scratching his head, Lucas could only leave as he can tell that this Harry doesn’t seem to be fond of him.

Caitlin followed him to the door and spoke to him.

“Don’t worry about what Harry said, I’m sure he’s just joking. I guess it must be a multiverse joke or something.”

“Like a joke that...there is an Earth out there where we’re all evil?”

“Yep. Fun fact, apparently, I’m evil on this Earth.”

“...That’s not really a fun fact though…”

Lucas chuckled and decided not to care about what Harry said. Anyway, he is himself. He doesn’t need to care about his doppelgangers in other worlds.

Then, Lucas remembered something and asked Caitlin.

“Is that what you’re worried with? Turning into an evil Killer Frost?”


Caitlin looked down as she does indeed fear of turning bad if she can’t control herself.

Lucas sighed and patted her shoulder.

“Well, I can’t say that I know what you’re feeling, but I do know someone who has the same struggles. Maybe if you can talk to her, you can both help each other.”

“Really? Will that work?”

“I can’t say for sure. But, all I know is that whatever power it is deep inside you both, it is still a part of you. And as long as it is a part of you, remember. You are in control.”

Lucas smiled and remembered Rachel who was also having trouble keeping her inner demons in check.

She is a lot like Caitlin in that sense.

“Well, I need to go and find Wally. I’ll come back and find you here later so we can go back together.”

“Un. Goodluck then, I hope you bring Wally back home.”

“Will do.”

Waving her goodbye, Lucas left Starlabs and flew to the skies. Using his super hearing, Lucas tried to search for Wally’s voice in the city.

There was a lot of other noise but he soon found Wally’s voice after a few minutes.

It seems he was talking to someone beside him. The other voice was feminine so it’s probably his girlfriend Jesse.

Actually, Lucas was surprised to hear that he had a girlfriend. With how he was acting with the girls in the team, Lucas thought this guy was single…

Turns out he’s a playboy wanna-be...having a girlfriend on a different Earth then flirting with girls on another Earth.

He deserves to be punished!

Of course, Lucas decided to ignore the fact that he actually slept with different women daily himself...

Wally and Jesse were sitting on top of a huge bridge while looking at the sunset. It was really romantic.

After thinking for a moment, Lucas decided not to appear immediately.

On top of the bridge, Wally was talking to his girlfriend Jesse, about what happened in their first mission.

“It’s just...I thought I could handle in and out in a matter of seconds then job done! the end, you really can’t predict what happens in a real battle.”

Jesse smiled wryly and knew about Wally’s playful and reckless attitude.

The next moment, she punched him on the shoulder angrily.

“Who told you to try and act cool in front of the ladies? Don’t think I don’t know how you keep trying to flirt with those other women!”


“Do you think you’re that Lucas you told me about? Able to sleep with different women at the same time everyday!?”


Lucas, who was listening in, was once again speechless.

Just what has this Wally been telling other people!

He deserves to be punished!

Jesse’s hands grabbed on Wally’s treasure and squeezed them hard!

Glaring at Wally, she spoke in a low and scary voice.

“If I heard you are sleeping with other women, believe me, I will chop this thing off and feed it to King Shark!”

“I-I won’t dare!”

“Hmph! You better not dare Mr. West.”

Jesse let go with a snort, making Wally sigh in relief.

Jesse ignored his sorry look and continued to look in the horizon.

“So what if you made a mistake? Are you gonna quit because of that? Are you really that weak?”


“People would always make mistakes. Even I make mistakes and sometimes, people die because of it…What matters is what you do after. Are you just going to keep making mistakes...or are you gonna man up and do something about it!?”

Wally was silent for a while before grinning.

“’re right. I can’t just keep moping around. Thanks, Jesse.”

Leaning his face close, the two kissed on top of the bridge.

After a while, Wally’s hands started to grope around which made Jesse mad as she bit on his tongue.


“We are NOT going to have sex on a bridge!”

“...Then, should we run back to a room?”

“No! I’m not going to have a pity sex with you! Go and rub yourself and reflect on your actions!”

Not minding him anymore, Jesse ran away with lightning trailing behind her.

Like Wally, Jesse was also a speedster and is known as Jesse Quick on this Earth.

Wally saw her leave and sighed.

Looking down, he thought about what Jesse said to him.

Suddenly, he heard a voice from behind.

“You better not be thinking about rubbing one out here. Otherwise, I’ll have to ask the police to arrest you for public indecency, littering, and vandalism.”

“Gah-!? L-Lucas!?”

Seeing Lucas behind him appear all of a sudden, Wally was badly frightened and he nearly jumped from the bridge.

Lucas didn’t care about his reaction and kept glaring at him.

“Here I am going to another Earth to come and get you only to know that you’ve been running your mouth on me even though I specifically told you all not to disclose any information about me…”


“And you are even flirting with other girls despite having a girlfriend on another Earth...are you not ashamed of yourself!?”

Wally was speechless.

Aren’t you even worse than me!? Do you really have the right to ask that!?

Sure enough, when it comes to differences between them, Lucas wasn’t only more handsome than he is, but also has even thicker skin than him!

After a while, Lucas sighed and turned around.

“Well? Are you going to keep staying here brooding around?”

Wally sighed as well.

“I’ll go back with you.”

Grinning, Lucas gestured to him to come over.

“Wanna race back to Starlabs?”

“Oh!? Now you're on!”

Wally was surprised at first but then started grinning and reverted back to his cheerful personality.

Lucas tossed a coin high in the air.

The two of them got in position and waited for the coin to land as if they had both agreed on it.

But before the coin landed, Lucas caught it and started running!

“Ah!? Hey! That’s cheating!”

“What? I never said we’ll start when the coin lands!”

“Damn you!!!”

The two left lightning trailing behind them as they raced.

The one in front laughed while the one behind was cursing at the one in front.

Like that, the two arrived back in Star Labs with Lucas winning and Wally losing.


Don't think further about what Harry said about the different Lucases, that's just a joke because most of my stories have the MC's name as Lucas. Though I am thinking if I should do a mash-up with all the Lucas like what they did in the Power Rangers before XD

See ya next chap!

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