Reborn as Batman's Little Brother

Chapter 50: Rebuilding Tamaran

Chapter 50: Rebuilding Tamaran


Barbara sighed as she sat on the bar counter in the Siren club.

Hearing what had happened, Pamela stood up and rushed out of the club, only to be held back by Barbara.

“What are you doing? Let me go! I’m going to join Lucas as well!”

“I know you want to fight alongside Lucas...believe me, I want to follow as well...but if we go, Earth will be vulnerable.”

“I don’t care! I’m not a Hero! I just want to be beside Lucas!”

Barbara sighed.

“They will be fighting in outer space, there’re no plants there for you to control. What can you do? You will only be a burden!”


Pamela gritted her teeth then sighed.

“I can’t just sit here doing nothing, knowing that Lucas is off to face!”

“You’re not doing nothing, okay? Look, with the rest of the leaguers gone, the Injustice League is bound to make some moves. I’d really appreciate your help, Pam…”


Seeing their conversation was over, Selina rolled her eyes.

Finally, I can drink in peace…

Then, she noticed something.

“Hm? Where’s Harley?”

As she asked that, Pamela and Barbara also looked around and didn’t see Harley.

Where did that crazy girl go?

Inside a compartment in the Justice League spaceship, a figure could be seen holding a metal bat.

“Just you wait cupcake! Harley’s gonna come get ya!”


Blackfire landed in front of the stupefied Lucas with a grin.

“What do you mean King!? I’m human!”

“Are you?”


Lucas froze. he still considered human?

It seems...not? Maybe?

Lucas had powers from different races due to synchronizing with them. Since that was the case, was he still human at all?

Blackfire didn’t know the dilemma happening in his mind as she simply laughed.

“Haha! Anyway, I don’t care. I told you before, us Tamaraneans, when we fall in love, we don’t change our minds.”

“But that was just a kiss before?”

“I do not kiss just anyone. You were the first.”

Lucas froze again.

Then...what about your sister!? She kissed me as well you know!?

Lucas opened his mouth to say this but in the end, held back and didn’t say it.

Forget it, I’m already tangled with so many or two won’t make much difference…

Lucas sighed and shook his head.

“Still, what is this about making me King? I can’t stay here.”

“...I know. But while you are here, you are the King of the Tamaraneans.”

Looking at Blackfire’s puppy dog eyes, Lucas smiled wryly and surrendered.

“Alright, fine...but I don’t know anything about ruling.”

“That’s fine. Leave that part to me! Anyway, you as the King is simply a symbol of strength for us Tamaraneans. You do not have to do anything at all!”

“Oh…” I’m like...a mascot?

Lucas chuckled at the thought and shook his head.

Whatever. Since she already said he doesn’t need to do anything, then he won’t care for it.

Speaking of which, he is already considered a God by the Olympian isn’t being a King of an alien species kind of a demotion?

While Lucas was thinking of such nonsensical stuff, Blackfire had already begun issuing orders to take care of the wounded and to rebuild their nation.

Lucas wanted to leave and take care of Darkseid but he didn’t want to leave Blackfire alone to deal with all this stuff.

Naturally, he won’t let himself be just a mascot so he did his part and helped Blackfire as well.

It took about a week to rebuild. Lucas had assisted with his powers as he controlled plants to make houses and buildings. Using heat vision to weld and cut metals. Controlling flames to forge weapons...

Overall, the image of Tamaran had changed drastically and it now looked more beautiful compared to before.

If Lucas had to compare it to something, it would be as if it had turned into a city of Elves as the houses and buildings were mostly intertwined with the trees.

Then, under Blackfire’s orders, they selected 13 warriors to which Lucas had imparted with new power. These 13 Tamareans had turned into their elite force.

“Let’s name them, the Gotei 13!”

“Hm? What’s that?”

Lucas laughed jokingly and explained to Blackfire.

Then, Blackfire nodded.

“That sounds good! Let’s go with that!”



I...I was just joking?

Before Lucas could say anything, Blackfire had already announced it to the 13 people who seemed excited with the name.

Moreover, Blackfire had new outfits made for each of them. They all wore a white coat and there was a number printed at the back using Tamaranean symbols.

Blackfire then announced them to the rest of the people about the Gotei 13. They will now be in charge of 13 divisions of their force.

She even followed some of their specifics. For example, the 2nd division was led by a Tamaranean woman who was given the power of controlling darkness. Her division is focused on scouting and assassination.

There is also the 4th division led by a kind Tamaranean doctor who was given the empathic powers. Her division is focused on healing and providing support.

There’s also the battle freak 11th division led by a Tamaranean man with Invulnerability...12th division led by a Tamareanean scientist with the Lantern’s power...7th division led by a Tamaranean man with the power to alter his size…

...In short, due to the joke Lucas had made, Blackfire had somewhat recreated the Gotei 13 of Bleach…

It had been 10 days since he arrived here in Tamaran.

Lucas no longer bothered to go out and look for Darkseid as he believed that Darkseid would come here instead.

He had killed Steppenwolf 10 days ago. Darkseid should’ve learned of this as well and is making his way here.

Even if he didn’t know, he should’ve questioned why Steppenwolf hasn’t returned or responded. In any case, Lucas didn’t need to move at all. Darkseid is coming.

Blackfire was aware of this as well so she busied herself to prepare for it.

Today, Lucas opened his eyes abruptly as he felt something approach the planet’s atmosphere.

Beside him, a beautiful naked figure rose up as well and embraced Lucas from behind.

Naturally, this was Blackfire.

Being here on this planet for more than a week, the two of them had naturally already slept together each day.

Seeing as Lucas was staring out the window, Blackfire’s face grew serious.

“What is it?”

“Something is coming. Stay here, I’ll go check it out.”

Lucas got out of bed and quickly wore his clothes.

“Is it Darkseid?”

“Not sure. But just in case, have the army ready. Remain on standby until I give the signal.”

“Okay. Be careful.”

Blackfire kissed Lucas and patted his back.

Lucas smiled and nodded.

“I will.”

With that, Lucas disappeared from the room and Blackfire dressed herself as she left the room as well.

In the next moment, Lucas reappeared in the area above the planet as he stared at the ship that appeared.

The spaceship had a sleek design and was colored black. However, it didn’t seem like Darkseid’s ship…

Lucas squinted his eyes and looked through the spaceship...but didn’t see anything. Seems like the ship was lined with lead and prevented him from seeing through it.

A door opened at the side and revealed a man in a...bat...spacesuit?

Lucas paused and sighed with a smile.

He flew towards them and entered through the open door.

Once the door closed, Batman removed his helmet.

Lucas was about to greet him laughingly but saw Batman glaring at him beneath his cowl.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself, Lucas?”

“I...uhh...Live long and prosper?”

Lucas chuckled awkwardly.

He knew he was in trouble as he had left so suddenly...but in his defense, he was gonna return soon anyway…

It’s just like hanging out in your girlfriend’s house while beating up a bully harassing her...but, you know...scaled to about a hundred-fold of proportions…

Batman’s face twitched and he started to shout.



Lucas shrunk his neck like a kid being scolded...well, it can’t be helped. It wasn’t like he was ever some kind of all-powerful being without emotions. At this moment, he is being scolded as the little brother of Batman.

Lucas also knew that Bruce was just worried for him so he just let him vent out his feelings and didn’t lash out in annoyance.

After a while, Bruce sighed and patted Lucas’ shoulder.

“’s good that you are safe.”

Lucas smiled.

“Come on, it’s not like I left without a plan.”

“You have a plan?”

“I...well, beat his ass of course!”


Batman’s face twitched again.

Lucas coughed and waved his hands.

“Anyway, how about you all land for now…”


Before Lucas could continue speaking, he was tackled by two women. both of them were wearing hard armor, it felt very uncomfortable to be squeezed by the two…

“’s good to see you two as well…”

Lucas smiled wryly then froze again when he saw the two glaring at him.

...Damn, the session isn’t over huh…?

After another round of shouting and yelling, the two of them hugged Lucas again.

Finally, Lucas separated from the two of them and coughed once more to clear his throat.

He looked over behind Batman and saw the rest of the leaguers laughing at him. Lucas felt his face turn red for a bit.

Lucas shook his head and spoke up.

“It’s good to see you all here...and I apologize for leaving so abruptly. When I heard from Koriand’r that Tamaran was about to face an attack from Darkseid’s army...I had to rush here immediately. Actually, I was thinking that after dealing with the enemy, I’ll go kick Darkseid’s ass, then come back so I didn’t bother telling you guys…”


Lucas felt glares at him again so he quickly spoke again.

“A-anyway, I’ll explain more once we land.”

Bruce sighed and nodded.

“Fine. Since we’re here anyway, let’s see the situation below.”

Hearing that, Lucas sighed in relief as well.


“Lucas’ signal hasn’t appeared yet?”

“No, your Majesty.”

Blackfire frowned as she looked up at the skies.

Her army has all woken up and armed for war. They are ready to engage in battle as soon as they see the signal.

However, there was no movement in the skies yet.

“What do we do, your Majesty?”

“...We wait. Have faith in your King’s power.”


The leaders of the Gotei 13 nodded and waited calmly beside their Queen.

After a while, a spaceship appeared in the skies, seemingly getting ready for the descent.

The soldiers readied their weapons and aimed at the ship.

Blackfire waved her hand to order them to stand down for now.

Seeing their Queen’s order, everyone lowered their weapons but remained on guard.

Slowly, the ship descended to an open area on the ground and a door popped open.

Blackfire floated forward while the leaders of the Gotei 13 followed behind her.

Then, they saw Lucas appear coming out of the ship.

Suddenly, the soldiers and the leaders knelt in one knee and bowed.

“Your Majesty!!!”


Lucas sighed. He still isn’t used to this kind of greeting…

As expected, Batman and the others were also shocked. Even more so Starfire.

“This...Lucas, why are they calling you ‘your Majesty?’”

Superman asked.

Lucas chuckled at that.

“It’s a long story…”

Starfire quickly rushed towards Blackfire and hugged her.


“Koriand’r! You are safe!”

The two sisters hugged for a while before Starfire pulled herself out and looked around.

“Sister, where is father? Also, why are they calling Lucas ‘your Majesty?’ And how come you can fly now!?”

Blackfire let out a sad smile. She didn’t answer yet and looked back at Lucas.

Lucas nodded and waved his hands at the army.

Seeing his order, the soldiers got up and saluted before dispersing away.

Blackfire smiled and spoke to Batman and the rest.

“You must be friends of Lucas. Come, this is not the place to talk.”

She turned around and walked back to the palace, leading them to a large hall.

The leaders of the Gotei 13 escorted them along the way but didn’t go inside the hall.

Having settled in the hall, Blackfire spoke first.

“Kori...our father passed away during the attack 10 days ago…”


Starfire’s eyes widened in shock

“That...that can’t be…! No…!”


Blackfire hugged her again and let Starfire cry in her arms.

Lucas sighed and continued her explanation.

“Even though I rushed here, Steppenwolf and his parademons were already attacking Tamaran. After dealing with all of them...since Komand’r is the only one left in the royal family, she was crowned Queen.”

“And you, the King.”


Diana and Mera were both staring at Lucas with half-closed eyes.

Sure enough, even on another planet, Lucas is still Lucas…

Lucas coughed again and continued.

“Ahem. Anyway, since I was already being called King by them...I stayed for a while to help rebuild the city. I figured Darkseid should know what happened as well and would come here anyway so I didn’t bother leaving and looking for him.”

“I see…”

Batman fell silent for a while then nodded.

“Alright. Then, we’ll make this planet our temporary base of operations. We will assist with dealing with Darkseid when he comes.”



Batman spoke up before Lucas could continue what he was going to say.

“You are no longer alone. We are here to fight alongside you now.”


Harley had somehow snuck aboard! XD What would happen, I wonder?

Also, Gotei 13 in the DC World XD Well, it was just a bit of fun really. lol.

See ya next chap!

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