Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

1 Death of Fourth Hokage

Outside the village called Konoha…

The nine-tailed fox is standing in front of a red-haired woman and looking at her with hateful eyes as he is looking at her because he was sealed inside of her for years and now she is binding her with Uzumaki chakra chains and beside her stood a man with yellow hair who is also looking at the fox with a serious look which made the fox even more angry as his hatred grew even more as he looked at the couple and tries to get free from the chains by force only to fail. He knows that the couple is up to no good and he doesn't want to find out what they are thinking to do next. So he is trying to struggle free from the binding of the chain and strikes the people in front of his eyes then leave far away from them.

"Minato don't use the reaper death seal, let's find another way. I am not going to make it for long. Think about our two innocent sons. What will happen to them when both you and I are gone? " the red-haired woman said to her husband while tears started to come out of her eyes as she looked at the two newborn children of hers. The little sons of her who were just born not that long ago and her husband is thinking of sealing the nine tails by sacrificing himself to protect the village. She knows she will die very soon as the Nine-Tails is no longer inside of her. She is not worried about herself but she is worried about her little innocent twin sons. what will happened to them if they have no one in this world? They will be orphan and grow up lonely without the care of parents. They will be hated by the people of the village and be called monster by everyone for having the Jinchuriki of a tailed beast. Just like how she had always been by everyone in the village.

"Kushina don't worry. They will be called heroes by the people of the village for stopping the Nine tails attack and becoming its host. I am sure they will.…. Also, I will seal some of my chakra inside them if something went wrong in the future with the seal I will be able to help them to guard against it.  " Minato said with full of confidence in his words as he is always a positive person and believes in people easily. He told his trust to his wife with confidence.

"Than also use some part of my soul as well in the sealing so when they need to master the chakra I can help them. Also, I want to tell them something when they grow up. " Kushina said with a sad sigh as she also knows there is no other way around it.

"Ok, I will do it. Also, I know your worries. Don't worry there are Jiraiya sensei and the Third Hokage they will take care of them in our place. " Minato said as he started to make hand seals.

"Alright I am going to use the last bit of my chakra in it you better make it quick because I don't know how long I will be able to hold on. " Kushina said as she forced herself to use more chakra to stop the nine tails that almost got loose from her bind.

"Reaper Death Seal," Minato said as he was done making hand seals. Before he started the main sealing process he called a frog to give it the key of the seal.

"Lord forth…. Oooooww where have you called me that's the nine tails. " the frog said getting startled after seeing the fox.

"We don't have enough time here is the seal to open the seal for the Nine-Tails. Give this to my sons when they are ready. " Minato said as he gave the key and told some important things to the frog and when the whole explanation was done the frog vanished with a puff.

"Let's do this. First I will seal the yang half inside Naruto. Get ready Kushina. " Minato said as he swings the blade of the repar to cut the nine tails in half.

"Noooo…. " when the nine tails got cut in half it shouts out then suddenly the chakra chain got loose and he moved quickly and try to strike Naruto to get back his lost half only to get blocked by Kushina as she protects her child with her own body but the sad thing is she wasn't strong enough to stop the nine tails so Minato had also joined her and the huge nail of the fox got through their belly.

"You're next Kirito. " Minato said as Kushina try to use her last amount of chakra for one last time and Minato used the last swing of his life to seal the yin half of nine tails inside his second son.

As the sealing was complete the husband and wife fall on the ground. The fourth Hokage of Konoha is no more.

Just after the nine tails vanished Sarutobi Hiruzen the third Hokage of Konoha arrived only to find out the fourth Hokage to fall on the ground as he said "Minato, Kushina. " while coming beside them.

"Lord third. " Kushina said as she had got a little life left in her body. A mother who is fighting the death itself just to see that her children are in safety. Even with a giant hole in teb stomach, she moved from under her husband beside Hiruzen.

"Kushina don't move. " Hiruzen said as he helped the red-haired girl to move a little.

"Naruto, Kirito my sons. " Kushina said while pointing at the tweens.

"Yes, they are safe. " Hiruzen said while taking her near her two sons.

"The nine tails are sealed inside of them. The Yeng half is sealed inside Naruto our elder son while the Yin half is inside Kirito his little brother. Please take care of them. Minato said they will be called heroes by the people of the village and you will take care of them. " Kushina said as she cough and little amount of blood came out of her mouth.

"Don't worry I will look after them and make sure they grow up well. " Hiruzen said as he looked at the mother who is trying her best.

"Thank you. " Kushina said as she looked at her tweens and added, "Grow up well and try to forgive mommy for leaving you alone my little angels. " as she falls on the ground lifeless with a sad smile on her face.

After she was dead several Anbu came behind Hiruzen.

"Lord third. " One of the Anbu said looking at Hiruzen and the now dead fourth Hokage.

"The fourth Hokage is no more. " Hiruzen said as he looked at the tweens on ten ritual as he picks them up on his arms.

Naruto is sleeping after all the commotion.

While in his left-hand Kirito was crying without making a sound while thinking 'My mother she died protecting me and my brother. Don't worry I will grow up well. ' as he closed his eyes but the water didn't stop coming out of his eyes.

"What about the kid? " One of the Anbu wearing dog masks asked looking at the Hokage.

"Tell everyone the kids also died in the nine tails attack…"

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