Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

100 A member of the Otsutsuki clan?


After Rescuing Temari from sure death using "Blink" twice Kirito arrived behind everyone that was in the council meeting room together with him.

"Temari you fool. " Chiyo said with a sad face looking at the place where Temari was a few minutes ago.

"Where is her body? " Baki asked looking at the place.

"Do you think after such a big explosion her body will remain? " Honoka said with a sad tone remembering the girl whom they rescued and brought here just to meet her own doom the very day she returned.

"She was so excited and happy after arriving in the village. " Hana said as she felt really sad thinking her brother is also from the same generation as Temari and stopped thinking anything further afraid of doing something wrong.

"It's fine. " While everyone is feeling sad and regret the young girl's death Izumi on the other had commented in a casual tone as if nothing big happened.

"How can you say such a thing like that? " Honoka couldn't believe that a kind girl like Izumi can speak such heartless words.

"I know that after escorting her in her village our mission end but still you shouldn't be this heartless. " Hana also felt ashamed hearing her longtime friend and teammate say such words.

"Hey, why are you acting like she is dead? " Izumi asked with a confused face looking at them then she as if she understood something and added after turning off her dojutsu "Oh right you guys didn't saw what happened clearly after that chakra ball came toward Temari? "

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"What do you mean? " Everyone asked with a confused face looking at Izumi.

At this moment Honoka suddenly asked "Where did Captain vanish? "

"This scent? " Hana turned around after smelling a familiar scent.

As she turned around everyone heard a surprised shout  "I knew it. I knew it was you. "

After hearing Temari's shout Kirito let her down on the ground to stand on her own as he thought she is alright now but still decided to ask "Are you alright? "

"Why didn't you make a move earlier? " instead of thanking him Temari demanded with an angry face.

"I am sorry but this is not our village. " Even though he didn't want to answer but still he replied while shaking his head.

"How can you say that. " Hearing his selfish words Temari got angry and suddenly hits his face with her fan.

Getting an attacked attack from Temari Kirito got really surprised but even this close range he still avoided the attack and asked with a displeased face "What do you think you are doing? "

"You? " Being not able to hit Kirito even from this close range Temari got frustrated and tried to attack him once more when she got stopped by someone.

"That is enough Temari. " Chiyo took away Temari's fan quickly before she can do anything further and apologized on her behalf looking toward Kirito  "I am sorry for this unruly Kid's behavior please don't take it to your heart. "

"It's alright. " Kirito said looking at Temari then he asked with a serious tone "Now can you give us the scroll. "

"Yes, we will give you the scroll just wait for the Kazekage to return. " Baki said with a nod.

Very soon Rasa returned with an unconscious Gaara on his shoulder and Kankuro on another hand with a worried face but upon seeing Temari he gave a rare smile and quickly he ordered the Sunagakure shinobi to give them the scroll after calculating Kirito's movement speed and the destruction of the village.

Receiving the mission completion scroll Kirito and his team decided to leave the village immediately as they know the village Shinobi are planning something bad for them.

"Summoning Great Bard King. " After getting permission from the Kazekage Honoka summoned her giant Eagle in the middle of the village left the village on its back.

Looking at the Konoha Anbu team leaving Chiyo asked with a serious tone "Do you think you could have won against that boy? "

"I can not say I would win against him for sure with his speed but I am sure I wouldn't lose against him and even if I win at the end I am not sure what will happen to the village. " Rasa said with a serious face.

"That Rabbit masked girl was an Uchiha. " Baki said with a serious face.

"Well, all in all, it was good that we didn't try to capture them. " Chiyo said with a serious face looking at the bird disappearing in the direction of the moon in the night sky.

Temari who got saved by Kirito time after time is now looking at the bird which is getting smaller by every moment with a dazed face while thinking 'He really left and I wasn't even able to thank him even once for saving my life and I even tried to attack him. '

After calming her mind she understood her mistakes and started feeling bad and the days she was with them even though she wasn't able to see their face she still had a lot of fun with them even for a little time as the bird went out from her sight she said to herself blankly looking at the moon "I will find you someday you Pervert. "

"Did you say something Temari? " Kankuro who is by her side asked after hearing her muttering something to herself with a curious face.



Wind country in the middle of the desert…

It is already a month since Saito has left the village and started searching the space-time fluctuations but he wasn't able to find anything from all over the world and this is the place in the Wind country from where he felt the most distortion so he is waiting here from the last week in the hope of finding anything.

"Was it just my miscalculation? " Saito asked himself while looking at the sky.

"That can't be right I can still feel strong space-time fluctuations from here. " Satio said while looking at the empty air just with a serious face.

After waiting for a long time he thought there might be some problem in this place and call Sadaharu here from the village as it is his duty to have the planet.

As soon as he stood up and decided to use "Hiraishin" to teleport to the village a black space opened in front of him and a white-robed young man with "Byakugan" came out of the dark space.

"A member of the Otsutsuki clan? "

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