Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

11 Shinobi food shop...


The twin's apartment…

After failing to wake up his own brother Kirito didn't have any other choice but to answer the door himself. As he knew he will have to open the door and his brother is not still too you so needs to sleep a lot he went to the door while shaking off all the laziness in him.

After opening the door with his small hand and rubbing his eyes because of just waking up a little while ago he asked the person at the other side of the door with a curious tone because of the early arrival "Who is it??? " while almost falling to sleep again but controlled himself because of the curiosity.

"Took you long enough kid. " someone said with a charming girls tone and from the tone of the voice, Kirito understood that the person who knocked the door must be a girl at her early 20s or less.

"Aaaammm!!! " A curious sound came out of Kirito's mouth all the sleepiness went out of his eyes because how curious he is after hearing the sound so he looked up to find who the girl is only to get disappointed to find she was wearing an Anbu cat musk.

"Anyway, I came to inform the two of you that Lord Hokage had sent me to inform you that from now on you can get your food from the official shinobi food stall as no one is selling anything to you two. " The cat Anbu said with a normal tone but still there was a little emotion in her tone which didn't go missing from Kirito's senses.

"I understand but I don't know where the village shinobi shop is located at. " Kirito said with a nod while feeling happy after thinking from now on the food problem could be solved.

"Don't worry about that kid. You can ask Saito sensei for that. Oh right, congratulation on becoming a student of Saito sensei kid. " The cat Anbu girl said with a cheerful tone.

"Thank you, big sister, but... " Kirito said with a smile after reviving the good news from her and thought of asking some question

"Don't mention it, kid, anyway wish you good luck bye. " finishing her word she disappeared from his sight.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something. Wait what is this….  " Kirito wanted to say something but found something in front of him

"So she left breakfast for us. " after opening the box he said with a smile as he went inside the house with the box of food in his hand. Which contain 2 bottles of milk, enough bread for them to eat and even some eggs as well.

After putting the food on the table the 3 tears old Kirito decided to wash himself up and try to practice his first jutsu which us, of course, transformation jutsu.

After he was done freshening up. He went on his bed and transformed into a bird because he wanted to see if he could fly like one after transforming.

After transforming into a bird successfully he jumped from the bed and spread his hands which are now wings by the way but instead to flying ge fall on the ground and his transformation gets undone as he said "Well that wasn't what I expected to happen. "

After trying a few more time he wasn't able to fly but still tried to continue but when he again revert back to his human form Naruto woke up from sleep and ask him with a surprise "What are you doing on the floor?"

"Nothing….. Nothing... " Kirito said with a surprise when he heard his brother and thought 'I am not going to tell you what I was doing so you can make fun of me…'

"Anyway what were those loud sounds earlier, I couldn't sleep and wake up. " Naruto asked as he was really disturbed from those loud sound of Kirito falling from the bed after transforming into a bird.

Although Kirito became a bird, he wasn't able to decrease his body weight even after becoming so small.

"What sound are you talking about brother? " Kirito asked as if he didn't know anything about it and added "Oh right about go wash up we are late for going to the park. Go wash up we will leave after breakfast. "

"Oh right. " Naruto said as he quickly went to get in the bathroom.


On the other side of the village...

Ino is going to her friend's house to play as always although she wasn't able come the previous day but today she will.

After climbing up the stairs he knocked at the door of her friend's house.

" Ino you finally came. I thought you wouldn't come just like yesterday because you got ill or something. So I was just going to visit your house when you came. " A pink-haired little girl said while opening the door with a smile.

"I am not ill Sakura. It is just that my parents made me play with Choji and Shikamaru the other day. You know we will be in a team when we grow up and become shinobi in the future. " Ino said while going out with her friend.

"Yes I know and here I was thinking that you are sick and all but it turned out you were playing with boys. So how were they? " Sakura asked with a smile as she stopped in front of Ino with a sudden push.

"That Shikamaru is lazy and that choji kid is a little fat and always eats. Though they are good so I don't know. " Ino said with a confused time as she didn't meet those two that much so she wasn't that good friend right now and Sakura is her best friend.

"So what did you play with them? " Sakura asked curiously as they proceeded onwards.

"Well, yesterday a lot of things happend. First I went to that park near the academy with them where I meet with the Fox brothers... " Ino said with a smile as she remembered about Kirito.

"What????" Sakura shout out loud all of a sudden as she heard that and looked at her friend and asked quickly "You meet with those two brothers? Don't you know they are… "

"No Sakura I don't think what the people say about them is true at all and they are nicer than what you think.  " Ino said with a serious tone as she thought about Kirito who is different than others in their age.

"What do you mean Ino? Don't you know how much worse they are? The other day I heard no one is willing to sell foods to them…"

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