Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

30 Hunting mission part 1...

After getting permission from the Hokage a small team of anbu started heading outside the village…

The team has a small kid Anbu with a fox mask with yellow and red color in it matching his hair.

His body is covered with black anbu hooded anbu gear just like everyone else in the team.

The other members are an anbu who is wearing a dog mask and the captain of the team.

The 3rd member is wearing a monkey mask and the last one is a crow mask.

"When we arrive there me and the kid will change our clothes and act like siblings while you two will be hiding in the dark for the information got it… " The dog masked anbu said while making the plan.

"Captain don't you think I will look more like a brother to him than you or crow after all he has a brother around his age while you are… " the monkey said interacting dog.

"Yes, he is right captain... " The crow said agreeing with the monkey.

"What are you guys talking do you want to say it am too old I am telling you I am still young you guys...  " The dog anbu said angrily and while thinking 'I am telling you I am not older than 20 years old so how come you say I am not young enough to act as his older brother… '

"No, No captain don't get angry on us for some reason we never said you are old we just said you are… " Tge monkey stopped for the crow ti continue.

"Yes captain what he wanted to say is thought you aren't old on the outside reading those books made you almost an uncle from inside... " The crow said with a smile.

"Yes, he is right captain… " The monkey said with a smile.

When the dog heard this insult he couldn't take it anymore and shout "Why you little... "

But before he could do anything the other two had already started running faster than usual and the monkey shouted "We are going fast captain proves us by wining that you are not an uncle… " with that they vanished from teb dogs side after a sudden laugh.

"I will get you for this you hear me… " The dog anbu said chasing behind them.

'Is this how an anbu's life supposed to be I am really surprised… ' The fox anbu kid said while flowing right behind teh dog masked anbu.

[Fox is chasing a dog, guys…]

After half a day of running, they have finally arrived in front of The Tanzaku u city from where they will start searching for the information.

After changing clothes Kakashi said you two go in first me and the kid will go through the main gate. …

"This is the last chance I am telling you, captain…" The monkey said while showing one of his fingers.

"Make sure you get the whereabouts of the new killer gang… " Without telling to his answer Kakashi said with a serious tone.

"Was there really a need for sending us for capturing a local killer gang… " Crow asked curiously.

"You don't understand the reason we were sent is that a team of chunin lead by a join failed to capture them before so this time we were sent…  " Kakashi said with a serious tone.

"They must have killed the sand team… " Monkey said with a serious tone.

"Will we need to kill them as well??? " Kirito asked surprising them.

"I don't know kid but we will try our best not to if possible. " Monkey said with a very serious tone.

"Anyway remember to come back after 3 hours at the meeting point. " Kakashi gave a sigh and said with a serious tone

After giving a simple nod, all of them disappeared from there to do their own investigations.


At the city gate…

After Kakashi and Kirito arrived in front of they got stopped by gatekeepers of the city…

"Hey, you two stop right there... "???? Said stopping them.

Currently, Kirito is using transmission jutsu to look 8 years old and turned his hair color black. As for Kakashi he only changed his hair color and wore an eye patch to cover his one eye and for his face, he is using a random samurai face that he fought a few years ago.

"What is it??? " Kakashi said while taking out his second and pointing it toward the guard.

"Why are you here??? " without minding the rude behavior of the samurai the guard asked because of all these years of experience he got used to it.

"I brought my little brother to show around and when we a arrived we decided to look around a little bit… " Kakashi said while putting his sword back.

"Tell us your name and make sure not to cause any problem, also we won't be responsible for your life. " The Gard said with a nod.

"My name is Meliodas and this is my little brother Kumagawa... " After that, they entered the city without any delaying.

As they went inside they started looking around while they were walking beside a pub they heard someone saying "You know I heard that the new murderer gang is staying inside a cave in the northern jungle… "

Hearing this Kirito looked at Kakashi who has a serious face and said "Do you think this might be... "

"We need to know more let's go inside we will order something..." Kakashi said while leading Kirito inside.

"Yes, that sounds like a plan… " Kirito and Kakashi went inside and sat behind the group from earlier.

."what do you want sir… " a young girl came and asked them for there order.

"Give me a meat soup and a bawl of raise and for my brother the same. " Kakashi said while drinking a glass of water.

"Ok, sir wait for a little while… " the girl went her way.

While giving the order they kept hearing the details.

"You know I heard they killed some Sand shinobies a month age and the Fire Lord got angry then raised the bounty to over 3 million for that gang. "????

"No way I heard one S-rank missing-nin only gets a bounty of only 500 ooo ryo than how did a new gang get so much bounty on their head. "????

"I am telling you there must be something wrong with this gang…"????

"Nah I think the lord got scared for sudden murder and raised the bounty when some shinies failed… "???

"No, actually that gang kidnapped the Lord when he was coming back from the land of snow but the shinobies from the fire temple saved him… "

"No wonder he raised so much bounty on their head…"

"That is why I want to go kill them with you guys…"

"You are crazy they even killed a shinobi team… "

"So if they did we are samurais, not some stinky ninja who hides in the shadow… so what do you think…."

"I am in... So where exactly are they currently… "

"Like I said they are in the northern jungle hiding in a cave beside the river…  "

"Is teh news trustworthy??? "

"Of course it is, after all, I myself saw them going inside and came back for reinforcement... "

By this time Kakashi and Kirito was doen eating and went out of the pub with a serious face.


Note: I want to give you news did you know Kakashi went to the land of snow around this time and rescued the princess...

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