Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

48 Escaping from Snow castle...

Author Note: Prepare for something unexpected everyone...


Land of Snow…

Above snow castle…

Fubuki upon who was almost dome killing all of the loyal guards to Sosetsu she hears Nadare's call and noticed the father-daughter duo at the corner of the castle roof.

As she confirmed their identity a cruel smile appears on her face as she says after making some hand signs from the sky "Ice Style: Swallow Snowstorm… "

With her chant, some snowbirds formed from the ice she released and went toward Kirito and everyone.

At this point, Kirito and co are discussing their next action when Sadaharu alerted everyone "Look out… "

As Sadaharu move to the front Kirito also noticed the attack but it was too late to counter but from nowhere the clone that was fighting Doto arrived and shouted "Fire style: Great Fireball Jutsu. "

With that, a fireball 10 times bigger than he usually uses got created and counter the Snowstorm and even sent Fubuki flying away.

"Doto is coming. " Clone Kirito said after concerning Fubuki.

Taking Koyuki in his hand Kirito undid the wood clone jutsu and looked at Sosetsu and said "Uncle I think you should join us and leave with us. Though we are losing today if you stay alive you might be able to fight in the future and take back what rightfully belongs to you. "

"Yes, father don't leave me alone. " Miyuki said with teary eyes.

"What about all my loyal guards. " Sosetsu said with worry and sad tone after all he is not someone who would want to leave his daughter all alone in this world but there are things more important than his own feelings.

"Leave it to me… " Kirito said while making a few hand signs then puts a hand behind Sosetsu and said "Now tell all of your loyal guards to abandon the castle and hide for now then find you as we have already lost. "

Nodding at Kirito Sosetsu said in a calm tone "Everyone of my loyal snow country soldiers listens to my words carefully. "

Though Sosetsu's words weren't that loud for everyone to hear still thanks to Kirito's help which let him amplify his tone everyone was able to hear his voice in the previous of 4 K.M and the battle came to a sudden halt because of the declaration.

When Sosetsu felt it was enough time he again started talking "I Sosetsu Kazahana the lord of snow country want you to escape here alive because if we are alive we will be able to fight another day and those who believe in me believe that we will win and take back everything again but today we git attacked from the traitor Doto and now there is no way for us to win.

So I want you to live for the snow country and live for a better future don't waste your precious life here man and escape from where you are as I will wait for you to join me and help me take back what is rightfully ours. "

With that loud cheers could be heard and every one of Sosetsu's man stated to escape and for the hope of the future.

At this time Doto came up from the brown and burning building and said loudly "you are not going anywhere. " with a cold tone and a lot of rage after a push he shouted "Nadare, Fubuki stop watching the show and attack. "

"Ice style: explosive ice storm. " Fubuki who just came back attacked.

"Wind style: Great break thought. " Nadare attacked jumping up.

"Ice Style: Black Dragon Bleazard. " Doto also attacked with them.

The combined attack is very strong but Kirito looked at Sadaharu and asked "Can you escape with all of us together. "

"Though I can counter it but considering the current situation hop on my back with everyone. " Sadaharu said while getting bigger 5 times and immediately Kakashi took hold of Sosetsu and jumped on Sadaharu's back.

On the other hand, Kirito who has Koyuki said to her "hold me tightly. "while making a couple of o hand signs.

Holding Kirito as if her life depends on it (which really does depend on it. ) she gave a slight nod.

While Kakashi is looking at the front Kirito is looking at the side of the castle and finished his hand signs "Fire style: Majestic Dragon flame jutsu. "

The moment he attacked Sadaharu also started running and the jutsu of the enemies connected with his.

At this point, Sadaharu took a long jump and went 300 meters away from the castle with everyone on his back.

Now no one knew if the long jump is the cause of Kirito's jutsu from earlier or he did it by himself but the good thing is that no one got affected from the jump.

On the other side in the castle, the castle started to burn with fire everywhere and from the collision, Doto and others went flying but since Doto has an advanced version of the armor he didn't suffer that much only got burned a little and a few scratches here and there.

Nadare's armor stopped working and from the looks, it needs to be prepared and he also broke some bones and gotten burned. The worst thing about him is that he lost his beautiful long purple hair.

And the last one Fubuki's whereabouts are unknown to everyone.

Doto is now really angry because he needs to rebuild the castle from nothing and his enemy is escaping but he still wanted to try one last time so after using all the chakra stored in the armor and he has left he attacked "Ice style: Great Avalanche… "

With that a large amount if Snow and ice started chasing towards Kirito and everyone lien surname which is made of Snow and ice.

Watching the great amount of Ice behind them Koyuki lost all her hope of leaving here alive and said with a sad tone while holding Kirito tighter with all her might " I am going to die... "  with horror in tone.

Looking at the incoming attack from behind Kirito said with a sigh while tightening his hug over Koyuki he said gently "Don't worry we will make it. " and turned around then asked "Won't we Sadaharu. "

"You bet we will kid. If small snow like that could stop me I would have died a long time ago. " Sadaharu said with a proud tone without any care in the world and running faster than before.

Giving a little nod Kirito looked at Kakashi who has a pale face from exhaustion and sweating from featuring while holding Sosetsu strongly with a pitiful face.

Looking at this Kirito asked concerned  "Senpai are you ok. "

Putting a Chakra pill in his mouth Kakashi said in a low tone "Dont worry about me lets just concentrate on escaping for now. "

"Yes. " Kirito said with a nod.

Back at the top of the burning snow castle...

Doto is looking at the cooling down avalanche with cold eyes.

"Lord Doto what do you think we should do now???  " Nadare asked while standing beside Doto with blood coming from his mouth.

"Let's go back there is no point in chasing behind them anymore. Besides, we can't any good condition as well. " Doto said looking at the ugly state that Nadare is in right now.

"Yes my lord. " Nadare flowed behind Doto down from the castle.

"Where is that failure Mizoro if he succeeded in capturing Koyuki in time…. "

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