Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

50 New mission and Summons...


Hokage office…

After Hiruzen was done explaining about the next mission Kakashi got really surprised about it of what he is going to do.

This mission is a very important one but there is a more important thing and that is the target of this mission.

"You mean the masked man that attacked our village that year is in Kirigakure and there is a possibility he might be controlling The fourth Mizukage. " Dog asked excitedly because just like Kirito he also has unimaginable hatred for this unknown masked man.

"Yes, and your mission is to capture him if he really is in control of the village from the shadows and help Mei Terumi to succeeds from the shadow as much as possible but don't interfere directly or there could be a war. " Hiruzen said with a serious tone.

"Yes I understand but is it really true that Yagura is under the control of that masked man. " Dog asked with a nod.

"Yes one of the guards of the 4rth Mizukage Yagura Karatachi saw this and got attached by Yagura himself by the order of that masked man but he escaped with enough life to tell it to Mei Terumi and the last left Ninja swordsman Chojuro after which they Rebels and the internal war started in there. " Hiruzen explained it while handing over a scroll he received from a spy.

"This explains everything but don't you think taking the kid is very dangerous. " Dog said after looking through the contains in the scroll which got Jiraiya's sign.

"I know you are worried about the masked man controlling the kid and nine tails but Saito and I discussed it and he said it is fine and I also agree because you guys are going to be going undercover and not going to show your faces. So there is no chance for him to recognize the kid. " Hiruzen said shaking his head.

"Yes you are right beside we can also use transformation jutsu above it to disguise our age. " Dog thought it shouldn't be that much of a problem.

" That is the first part of your mission but remember if you find the masked man isn't in Kirigakure abandon the mission because we don't want to intervene them anyway. " Hiruzen said with a serious tone because of the more the enemy village gets weakened the more profit they will have.

"Yes understood. " Dog nodded and went out of the room silently.


After reporting to the Anbu headquarter Kirito puts his anbu clothes inside the scroll and started walking back toward his little apartment…

While walking on the old streets of Konoha which he started liking from hating and his current home he couldn't help from having a smile while looking all around relaxedly after more than months time finally.

"Do you like this village that much kid??? " Looking at his smile Sadaharu couldn't stop from asking because he knew the smile that he saw on Kirito's face is way too familiar to him.

"Why do you think that??? "Kirito who got brought back to reality asked Sadaharu getting surprised by that sudden question because he doesn't like this hateful place at all or the people at least.

"That is because I have never seen you smile like this before when we were outside and from the moment you returned your aura completely changed it's like you feel calm and happy for some reason. " Sadaharu explained truthfully.

"I don't know actually about this issue but... " Kirito gave a push and thought of something then added "You see I might be happy because good or bad this village is my home and where I grew up being loved or hated. This might have brought a feeling of security when I am in this village. "

"This can also be a reason. " Sadaharu said with a nod because he felt Kirito didn't lie to him or this is Kirito's true feelings.

As they were walking Suddenly Saito arrived behind him and said with a smile "You have returned kid… "

The way Saito approached them was so quick and smooth that even Sadaharu wasn't able to notice him till he talked.

Getting shocked Sadaharu went defensive and crew a little bit on instinct because of Saito's sudden approach and asked with a cold tone "Who are you old man??? "

"Sensei I was looking for you. " Kirito, on the other hand, said with a smile because he also wanted to ask something to Saito.

"So you wanted to ask me something as well, ok then let's talk about it while we are on our way to the training ground. " Saito said while still ignoring Sadaharu.

"Is Naruto training right now??? " Kirito asked with a smile because he wanted to meet his brother.

"Yes he is training and you will be amazed to see he has mastered this the one with the wind part of Swift Release. " Saito said proudly.

"So currently his speed should be close to my speed with Swift Release. " Kirito asked with surprise because you must know only Saito here is as fast as him in the village and the speed is no joke to talk about.

Well at least that is what Saito told him before here is what he told Kirito <Your current speed has surpassed everyone in the village if they don't use special techniques or jutsu's.>

"You will know once you meet and I have to say if he used Swift Release you won't hold a candle against him at all. " Saito said with a mocking tone.

"We will see about it then. " Kirito said with confidence on his tone.

"So where did you pick him up from??? " Saito asked while pointing at Sadaharu at their side.

"It's a long story actually… " Kito started to explain.

After hearing everything Saito looked at Sadaharu and said while laughing "You know someone might try to capture you to seal you inside and control your Chakra??? "

"Hih let them try I am not afraid besides in teh past those two brothers fought against me and the one with Reincarnation eyes wanted to become my Jinshuriki but what was the point... " Sadaharu said with no care.

"Did you mean you fought the elder Sage and his brother??? " Saito said with amusement.

"If it wasn't for me his little brother wouldn't run off to the moon to hide huh trying to become my Jinshuriki how brave..." Sadaharu said as his eyes became golden.

"So you are the planetary Guardian that was recorded in the book. " Saito asked to confirm.

"I don't know what you are talking about but I don't know anyone who is more related with this planet. " Sadaharu said with a nod.

"No wonder you have such pure planetary Nature Chakra. " Saito said with a nod.

"If you can feel my Chakra like that you must one of those guardians of humanity just line that Sage. " Sadaharu said with a nod.

"Yes I am 16th generation and I plan to choose the kid to be the successor for the 17th generation. " Saito replied with a nod.

"Whatever as long as you and humanity don't threaten me and this planet I won't do anything. " Sadaharu said with no care after all his own existence is related with the world.

"What are you guys talking about??? " Kirito by their side felt they were talking about something important but he didn't understand.

"It's nothing important anyway do you know about Summon animals kid???" Saito said while shaking his head hearing his head.

"I know what Summon animals are besides I have even meet Fukasaku and his wife Shima in the past. " Kirito said while shaking his head.

"No, I want to ask is do you want a summoning animal. " Saito said shaking his head in defeat.

"Sure I would love to but I don't think toads are that strong. " Kirito said not feeling good about contracting tode, after all, they are too small and can't fly and he wanted something like a bard of dragons in the legend.

"What do you know kid toads are very powerful and even the Sage of Six Paths in the legends was also a toad summoner so be respected will you. " Saito said while punching Kirito on the head.

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