
Beside the forest of Death...

At the bank of a small river that is flowing from a mountain through the forest of death. This is the place where the twins were fishing together but when Kirito thought it was enough he went to look for some fruits in the forest as he left Naruto to look after the fishes which are on fire so it does not get burned. Kirito also didn't take Naruto with him because he knows there won't be any kind of danger in this place.

After Kirito left Naruto went to catch some fish for both himself and his brother to eat. Though Naruto knows that the fish they got will be enough for them to fill their stomach for lunch but what will they eat when it is time for tge dinner. Though he is not that smart, he is also not that fool to not care about their life. Though he acts like he doesn't understand ge also knows how hard his little brother tries to make their life a little better but sometimes his lack of thinking makes him do some wrong things which he regrets later. So he is trying his best to help his brother right now.

When Naruto caught 2 more fish he smiled a little as he could smell the scent of the cooked fish coming in his nose. So he went at the place where Kirito put tge fish for cooking only to find an old man eating their fish. Which made him very angry because he doesn't want to be hungry with his brother but this old man is eating their fish like his own. As he had enough of the old man he shouted angrily "What do you think you are doing old man? That is our fish. "

"Is that so but I am hungry right now? " the old man said with a sad face but continued eating.

"That doesn't give you any right to eat our fish. Hey, you are still eating our fish. " Naruto said as he felt bad when he heard the old man saying that he was also hungry like them but again got angry as soon as he saw the old man continue eating their fish.

"Hey, easy there kid. You have a lot of fishes just let me eat a little you won't lose that much if I eat some. " the old man said as he pointed at the two fish Naruto has on his net.

"Fine but you will have to wait for my brother to come back beside do you think we have met before today. " Naruto tried to remember as he looks at the old man in front of him as he thought 'This old man looks almost the same as the old man Saito sensei transformed at the academy but I know he is not the same person because if he was why would he be hungry right now'

"Fine, we will wait for your brother to come back. " the old man said as he stopped eating the fish in his hand then asked "What is your name, Kid. "

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. What is your name old man? " Naruto said while smiling at the old man.

"You can call me Grandpa Naruto but everyone in the village knows me as Sarutobi Hiruzen. " Hiruzen said as he thought Naruto would know him after he told his name so he looked at Naruto to see if he could find any changes in his interaction.

"Ok, then I will call you grams then. " Naruto said with a cheerful smile as he added "So how will you pay us when you are done eating with us? " with an inquiring smile.

"How about I took you to the Ramen shop and treat you as much as you can eat. " Hiruzen said with a smile as he also wanted to help the twin and thinking of a way to meet with them as someone not as the Hokage but in a normal way.

"Hey, Naruto whom are you talking with? " while Naruto was talking with Hiruzen while smiling he heard someone calling him. As he turned to the location of the sound he found Kirito coming towards him while a bucket with full of different kinds of fruits and museums were in it.

"I was talking with this grandpa over here but how did you find so many things that fast. I don't think we will be able to finish all of those. " Naruto said as he looked at that big Basket full of food which would be enough for them to last more than 2 to 3 days.

"I guess I was lucky but what is that old man doing here. Also, we are not going to eat all the food in this basket right away but we will eat them little by little. " Kirito said as he came beside his brother and sat while putting the basket down as he looked at Hiruzen and the half-finished fish in his hand as he looked at Naruto.

"You see this gramps was hungry as us. So I told he can eat with us but he needs to wait till you return. " Naruto thought Kirito got angry because he let his old man join them, after all, they themselves aren't able to fill their stomach properly and now he invited this old grandpa to eat with them also he didn't ask Kirito before inviting.

"It's fine you can eat with us Gramps after all my brother invited you to eat with us. " Kirito gave a sigh as he said with a cute smile as he thought inside 'What is the 3rd Hokage doing here and why would he eat with us and more importantly why would he act like he is hungry at that. Does he have some alternative objective here or something? I will just play with him now as I don't the ability to stop him anyway even if he tries to do anything against us but I will not be so merciful if he hurts me and my brother. If worst comes to worst I will unseal the nine tails and make let it lose in the village and see what they do then. ' as he smiled cruelly inside of himself.

"Thank you kid but are you sure you can eat those mushrooms and fruits. After all, you found them in the forest and they can be poisonous. " Hiruzen said as he waited for Kirito to answer after he had a right idea about the things Kirito has brought and none of them are poisonous. So he is curious about what will Kirito answer him.

"Nah… it's fine because I stole all of these things from a beast nest when it left it's your I sneaked inside and took all of its food and run quickly as soon as I was done filling my basket. As the beast was eating all of this and didn't die I am pretty sure it is safe and not poisonous for us. " Kirito said with a smile as he described how he got all of this foods.

"So that is what you meant by you were lucky when you said earlier. " Hiruzen was really shocked to hear what this kid just did to get some food as he thought 'This is is really something else. Also, he is lucky that the beast didn't catch him or else who knows what would happen to him. Also, where are those Anbu I sent to protect them? I need to punish them and I think I am going to assign Kakashi Hatake and Yūgao Uzuki as shifts though I can't make them look after the twins permanently they will do better than this Anbu's I hope. '

"The gramps also said he will start us with something called Ramen as he is eating our food. " Naruto said with a smile as he saw Kirito putting some mushrooms on the sticks to eat.

"Than I will have to thank you, gramps, for your kindness beforehand. Please eat as much as you want. " Kirito said with a smile as he looked at Hiruzen with shiny eyes as he thought 'I wanted to eat that Legendary Ichiraku ramen but because of some money problem I wasn't able to do that but I think that will be fulfilled now that Hiruzen is going to treat us to ramen, after all, he will surely take us there with his status right. '

"What a polite kid. Ok then let us eat first I am really hungry. I will take you guys at dinner after you are done playing in the park. " Hiruzen said as he also took some mushroom and put them on fire.

"Yes let's eat….."

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