Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

80 2-year time skip...


Behind the Uchiha clan area at the side of the waterfall…

Currently, A Seven years old boy is fighting against a young man who is 13 years old.

The Seven years old boy has a hair mixed of red and golden yellow color he has some whiskers like a fox and some baby fat from his childhood on his face which makes him look cuter with his deep ocean blue eyes which makes his charm even bigger.

The boy is wearing a standard Konoha jonin gear over his black T-shirt with black trousers. Yes, the boy is Kirito himself and he received the jonin gear last month after getting promotion from Chunin when he returned from his mission from the land of lightning and officially became the leader of his Anbu team.

At present, he is training with Itachi in hand to hand combat because there isn't anyone around in the village with whom he can have a spear with or he doesn't know about and the only one who he can think of is Saito who can defeat easily no the right word should be too easy and he doesn't want to get hurt every time he asks for a simple spare with that old man who doesn't gets old.

"Prepare kid I am going to get serious now because the warm-up is over now. " Itachi said with a serious tone as he jumped back and said "Sharingan" with which he activities his 3 tomoe "Sharingan" while thinking 'I can't believe I am losing to him, no wonder he became a jonin in such young age.   '

"So you decided to use your dojutsu finally. " Kirito said suddenly appearing at the right side of Itachi with a smile using flash steps and saying with a small tone while trying to kick him with his left leg.

"This won't work any more kid. " Itachi said with a smile as he stopped Kirito's kick with ease on the outside but inwardly he was shocked thinking 'Damn he is so fast I can bearly see his movement even after using my dojutsu. '

"I expected as much but don't think this is my maximum speed. " Kirito said with an approving nod because he knows how powerful Itachi's dojutsu is and the usefulness of it acter all in his own team there is also Izumi who uses "Sharingan" when needed and the most important thing is that she had even awakened the next level as well so not getting surprised he jumped backward while thinking 'I knew he will be able to see my movement but his body can bearly keep up with his vision. '

Though is right about Itachi being able to see him the thing he is wrong about is that it is not Itachi's body that can't keep up with his eyes but the eyes aren't able to predict his movements properly so his body acts let naturally.

As they continue to fight Itachi is still on guard from Kirito's attacks as he hadn't found an opening yet but  this time he thought of making one as he stopped Kirito with on hand and tried to punch with another when his hand got caught by Kirito as he said "Don't forget I also have 2 hands. "

"I knew. " Itachi said as he kicked Kirito on the stomach from below which caused him moving 2 steps behind.

"Ok, I didn't expect that. " Kirito saif with a surprise and jumped backward.

As they were preparing for the next round someone called from the side "I knew I would find you guys here. "

"You are back from the mission Shisui? " Itachi said with a smike as he turned toward the new arrival.

"Well, it wasn't that hard of a mission. " Shisui said with a smile after which as if he remembered something important and added "Oh right… I saw our little Sasuke coming this way while I was coming. "

"He might be looking for me. " Itachi said with a smile.

"You know your brother is really weird. " Kirito said from the side hearing them talking about Sasuke.

"That is really not a nice thing to say about someone you know. " Itachi said with a calm face while thunking why would someone say something like that.

"Why do you think that after all, I don't see anything weird about him but what I see is him being surrounded by girls every time I went to look after him at the Academy. " Shisui asked with a surprised tone hearing Kirito after all from his perspective Sasuke isn't anywhere near weird.

"That might not be wrong but still do you know he doesn't have a single friend in the academy. " Kirito asked with a serious tone.

"What about your brother Naruto. " Itachi asked while raising his eyebrows.

"Yes from what I saw they are really good friends with each other. " Shisui also supported Itachi's claim.

"How did you come up with that idea? " Kirito asked surprised by their replay.

"What do you mean by how did we come with that idea. Every time I go visit Sasuke he is always sitting beside Sasuke, they always argue with each other and whats more they always compete with each other. " Shisui said with a serious tone.

While Itachi just gives a nod because that is what he and Shisui always do and after so many years he is like a big brother and his best friend to him and same goes for Shisui except he thinks Itachi as his little brother.

"That is true but that doesn't mean that Naruto and Sasuke are friends with each other. " Kirito said and stopped because the next things will be his brothers secret which he doesn't want anyone to know about.

"Care to explain how that is not the same thing and how can you think they aren't friends with each other. " Itachi asked with a serious face because he didn't believe his words.

"Fine you don't need to believe it but if you want you can just go and ask anyone in the class. " Kirito said with anger because of there one-sided view.

"oh right talking about class, I am really curious why are you still attending the Academy even after becoming a Jonin when the Teachers in the academy are mostly Chunin rank. " Shisui asked with a curious tone after all no will learn from someone who is below in every aspect from you but here the thing is different.

"About that, I also asked that to Saito-sensei but he said I need to study at the Academy until I can defeat him or pass in the appointed time at the age of 12. " Kirito said with a destination tone remembering to abut what Saito said to him.

"Then good luck with your graduation from the academy. " Itachi and Shisui said at the same time because they both know in this village no one is able to make Saito serious to a fight much less defeat him.

As they were discussing a girl came down from the tree beside them and shouted "Captain the hokage called for you for and emergency mission. "

"Ok go and call Hana and Honoka while I go to talk with the old man. " Kirito said with a nod and vanished with flash steps.

"Will this mission going to become long? " Itachi asked Izumi who is left behind.

"I don't know? " Izumi said with a smile then added teasingly "Are you worried about me that much? "

"Why wouldn't I be worried about my girlfriend? " Itachi asked with a serious face.

"How sweet of you Itachi-kun? " Izumi said as she came close to Itachi.

"You know I talked with mother. " Itachi said while cherishing her face gently.

"What did she say? " Izumi asked with a smile hearing.

"She wants to meet you. " Itachi said with a smile.

"Ok, let's do it after I return from this mission. " Izumi said with a small tone and prepared to kiss Itachi.

"Stop right there I can't take it anymore. " Shisui shouted angrily watching them ignoring him and flattering with each other right in front of him who is much older than them.

"What is it Shisui? " Itachi asked with a confused tone.

"Don't tell me you are jealous of Itachi because of not having a girlfriend? " Izumi said with a smile.

"No, I am not. " Shisui said with a red face from anger.

"Anyway wait for me and be sure to not do anything stupid when I am gone. " Izumi said with a smile after kissing Itachi on the chick and leaving them behind.

"You also try to be careful out there. " Itachi said with a smile while rubbing on the place where Izumi kissed earlier.

"I don't like her but I must agree you two look good together. " Shisui said with a smile rubbing the back of his head.

'I really don't know what to say. ' after thinking Itachi. looked at Shisui and said "Thank you I guess. "

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"It's fine. " Shisui said shaking bis head as he added "Let's have a dual to see how much you have improved? "

"Yes. " with that they started their fight.

After some time Shisui is breathing heavily "alright that's enough. "

"Yes, I also feel tired right now. " Itachi said with a nod as he sat beside Shisui.

"Man you have really improved from last time huh, I can't believe ai lost against you. " Shisui said with a smile.

"You were holding back. " Itachi said with a smile.

"Well you were doing the same so I know when Isay I lose I lose because I know how much I can compete against you.  " Shisui said with a smile while Itachi remains silent because he was indeed holding back though he doesn't know if he would have been able to win against him or not but still there is a high chance of that after all unlike Kirito Shisui is so much easier to fight with and keep up.

"Anyway, he didn't clear why he thinks little Sasuke is weird. " Itachi asked with a serious tone.

"Maybe the reason is Sasuke doesn't talk with other students that much and remains acts too serious all the time when he is at the Academy just like someone I know and he comes back home immediately after the classes are over without paying any attention the kids of his own age and… " Shisui said with a smile.

"Ok, I understand that is enough you don't have to say anymore. " Itachi said with an angry tone hearing all the things that he thought isn't that weird but from the looks of everything, it seems kind of weird now and thought 'I guess I have to talk to him about this issue. '

"Big brother, what are you two doing? " Suddenly little Sasuke cane out from behind the trees and asked with a shout when he saw his cool and amazing big brother sitting with Shisui whom he doesn't like at all.

"We were fighting earlier. " Shisui said with a smile.

"Who won was it you big brother? "  Sasuke asked with a smile looking at his big brother with shining eyes.


At the same time in the Hokage office…

Kirito after hearing all the information from Hiruzen asked with a serious tone.

"So it a rescue mission of Kazekage's daughter an I, right? " Kirito asked with a serious tone.

"Yes and the Kazekage requested to it personally and he also said as owe allies we should help each other in the time of need. " Hiruzen said with a serious tone.

"That is good and all but why do we need to ally them, after all, we are stronger than them. " Kirito asked with a serious face.

"We can discuss that later. Now hurry up and go to Sunagakure as every second count. " Hiruzen said with a serious tone....

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