Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

82 Rescue Mission 3...

Beside a River….

After leaving the village Fox and his team started moving with great speed throughout the vast forest surrounding the village.

"Captain where are we going? " Wolf asked flowing closely behind Fox.

"You see the path leads directly to the fire capital from where that kid got kidnapped so I think it will be best if we start from there. " Fox replied with a serious tone and accelerated further.

"Shouldn't the Fire temple be tge ones to guard and protect the fire capital? " Dragon asked with a serious tone looking at the back of her captain.

"That doesn't matter anymore now stop talking and move faster.  " without turning back at his team fox replied and indicated for them moving faster.



After parting with Shisui the Uchiha brother duo started going toward their home while talking happily.

"Elder brother, who was that girl before? " Little Sasuke asked from the back of his elder brother.

"Who are you talking about? " Itachi asked with a small smile after a push.

"I am talking about the big sister with long hair whom you were sitting beside the large Lake the other day. " Little Sasuke replied with a nod.

"Why do you ask? " Itachi again asked without replying with a smile after nodding his head lightly remembering something.

"I am just curious. " Little Sasuke said with a curious face then he added "Tell me.  Tell me. " again and again.

"She is your sister in law. " Itachi replied without any hesitation.

"No way it can't be... " Little Sasuke said with a shocked voice and his eyes opened wide from the sudden surprise.

"Why you don't like her? " Itachi asked with a small smile.

"I… "


Fire capital…

After running through the forests and some trees Konoha Anbu team finally arrived at the gate of fire capital.

"There is something wrong here. " Rabbit said looking at the gate from afar.

"Don't you think the gate is over guarded for some reason even Konoha isn't this much guarded or is it because Of that incident? " Dragon said with doubt as this is her first time here so she didn't know anything about this place and tried to ask her captain's opinion.

"That can't be the only reason anyway we will know soon enough. Let's go. " Fox said indicating for them to not waste any more time in useless talking and quickly they arrived at the gate where some fire temple's monks/shinobis were checking everyone with a serious face.

"You guys finally arrived. " Upon seeing them one of the monks received them quickly with a grim expression.

"What took you so long. " another monk who isn't pleased with them for some reason said with while looking at the anbu team with some hostility.

Ignoring the pointless talking Fox went forward to asked the important thing directly "What is the current situation here? "

"Flow me inside the Daimyo will explain everything himself and you will also understand why this place is so tense suddenly once we are there?  " with a serious face the monk lead Konoha anbu team and when they arrived inside the fire lords castle to know the details about the current situation got startled by the things they saw inside.

"Why is the Daimyo's wife crying so loudly? " Dragon asked from outside the door as bad permission.

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"I think that cat will die.  " Rabbit said looking at the white cat in Daimyo's wife's hand which is getting crashed for no reason.

"Why are they acting so bizarrely it's not their daughter that got kidnapped but Kazekage's. " Wolf said shaking her head looking at the  Hi no Kuni Daimyo who is walking from left to right and right to left inside the room with an impatient look on his face.

"Lord Daimyo The Konoha Anbu team is here. " The Monk said and left the team behind with the Daimyo to wait outside the room.

"You guys finally now quickly find my Daughter and bring her back. " Before the Daimyo can talk his wife shouted at Konoha Anbu team upon finding them.

"You mean Kazikage's daughter right. " Wolf corrected her.

"Who cares about that girl just find my Shizuka-chan. " Daimyo's wife added with a serious tone.

"Can you explain what you are talking about because we are really confused here. " Rabbit asked with a serious tone after all they were sent here to rescue the Kazekage's daughter.

"It's like this. " Stopping his wife Daimyo started explaining everything.

"This complicates things. " Fox said with a grim tone after hearing everything from the Fire Daimyo.


It was around 7-8 hours ago the fire Daimyo sent the message to Konoha asking for the Hokage for sending some Shinobi's for helping them find the daughter of Kazekage after which he returned home just to find his own daughter also missing as well from home but still he didn't think of anything and asked the temple shinobies to search for his daughter.

After a thorough search, there were no signs of his daughter in the city and she is still missing and the rest is history.

End of Flashback…

"Can we lead us to where you last saw your daughter and Kazekage's daughter? " Wolf said after receiving a nod from her Captain.

"Flow us this way. " The Daimyo said while getting out of the room and leading them toward the hallway.

Looking at the Hallway Dragon said with a serious tone "Is this where the Princesses birthday party was held? "

"Yes this is the place where the birthday party was held and most of the other Daimyo's from other countries with their family attended the party but when we heard the shout of Kazekage's daughter we went looking for her and found her missing from the toilet. " Daimyo said with a serious tone.

"So she got kidnapped from there when she was alone. " Fox said with a nod then looked at the Daimyo to ask "What about Lady Shizuka? "

"Well at that time she was fine and was with us but because of the sudden kidnapping incident, we had to cancel the party which made her really upset so she went back to her room without eating and closed the door of her room.  " Daimyo's wife said with a grim tone.

"Then? "

"Then when I was done with requesting your village I went to call her so she can eat something but after a long time, she wasn't answering my call. " Daimyo.

"So that is the time you guys found she was also missing right. " Rabbit asked looking at the duo.

"Yes, that is what happened. " Daimyo said with a nod.

"Alright, we get it. " Fox gave a nod and turned toward Wolf to ask "Do you think you can find their trails. "

"Do you have anything of the two girls. " Wolf asked the Daimyo.

"Yes, this is the hair ribbon of Shizuka. " Daimyo's wife hurriedly gave a blue-colored hair ribbon.

"That fan over there was with Kazikage's daughter when she arrived here.  " Daimyo said while pointing toward a table by which side the fan was located.

"Alright let me take a look.  " Wolf said talking teh Ribbon and hair-ribbon.

While Wolf is busy with instructing her dogs the team started inquiring about something they are curious about.

"Where are the Shinobies that came with Kazekage's Daughter? " Fox

"They left immediately after learning that the Kazekage's daughter is missing. " Daimyo said with a simple tone.


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