Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

90 Ok, I have decided...

Land of river…

After locating his target Kakuzu made up his mind to chase after his target but suddenly he saw the guy who stole his hostage jumping from the forest.

"It's you. " Kakuzu shouted angrily as black strings like things started coming out from his body and the devils above his head also started emitting chakra as if they are going to attack.

"You are not going after them. " Kirito said in an attractive tone and took out his small blade from his back and went toward Kakuzu while dealing all of his strings attacks with his sword which is covered with his chakra.

"Stop out of my way. " Kakuzu shouted angrily looking at his target going farther away from his sight and jumped behind "Lightning wind storm. "

"Where are you attacking? " Kirito using 'Blink' went behind Kakuzu and stabbed in the heart with lightning style chakra infused in his sword taking advantage of Kakuzu's attack.

"When? " Kakuzu who got stabbed not understanding what happened to fall on the ground without moving.

"Is it over? " Kirito after returning on his previous place asked with a serious face while looking at the motionless body of Kakuzu on the ground.

As Kakuzu didn't make a move after falling on the ground he decided to help others on his team but then he saw the demons which were floating in air moving toward Kakuzu and one of them went back inside Kakuzu's body and using his dojutsu he clearly saw the process of the heart getting replaced which shocked Kirito greatly "No way those things are like his extra life. "

Before this time Kirito can make a move 2 devils attacked together again this time with joint fire and wind vortex while the 3rd one flew above his head toward The Eagle far away.

"Multiple Shadow clone Jutsu. " Kirito left his clones behind 5 shadow clones and went toward the demon which just passed from his side "Blink"

"Lightning Style: Black Lighting storm. " With that shout, Kirito appeared above the demon and stabbed its fave mask with the black lighting on his hand.

After dealing with the Demon he returned just to find the other two demons are also finished by his clones and together with his clone he went near Kakuzu and destroyed the last remaining heart with brought force.

"We are also done. " When he wanted to help his teammates Hana and Izumi arrived behind him.

"You guys escort Lady Shizuka meanwhile I am going to find Timari. " Kirito said as they went toward the eagle.

After the Konoha Anbu team left the scene Kakuzu who lost brutally stood up with a great effort when the Bald man who has a broken leg and lost one of the eyes came beside Kakuzu and asked "Mr, Kakuzu they were... "

As soon as Kakuzu saw the man coming near him he stabbed the man without hesitation and took out the heart and put it in his own body while saying "I need to save myself first sorry. "

And while still placing the heart in his body he left the place toward Rain village.


Fire country…

After a few hours, the Konoha anbu team finally entered back in the fire country with Shizuka.

"Why do you want to go to Grass village alone? " Izumi asked with a serious tone.

"That way it will be fast beside we also need to send Lady Shizuka back home.." Kirito said looking at Shizuka who is looking at him curiously sitting on the back of the Eagle.

"No that might become too risky for you going there alone. " Hana shook her head and denied to let Kirito go alone.

"Ok Wolf and Dragon take Lady Shizuka back to Konoha and Rabbit can come with me. " After thinking for a while Kirito decides to take Izumi with him as she is alone unlike Hana who also has her dogs and at the same time Honoka needed to control the Bird King to return home.

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"Ok, we will do that but don't worry we will catch up immediately after dropping her back in the village. " Hana said with a serious face.

"Ok let's hurry. " Kirito said then added "Light Earth. " while touching Izumi then warped her with some chakra strings to fly toward the grass village.

While Hana and Honoka went toward Konoha with Shizuka on the back of the Eagle.


Above the giant Eagle...

The things that are happening with Shizuka is like a dream to her as the daughter of the Fire Lord always gets whatever she wants and in her life, she had never gone through any hardship but this time on her birthday things one after another happening with her like dreams which she couldn't even imagine in her life.

After getting kidnapped by the bad people she felt helplessness like never before in her life and after a few days she understood no one among her father's guards or worries back in the castle are a match for the guys that kidnapped her.

At that point, she had lost all her hopes and decided to give up this life in despair but when she woke up after sleeping she discovered herself in the arms of a boy with a fox make and Konoha no Sato mark on his mask and the hope of light shined in her eyes but before she can even talk with the boy he had already left her and looking at his back she thought 'He seems to be really desperate to save Timari. '

"Don't worry Lady Shizuka you won't fall from here we are with you. " Hana who saw Shizuka looking at Kirito's direction with a worried face and said to treasure her.

"Is that kid really the strongest among all of you. " Shizuka asked about turning her head.

"I am afraid so. " Honoka said with a worried tone.

"And he might be even younger than me? " Shizuka asked with a serious face.

"Yes, he is.." Hana said with a nod.

"Ok, I have decided. " After thinking for a while Shizuka made up her mind.

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