
After eating their lunch in the afternoon Kirito and his team were asked to accompany the members of the jonin council for some questions about the rescue operation and after that, they promised to give them the mission fulfillment scroll to the Konoha Anbu team.

Council members meeting room...

"Can you tell us how did you guys know where Lady Temari was? " Baki a council member and also a wind style user Sunagakure shinobi the man who teaches Temari basics about wind element asked looking at the Konoha Anbu team whose face is unknown to them because of the rules.

The reason for asking this question first is because Temari explained to them the way the Konoha Anbu came in Kusakagure with absolute information of her being in that village and the council members were surer that they knew about her being there, after hearing they even stayed in that village and waited for the rest of their team members after rescuing Temari with a relaxing manner as if they got free from all worry.

Hearing the inquiry of Sunagakure council member everyone in the Konoha Anbu team looked at their young team leader Kirito as he was the one who found out the information and told them Temari was in the Kusagakura and went there without wasting any time.

Noticing everyone looking at him instead of explaining Kirito asked with a calm tone "I think you all know that the daughter of our Fire country's Daimyo also got kidnapped at the same time as your lady Temari right?  "

"Yes we got that information and from what we know they mistook Lady Temari for Lady Shizuka and kidnapped her first but once they understood they got the wrong person they also kidnapped her. " Chiyo who was listening by Baki's side replied with a nod hearing that question.

"No, they didn't kidnap mistake Lady Temari by mistake but making proper planning. " Hearing the old Lady's comment Kirito replied shaking his head.

"With proper planning? " Chiyo felt that the kidnapping incident wasn't as simple as they expected thinking to this point her face went serious as she asked "If that was the case what was their motive behind the kidnapping? "

"War. " Kirito replied with a serious tone making the atmosphere of the room turning cold for some unknown reason.

Hearing the unexpected answer from his mouth everyone went silent and no one spoke for sometime when the Sunagakure members started feeling they were getting trapped in someone's plan while the members of the Konoha Anbu team started feeling worried because except for Kirito all of them had seen the dark side of war when they were young.

Calming his mind after not speaking for a few minutes Baki decided to ask as no one is talking and the silent environment of the room is making him uncomfortable "What does kidnapping them have anything to do with war? "

"Are you really asking me this? " Kirito asked with a serious tone but receiving an expressionless serious face Kirito decided to explain "You see by kidnapping them they wanted to make the fire country and the wind country against one another. "

"What will they gain from it? " Chiyo asked not believing his words.

"They are terrorists and don't care about anything else. " Kirito replied shaking his head then adding "They also wanted to ask they two nations for ransom ones the war began. "

"And how were they planning of making us going in a war? " Chiyo asked with a smile.

"Well that is very simple after losing their daughter both countries would accuse one another and the end result will be war with time and besides they could also kill a girl and send their dead body to make the other party guilty. " Kirito replied to her.

"What if we still resolved it with words? " Chiyo asked with a cunning smile trying to make Kirito admit that he is not telling the truth.

"Is that even possible after all we are shinobi besides you were already planning for war with us before we even arrive in your village. " Kirito replied with a cold tone while getting prepared for any kind of offensive actions from Sunagakure shinobi.

Hearing Kirito's word the Sunagakure council members felt the kid isn't simple as he has already seen through them so they decided to divert the question for now and taking action when every question got answers "You still hadn't answered us how you know where Lady Temari was? "

"As I said earlier we also needed to rescue Lady Shizuka and... " after not getting attacked by the Sunagakure shinobies Kirito continued to explain because as a shinobi even in danger he needed to complete his mission.

"So you are telling us you heard of the information of Temari's whereabouts while rescuing Lady Shizuka? " Rasa asked with a curious face.

"Yes, I used a special jutsu to sneak in the enemy cave and got the information while waiting for a perfect chance. " Kirito replied with a nod.

"What was the name of the leader of the enemy group who kidnapped the girls? " Baki asked with a curious face.

"When I was waiting for the perfect chance they called him Mr. Kukazu. " Kirito answered without any hesitation because he didn't feel it is important information as he had already killed the person.

"Kukazu. " Chiyo and Baki shouted the name at the same time with a serious face.

"Do you guys know anything about him? " looking at their reaction Rasa asked with a surprised face.

Without explaining caring for Rasa's inquiry Baki as he Kirito for more details " Can you explain more about him? "

"Sure. " Kirito replied with a nod and started explaining.

"Are you sure he had 5 hearts? " Chiyo asked with a serious face.

"Yes. " Kirito replied with a serious nod.

"It must be him. " Baki said to Chiyo with a serious face

"Yes for the explanation he meets with the features of that man. " Chiyo also agreed with Baki.

"Who are you talking about? " Rasa got really curious.

"It was the man who went to assassinate the First Hokage of Konohagakure. " Baki and Chiyo said at the same time.

Hearing her answer Rasa sucked a cold breath and asked with a serious face "Tried to assassinate the man known as a god of the shinobies. "

"Yes, that is exactly him. " Baki replied with a serious face.


As if an agreement to his words a loud sound of an explosion came from outside in their ear and the ground started moving like an earthquake just started

"What was that sound? " Honoka asked getting surprised by the sudden noise.




Accompanied by Honoka's question, another round of explosion started outside then the sound of screams and shouts for help started coming from outside the room.

"What happend? "Hana asked with a serious tone when she saw her dogs trembling in fear.

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Everyone in the room stood up and went out of the room just to find a huge sand Raccoon storming the village.

Looking at the way the Raccoon destroying the village Rasa's face went dark as he thought Yashamaru failed his mission and using golden dust he floated toward while shouting "Gaaraa~"

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