Reborn As Saitama In MHA

Chapter 10 - Normal day in class

"Well, so much for number 1," Todoroki muttered, only to narrow his eyes once more as he saw Hiroto walk through the ice, breaking them all apart with batting an eye.

Flexing his body a bit, all the ice that hugged his body shattered and scattered all over the ground.

"Hah!" From behind, Shoji launched himself and sent a kick towards Hiroto, connecting with his head and causing him to slide along the ice towards the side of the room, with him still standing completely upright and unharmed.

'From here, they shouldn't be able to see the core…' Hiroto thought, as he made sure that both Shoji and Todoroki kept their focus on him.

"Ow! What is his head made of?" Shoji shouted in pain as he clutched his right leg.

"Man, this ice is really slippery," Hiroto said as he attempted to walk on the icy surface. Crouching down, he raised a finger and struck into the icy floor, shattering all of the ice in an instant, causing some loose ice to strike both Todoroki and Shoji at the same time as they tried to defend themselves.

"Let's see you deal with this," Todoroki said, as he raised both his hands and was just about to wave it forward until Hiroto suddenly appeared right in front of him.

Raising his hand, he brought his middle finger back, he flicked it onto Todoroki's head, sending him flying back and crashing into a pillar, knocking him out instantly.

"T-This isn't good," Shoji muttered, getting ready to defend against Hiroto.


"What?!" Shoji shouted, as he turned and saw Momo standing there next to the core with boots that were specially designed to walk on ice with spikes underneath them.

As the two teams returned back to the monitor room, All Might then announced that the MVP in the match belonged to Momo.

"Do you know why that is the case?" All Might asked the students, wanting to see how far they were able to analyze the situation.

Tenya adopted a thoughtful look on his face and said, "Hiroto was there solely as a distraction, drawing both Todoroki and Shoji's attention away from the core, while Yaoyorozu would then sneak in and capture the core in the end."

"Correct! Although Hiroto was able to keep both Todoroki and Shoji occupied, incapacitating young Todoroki as well, Miss Yaoyorozu stuck with the main objective, the capture of the core. And once the core has been secured, the Hero team will thus win." All Might said with a nod.

"But, without Hiroto, the plan wouldn't have worked out," Sero said.

"It is true, but this is a team exercise. In a real situation, nobody would be getting awards such as MVP, well, there have been some who did it but those were mainly just between each other." All Might said, going off on a tangent a bit before coughing and concluding.

"Well, since that was our last group to battle it out, this marks the end of our combat training! Good work, everyone!" All Might announcement with a wide grin. "Apart from young Midoriya and Todoroki, there were no big injuries!

I hope you all remember this exercise and try to gain as much as you can. Now then, I'm going to share that critique from earlier with young Midoriya! Change clothes and return to the classroom!"

Todoroki, after having recovered from a concussion from Hiroto's flick, was skulking in the corner, seeming to be in deep thought about something.

With that, All Might sprinted off into the distance. At the front of the group, Hiroto glanced back at Todoroki, who hasn't said a single thing ever since their 'fight'.

'His pride might be hurt, but this should give him the extra push, I think.' Hiroto thought as the class regrouped back at the classroom after changing into their uniforms.

Since the combat training lasted for the whole afternoon, by the time that Izuku got back they were free to leave.

Walking up to Izuku, Hiroto handed a banana to him, telling him to get well soon before leaving.

With almost everyone having left the school, Hiroto was intercepted by Mina and Eijiro. "Hey, Hiroto! You're also headed to the station? Let's go together!"

Hiroto thought for a moment. 'The only notable thing that would happen now is Izuku and Katsuki confronting each other and showing off their resolve… After screaming at one another. Other than that, I guess there's not much to do.'

Hiroto nodded and left with the duo, standing in between the pink-haired Mina and the red-haired Eijiro. "Say, Hiroto. You know how you're crazy strong, right?" Eijiro asked him.

Hiroto just nodded as he continued, "So, why didn't you just fight against Shoji and Todoroki directly? From what we saw in the monitoring room, you never actually retaliated back when they attacked you."

"He's right, you just stood there and took the hits and only attacked Todoroki with that flick of yours." Mina added.

"Well, it's not like I really had to fight them directly. The plan was just to distract them long enough for Momo to get to the core and capture it." Hiroto simply answered.

"Wouldn't it be faster to just beat them down?" Mina asked him as she tilted her head.

"No," Hiroto answered, leaving the two dumbfounded. After a few seconds, he said, "My hero costume hasn't been fully worn in yet. It would've been too uncomfortable for me until I fully got used to it."

"... Seriously.?" Eijiro asked with a dumbfounded look, as the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Pfft, hahaha!" Mina laughed as she held her stomach. "Of-Of all the reasons… it just had to be the silliest one of all!"

The trio continued chatting until they parted ways, with Hiroto talking to his parents for a bit before playing some games and heading off to bed.


The day after the combat training, Hiroto was headed to U.A. High School with Katsuki in tow. He managed to calm down since his fight with Izuku, no longer shouting as much as before. Well, just a little bit, but an improvement.

As they were about to reach the gate of U.A. High School, a large crowd of people were blocking the entrance, pushing cameras and microphones into students' faces.

"Tsk, what the fuċk are they doing," Katsuki grumbled as he barged forward. The moment the reporters saw his uniform they charged forward, bombarding him with numerous questions.

"What do you think of All Might? Wait?! Aren't you the kid from the sludge guy incident?!" One of the reporters recognized who Katsuki was, garnering a scowl from him.

"Drop it." He growled with clenched teeth.

From behind Hiroto was about to walk forward but was then blocked by a female reporter. "Can't you please at least tell us what All Might is like as a teacher?"

Before he could say anything, someone whispered into her ear as her eyes gleamed, quickly saying.

"It must be tough for you, having to fight a battle against cancer. Would you say that you were inspired by All Might, causing you to want to become a Hero yourself in the hopes of inspiring countless other kids who are fighting the same battles as you?" The female reporter quickly said, her eyes practically lighting up at the thought of getting a quick side scoop.

Trying to control his anger, Hiroto turned to the reporter and shouted, "I'm just naturally bald, stop bothering me!"

Caught off guard, the reporter backed off as Hiroto stormed past the gate. The reporter tried to follow him but the gate quickly slammed shut, stopping her from entering since she didn't have a student ID on her.

Inside class 1-A, everyone was still a bit on edge due to the reporters all swarming them. Hiroto in particular was in a bad mood, as he grumbled, "What's wrong with being bald? At least I don't have to waste money on shampoo, unlike you plebs."

Mina turned back to Eijiro and asked him what's wrong with Hiroto. Whispering to her, Eijiro told her what happened, causing her to bȧrėly be able to hold her laugh in as she started to tear up.

"Alright alright, settle down everyone." Aizawa said with his usual tired voice as he entered the classroom. "I hope you're all rested from yesterday's combat trial. I took the liberty of looking at your marks and evaluation."

He then told some people what they needed to work on, such as Katsuki's anger issues and Izuku's tendency of destroying his body to use his powers.

Turning to Hiroto last, he said, "Well… put more spirit into your actions."

'That's it?' Everyone thought, as Aizawa ignored the class's reaction and continued addressing everyone.

"Now, let's get on with the homeroom notices… it might be sudden to spring this on you all but, we need to pick a class president."

'Finally something school-like!' Everyone inwardly shouted.

Everyone raised their hands all at once, jumping forward and shouting out,

"Ohh! Ohh! I wanna be class president!! Pick me!!"

"I wanna do it too."

*twinkle "Oh, you mean the position for me?"

"That's like a leader position!! I'll do it! Me, me!!"

In the end, Tenya interrupted everyone and decided to implement a voting system, where people would vote for those they believed should be the class president.

Hiroto was off in his own little world. 'That just sounds like too much trouble, this whole class president business.. Having to be in charge of the class and being responsible for them. *shiver*'

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