Reborn As Saitama In MHA

Chapter 14 - Assault on Class 1-A

A black swirl appeared in front of the fountain in the central plaza, slowly expanding in size.

A hand stretched out from the swirl, along with the head of a man who had a hand holding and hiding his face, only exposing his bloodshot eyes.

"Huddle together and don't move!!" Aizawa shouted, getting the students to group behind him and Thirteen.

"What is that? Is this part of the training?" Eijiro asked as he saw more and more people swarm out of the black swirl.

"Nobody move! Those are Villains!!" Aizawa shouted.

"Sensei! What about the intruder alarm sensors?!" Momo asked Thirteen.

"Of course we have some setup, but..." Thirteen wasn't sure as to why they weren't alerted to Villains breaching the campus.

As the students stared at the villains swarming out of the gate, Hiroto walked over to the balcony and watched over the situation. He could see the emo guy standing there next to the big penguin looking monster that had its brain exposed.

Aizawa grabbed Hiroto and said, "Get back, nobody is allowed to approach the Villains, you all need to stick together until reinforcements arrive. Do not do anything rash!"

"Are you going to just let us stay here while you fight alone?! That's crazy!" Eijiro shouted out.

"Even if you suppress all of their quirks, there's so many of them! Your battle style is to capture villains after erasing their quirks. But there are just so many..." Izuku said but was interrupted by Aizawa who put on his goggles.

"A hero always has more than one trick up their sleeves!" Aizawa said, turning to Thirteen. "I'm counting on you, protect the kids!" Before jumping down and using the scarf around his neck as a weapon, entangling people and smashing them together left and right.

'I should probably go help Aizawa out, but then there's the rest of the class. That black fog guy... what was his name again? He's going to teleport everyone to different locations. I should try and stop him first if I see him.' Hiroto thought, keeping an attentive look at his surroundings. 'Aizawa should be fine for now anyway, it's only before All Might arrives is when he starts getting into trouble.'

At the central plaza, the emo guy, stood there scratching his neck as he muttered, "God, pro Heroes are such a pain. If we were just any rabble, we wound't stand a chance."

"We need to evacuate!" Tenya shouted as he tried to lead the group towards the emergency exit.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that." A black fog suddenly appeared in front of everyone, stopping them from leaving as Thirteen put the students behind her.

"Greetings. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves into the home of the Heroes, U.A. High School in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath." Kurogiri began his monologue, while Hiroto approached Todoroki from behind and whispered to him.

"Hey, I'm going to take care of this guy, so look after the others, alright? Ok, Thanks." Hiroto said, not waiting for Todoroki's answer, who wanted to say something but didn't get the chance.

"I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is nei-" Before he could finish, Hiroto walked past Thirteen and stood in front of the black fog man.

"Ah, this is taking too long. Look, if you surrender right now I'll make sure that you won't be too hurt." Hiroto said, causing the surrounding area to turn silent.

"This isn't the time for you to be reckless!" Thirteen cried out grabbing Hiroto's arm and tried to pull him back, but wasn't able to as Hiroto stood there, not budging one bit.

"Hoh, I guess such an attitude is to be expected from the 'golden eggs' of U.A. However, I don't have time to play with you, I'll leave that to the others!" Kurogiri said, as his fog started to spread out and surround the students.

'If the hulk could do it, then so can I,' Hiroto thought, thinking back to the marvel comics he read in his past life.


A large amount of air was then discharged outwards, pushing the black fog away from everyone as the black fog man was sent flying back down to the fountain, crashing into it.

"What?!" Emo guy shouted as he saw his taxi service laying in the water, struggling to get up. "What the hell happened? Was it All Might?!"

Kurogiri slowly got up, stumbling a few times as he said, "No. It was... one of the students..."

Shigaraki scratched his neck even faster, mumbling, "What the hell? You were sent flying just by a kid? Just how useless are you? Argh!"

Back with Hiroto and the others, Thirteen looked towards Hiroto, and before she could say anything Hiroto interrupted her.

"You guys stay here, I'm gonna go down and help out Aizawa sensei. See ya. Oh, Momo, take charge for me, you're vice president after all." He then leaped down the steps towards the horde of Villains, but then shouted back at the group, "Oh yeah! There's a bunch of Villains scattered around the area! Watch out!"

"What the hell?! Where does he think he's going?!" Katsuki shouted as he barged past the other students and jumped down the steps.

"Wait! Stop, don't leave the group!" Thirteen shouted, but then Todoroki also charged forward, following behind Katsuki going after Hiroto. "Ah, you kids!"

"Sensei!" Izuku shouted, saying, "Shouldn't the other teacher's be here by now? I think someone must be jamming all communications to the outside world!"

"He's right! We have to need to have someone run out and get help! Tenya is the fastest out of all of us, so he should run back to the main campus and get help!" Momo said.

Thirteen looked at Tenya and nodded, telling him, "You should run out and warn the other teachers, All Might should be back at the main campus. The moment you tell him, he'll come rushing over in a matter of seconds, so go! Go and bring us help!"

Tenya looked at the other's for a moment before nodding his head and rushing out.

"We need to hold out while reinforcements arrive. If we leave now, the Villains can also leave the dome and enter other parts of the campus. We should go down and help others!" Eijiro proposed.

"He's right, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Hiroto are already going down there to fight, so it would only be right for us to go down and help them in any way we can!" Mina urged towards Thirteen.

Thirteen looked at the faces of the students, who all had determined looks of their faces and sighed, "Stick close to one another, and support each other whenever you can! Follow me!" She then led the group down to where Aizawa and Hiroto were.

At the bottom, Hiroto landed on the ground next to Aizawa, who was breathing heavily. "What are you doing here! I told you guys to stay up there!"

"What sort of Hero would I be if I just stayed still?" Hiroto said, walking up to a group of Villains who charged towards him.

"Haha, look at this brat, he just strolled over like it's nothing! Kill him!" A man with a mohawk hairstyle shouted as he used his quirk to sharpen his nails and stabbed it towards Hiroto.

"Arghh!!" The man shouted, as his fingers were bent and broken after colliding with Hiroto's ċhėst.

Bringing his hand up, Hiroto chopped it down at the man's neck, knocking him out.

"I always wanted to try that out," Hiroto said.

"Ha!" A woman cried out as she used a whip to strike towards Hiroto.

Raising his arm, Hiroto easily caught it, holding it completely still. The woman paled and stuttered, "Y-You wouldn't hit a girl, right?"

Hiroto grinned and said, "I'm an advocate for gender equality." He then swung the whip back, pulling the woman. Stretching his arm out, the woman's head collided with his arm, knocking her out in one go as she tumbled towards the ground.

Turning to the dozen around him, Hiroto cracked his knuckles. Pulling his fist back, Hiroto punched the air, sending out a large shockwave that sent them all flying back, crashing into different buildings and the ground, deforming the area.

The group of Villains that were fighting Aizawa paused after seeing Hiroto's display, as they started to feel apprehensive after witnessing the strength of the bald kid in front of them.

Facing everyone's stare, Hiroto raised his red gloved fist that was slightly smoldering and said, "Who's next?"

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