Reborn As Saitama In MHA

Chapter 28 - I WANT HIM

"One Punch Man, huh?" Midnight muttered with a thoughtful expression.

"Well, so far he's beaten his opponent in just one punch, right?" Eijiro said.

"Yeah, plus it sounds quite domineering as well," Mina added.

As Hiroto was about to go back to his seat, Aizawa stopped him. "Moriyama, you're needed in the faculty room. All Might wants to see you."

Nodding his head, he complied and left the room under the curious gazes of his classmates as they wondered what All Might would want with him.

Making his way towards the faculty room, Hiroto knocked and entered. Greeting him was Cementos, who pointed to a side room where a skinny blond man was waving over to him from behind a door.

Entering the restroom, All Might sat opposite to him and said, "Sorry to pull out of class like that, but I need to talk to you about something."

Hiroto nodded and said, "I also had something I wanted to ask of you. Is there any way that you can pull me out of the intern program?"

"What?" All Might said with a surprised look. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Joining agencies isn't my kind of thing." Hiroto answered, "I work better alone, and if I were to work with other Heroes they could get irritated of me at some point since every Villain that I deal with would just fall over in one punch."

All Might sighed and said, "It's a good chance to experience what the work of Pro Heroes are like, that's the reason why the school came up with the program in the first place."

"I'll just be blunt then. They would hold me back." Hiroto answered bluntly, causing All Might's eye to twitch.

"W-Well… I can't argue with that after seeing your performance. Well, it seems like we had the same sort of thought process in the first place." All Might said, taking out a brown envelope and placing it on the table. "What I just said to you before were merely Nezu's thoughts on the matter, and if that didn't work, I would come up with an alternative for you. He already foresaw that you would go down this route."

Hiroto raised an eyebrow and said, "So I don't have to join an agency to do my internship?"

All Might shook his head and answered him, "You don't have to join an agency, however… You will still have to follow behind the steps of a Pro Hero to see how they operate. That's the least I can do."

"Then this is?" Hiroto nodded towards the brown envelope on the table.

"Well, that's a nomination from a Pro Hero who isn't connected to any agency and prefers to work alone." All Might said, handing the envelope over to him.


"T-This… What the hell is this?" Hiroto asked, the corner of his mouth twitching as he thought he was looking at some sort of curse.

All Might sighed and said, "It's from the Pro Hero that you will be ȧssigned with. She is quite… eccentric and headstrong, so you'll have to excuse some of her unique… dispositions."

"And just who is this person?" Hiroto asked.

"She's the No. 5 Pro Hero; Rabbit Hero, Mirko." All Might answered him. He then warned Hiroto, "She might behave unexpectedly against someone like you. She's what some people would call a 'Battle Junkie', always trying to find a fight that would satisfy her."

Hiroto nodded and said, "That shouldn't be a problem with me. I'm guessing she's going to want to have a fight against me after seeing my performance in the sports festival?"

'You have no idea…' All Might thought to himself, before answering, "That is most likely since you will be following under her for a period of time, so make sure to learn all that you can."

"Alright, is that all?" Hiroto asked. All might then handed him a slip for him to submit to Aizawa after returning to his class which detailed who he was going to be training under during the break.

'He should be fine with her… right?' All Might asked himself, shaking his head and heading back out.

Returning back to class, the rest were done with choosing their Hero names, with no significant changes. Except for the fact that Todoroki tried to change his to One Knockout Man before getting shut down by Midnight for how stupid it was, resulting in him changing just using Shoto.

"Alright, after school ends today I want everyone's decision on where they wish to be placed for their work experience. Moriyama already handed me his, so it's up to the rest of you. If you don't have a choice by the end of this, we'll choose one for you." Aizawa explained as he looked at the name that was written on Hiroto's sheet, causing him to sigh internally.

Mina leaned over to Hiroto and whispered to him, "You already chose where you want to go? Which agency did you want to go train under."

"Not which, but who." Hiroto said, "It's the Rabbit Hero, Mirko."

"What?! Really?" Eijiro leaned over from behind Hiroto, "I heard that she never works with anyone and never had a sidekick before, how did you manage that?"

"Because I'm strong?" Hiroto answered.

"Tsk, stop showing off," Eijiro said, leaning back into his seat.

"Well, once you're at his level, pretty sure you can show off as much as you want." Mina jested, dealing critical damage to EIjiro.

The rest of the day continued as per normal, with the only change being that they spent an entire lesson trying to pick where they thought they would benefit the most with leaving for their child labor- *cough* work experience.

Aizawa addressed the class, "You've all got your costume, right? This internship will last for a week, so make sure that all of you don't leave anything behind that might be important. Obviously wearing your costumes in public is also prohibited."

"Goooot iiiiiiiiittt!" Mina shouted, slapping her case.

"Don't stretch out that "Got it" Ashido. And be sure to mind your manners! Okay, let's go!" Aizawa said, directing the class to the platforms that each of the students would be taking to go and undertake their internships.

From the side, Hiroto saw Deku trying to talk to Iida about how he was feeling, as he overheard how his brother was critically wounded by a criminal named 'Stain' who had murdered 17 named Heroes and crippling many more.

Hiroto turned away and thought to himself, 'I'll just make sure that I was 'coincidentally' patrolling around the Hosu district, and suddenly encountered a certain criminal and had to react in the name of self-defense.'

"Hiroto," Momo called out to him from behind, attracting his attention. "Where are you headed for your work experience?" Mina from the side leaned in closer.

"I need to head over to Saitama, that's where I'll be staying for a week," Hiroto answered, looking over to where the platform that was leaving for Saitama was at.

"Oh, that's quite close to here then," Momo said, eliciting a nod from Mina as well.

"Moriyama! Your train is leaving soon, get a move on." Aizawa said from the side. Nodding, Hiroto bid farewell to the rest of the class and left for his train. Watching him leave, both Mina and Momo turned to each other for a moment before separating and leaving towards their platforms.

Leaving the station, Hiroto took out his phone and checked the location on his map of where he should head to first. Just as he was about to head over to where Mirko's apartment was, a message popped up at the top of his screen. Tapping on it, he saw that it was a message from an unknown number, and it was merely an address that led to a forest.

"Come here." A message came after the address, with nothing else after that.

"Must be from her. How did she get my number, unless All Might gave it to her." Hiroto muttered, heading over to where the new address took him, a forested area and in hills away from the city and out in the countryside.

Walking through some fields and finally entering the forest after 30 minutes or so, Hiroto didn't know where to go next.

Hiroto scratched the back of his head and said to himself, "I didn't see her at the entrance of the forest, is she somewhere deeper? This is turning out to be more bothersome than I thought-"

Suddenly, a figure rushed through the forest extremely quickly, quickly up the dust and fallen leaves everywhere as it sprinted towards Hiroto and delivered a frontal kick towards Hiroto's ċhėst.

Reacting at the last moment, Hiroto bent his back enough for the attack to miss him completely, allowing him to catch a glance at a little whitetail on the back of a dark-skinned woman's behind.

Landing on the side of a tree, the woman, Mirko, gave a wide grin as she sprung off of the tree, crushing it underneath her as she rushed towards Hiroto once more, sending a roundhouse kick towards his neck.

"Hold on there, aren't we supposed to introduce our names to each other before we get started?" Hiroto said, catching her kick like it was nothing as a loud thump echoed throughout the forest, startling hundreds of birds as they flocked to the skies and causing the tree's to slightly rock in place.

"We'll have time for that later!" Mirko said, jumped up with her left leg as her right was being held by Hiroto. Spinning around in the air, she delivered a kick towards Hiroto's head, only to have him fling her behind him and towards some trees causing her to have to recover her posture in the air and land on the tree's once more, breaking them in half from the momentum of being thrown.

"I knew I was right about you!" Mirko shouted out and laughed as she got ready to pounce towards him again.

Hiroto sighed and said, "So you're one of those people… Alright then, let me entertain you for a bit before tiring you out.." Hiroto clenched his fist as his knuckles cracked, the sound reverberating through the entire forested hillside as Mirko was getting even more excited.

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