Reborn As Saitama In MHA

Chapter 31 - Roof Hopping

The next day, after having gotten some breakfast and having to occasionally dodge Rumi's attacks, Hiroto was currently in his Hero costume standing alongside her on a rooftop as they patrolled the city.

"The quickest way to get around is by simply hopping from building to building, although most people won't be able to do so," Rumi said, also wearing her Hero costume as she hopped from rooftop to rooftop, with Hiroto behind her. "Just make sure you don't break anything or people will start to complain and that will just complicate matters more."

Hiroto nodded, thinking to himself, 'She's actually giving useful advice. I'm quite surprised that she just doesn't want to constantly beat me up-'

Suddenly Rumi did a backward kick aimed at Hiroto's head as her heel cut through the air. Hiroto immediately squatted and said, "What was that for? Aren't we on patrol?"

"Dunno, just felt like doing it." Rumi merely said and turned to hop away once more with Hiroto in tow.

After almost an hour of jumping around from the rooftops, Hiroto said, "Is it always this boring? We haven't seen a single criminal yet."

"It usually isn't this quiet, but that's a good thing as well since we can bring a stop to the patrolling early and continue with our training," Rumi said with a grin on her face, while Hiroto shook his head at her antics.

However, just as they were about to head back to the outskirts of the city, a car was speeding through the streets and smashing into other cars as it tried to swerve past them.

Behind the car were several Police cars chasing it trying to catch up but the wheels suddenly were all punctured, causing them to swerve and crash into the sidewalks, missing pedestrians, fortunately.

Rumi gave a small nod and turned to Hiroto, saying, "You can handle this one. I'll have my fun later."

"Hahaha! Did you see those pigs crashing!" A man shouted as he stuck a hand out of the window and threw down dozens of small metal shards scattering the road behind them.

"Don't overuse it too much, since you're still limited with your ability!" The leader of the group said from the front passenger seat. "Besides, we need to be ready for Pro Heroes as well, so save your energy."

"Bah, what can those half baked wimps do? They'll just shout at us to stop first before taking action, so we just have to take action before they do!" The drive said with a nasty grin as his hands started to move quickly, allowing him to expertly steer the car past the crowded traffic, slipping through little gaps.

The leader then pointed to an alleyway and said, "There, take a turn there and we'll be fine-"


Suddenly, a figure wearing a yellow costume plummeted down from the sky and crashed into the hood of the car feet first, causing the car to come to a complete stop as the back of it lifted up into the air.

The driver didn't wear his seatbelt so he crashed through the window but was grabbed by a red glove as he tossed him towards a wall, knocking him out from the collision.

The people inside were rattled as they hit their heads on the seats and sides of the interior, bleeding from their heads.

"Argh! What the hell was that?!" The man in the back said, nursing his ribs.

Putting his other hand on the opposite side of the broken hood, Hiroto then split the car apart in half, causing liquid and car parts to scatter everywhere as the criminal stared at him with apprehension, clinging onto their seats so they wouldn't fall out of the car.

"Uhm, what do I say again?" Hiroto said, looking up as he thought, "Oh yea. Stop resisting and you won't be hurt, criminals."

The leader of the group turned to where the driver was knocked out beside the alley wall, then back to his goon behind him who was clinging to the seat so he wouldn't fall out of the left side of the car that Hiroto was holding in one hand, with the other side in right-left.

"So? Do you surrender? If not, I'll have to resort to force." Hiroto said, but just as the leader was about to open his mouth, Rumi's voice came from above as she shouted out towards him.

"Hey! What are you waiting for? If you just knock them out now it'll make everything easier for you afterward! Knockout first, questions later! Remember that!" Rumi shouted, cupping her mouth as she sat on the edge of the roof overlooking the alley.

"Well, you heard her," Hiroto said, dropping the two halves of the car down on the ground with a crash, knocking the two criminals out of their seats and sprawling on the ground covered in car fuel.

The leader held his hand up and shouted out, "W-Wait! We surr-"

*pak pak*

Two small stones flew out of Hiroto's finger as he flicked them with his thumb towards their heads, knocking the two people out. "Good work," Rumi said, jumping down from the rooftop and landing next to him, putting an arm around his shoulder.

"So, how do you feel about your first arrest?" Rumi asked him with a grin, pressing her ċhėst closer to Hiroto.

Hiroto thought for a moment and said, "Quite comfortable." Feeling the two marshmallows pressing against him.

"Weird answer, but I don't dislike it! Well, the cops should show up soon, so just say that you're working under me for now and they won't give you too much trouble. If they do, then they'll just have to deal with me." Rumi said, slapping Hiroto's back as a cop car arrived on cue to see the wreckage of the car and the 3 knocked out suspects.

From the sidewalk, some people were peeking into the alleyway and taking pictures of the crime scene as well as Hiroto standing next to Rumi.

"Hey! That's the Rabbit Hero Mirko! And she's with Hiroto Moriyama! Do you think he's her sidekick?"

"He should be, or maybe he's training under her? Ahhh I'm so jealous!"

"If he's training, do you think he has a Hero name then?"

"Oh yea, he should have one, right? How come I never heard of it before then."

"Idiot, it's not like he ever announced it anyway."

Rumi nudged Hiroto with a grin and said to the crowd, "Everyone, I think you already know who we both are, but make sure that you're recording this so everyone in Japan and overseas can see!"

She then patted Hiroto's shoulder and said, "He's going to be training under me from now on, and he was the one who took down these criminals, without any help!"

The crowd grew excited as they started taking videos of Rumi��s announcement. Someone who looked like a student attending a journalism college asked Hiroto, "So, uhh. Do you have a Hero name? If so, what is it?"

Hiroto crossed his arms and said casually. "It's One Punch Man."

"Whoa, One Punch Man."

"It's a pretty cool name, besides, we've never actually seen someone withstanding more than one punch from him before during the tournament."

"Yea, but that was still just a tournament between kids."

"Ha, I'd like to see if you could even go up against those 'kids' who get to be trained by All Might himself."

The crowd began talking to each other in a louder voice as they started taking pictures and videos of both Rumi and Hiroto, sending it around their circle of friends and soon appearing on multiple social media platforms.

After going through the routine of handing over the criminals and going through some menial questions, the cops backed off after Rumi gave them a glare after they tried to give Hiroto a hard time.

"These guys, don't they have any brains? Just watch the U.A. Sports Festival recordings then you'll have your damn answers. Wasting my training time, who do they think they are?" Rumi grumbled along the way as they proceeded out of the city towards someplace remote to start their 'training'.

Hiroto behind her thought to himself, 'What do you mean, 'your' training? Isn't this supposed to be mine?'

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