Reborn As Saitama In MHA

Chapter 34 - Assault on Hosu City

On top of a rooftop, 3 people were stood side by side, and at the front was Stain wearing his dark combat suit plated with metal armor across his body that holstered his weapons, a multitude of sharp knives along with a sword on his back.

"There's too many of them… Counterfeit "Heroes" who worship the almighty banknote! Until society realizes it's an error on its own I shall continue to appear!" Stain shouted out as he jumped off the rooftop, drawing his sword in the same motion.

From behind, Shigaraki stood next to Kurogiri as they watched him leave. Shigaraki scratched his neck and muttered, "If it wasn't for him, I would've chosen a different damn city to start this…"

Kurogiri shook his head and said, "You wanted to go to Saitama prefecture… is it because of that boy?"

"What the hell do you think?!" Shigaraki shouted, turning around to face him. "How perfect would it have been, to unleash the Nomu's where that brat is and crush him in one go!"

"There's no point in dwelling on that, as we have other matters to attend to," Kurogiri said with a calm voice.

Shigarkai clicked his tongue and crossed his arms, saying, "Whatever. Besides, at the root, me and Stain just wouldn't get along… he pisses me off… If he wants to go on a rampage with his little sword, then I'll just have to one-up him. Kurogiri, release the Nomu's."

"..." Without a word, Kurogiri's black misted head started to swirl as it expanded behind him several times in size. From it, a head appeared through the black mist, however, 80% of it was missing as only it's brain was visible. More that were similar to its appearances appeared through the mist as they stepped out, with one possessing wings on it's back and another with eyes on its brain.

"I can't wait to see the faces of those Heroes once they find Hosu city in ruins and dozens of Heroes crushed underneath the Nomu's foot. Just you wait… Hiroto Moriyama… I'll get to you one day and make sure to wipe you from this Earth." Shigaraki muttered to himself. From behind, as the 3 Nomu's came out, an additional 4 appeared, increasing in number.

"Let's see you lot live up to your purpose," Shigaraki said, ordering the group of Nomu's to spread out and start rampaging. Without a word, the group of Nomu's leaped off the roof, with one flying away, as they charged into the streets of Hosu city.


Back at Hiroto's location, the two were making their way over to where Rumi heard the sounds of large stomps but then suddenly stopped to frown.

"What's wrong?" Hiroto asked her coming to a stop next to her.

Rumi's bunny ears began to twitch once more as she said, "This might actually be troublesome… It seems whatever those were, there are at least 7 of them, but there could be more, and they all split up from one another."

"That is indeed troublesome," Hiroto said, frowning a bit.

Rumi turned to Hiroto and said, "Hiroto, I trust you to make the right choices. We'll have to split up too and with your strength I know I won't have to be worried about anything. If anything too troublesome appears, just punch it away." She then smiled and patted Hiroto's back, leaping towards a different direction from their initial route.

Hiroto gave a faint but noticeable smirk and turned away from her distancing figure. "Well, might as well put in some night time exercise." Bending his legs, Hiroto concentrated his eyesight towards a particular direction, then jumped high into the sky above the city.

As he was in the air and falling towards his location, Hiroto thought to himself as the air brushed past his face, 'Should I get some sort of glider on my back? Well, a big one would look stupid, but maybe they could make some sort of expanding one. I could then just jump high up and glide to my location with ease.'

While Hiroto was lost in thought, a Nomu with a large red appearance and spikes on it's back was holding onto a car that had a man inside of it. The man was screaming his lungs out with tears streaming down his face.

"Help!!! Someone, help me!!" The man cried out to anyone who would hear him. Under the Nomu's foot was a policeman, with his head where the Nomu's foot was currently planted, blood dripping from it.

Close to them was a bakery that had its large glass wall broken into pieces. Inside of the start resided a bloodied person wearing his Hero costume, his limbs twitching as he tried to support himself back up.

"Y-What do you want?! I'll give you whatever you want if you leave me be!!" The man shouted, scrambling from the driver's seat to the backseat as the Nomu's brought the car closer to its body.

The Nomu thrust it's hand into the roof of the car as the sound of metal snapping echoes. With a tear, the Nomu ripped the roof of the car apart, exposing the man to it.

"Help!! Heroes!! Anyone!! Please, I don't want to die!!" The man cried out with his voice cracking as he tried to crawl below the seats of the car but got himself stuck.

The Nomu then swung it's fist downwards at the man as he closed his eyes and bit down on his lips, however, he didn't feel the expected pain that was to come. Opening his eyes, he saw someone wearing a yellow jumpsuit with a red cape standing in front of him with a hand blocking the Nomu's fist.

Hiroto turned to the man below him and said, "I heard your cries, so you can rest ȧssured now. The Heroes have come."

The man's lips trembled as he tried to mouth out words of gratitude, but was interrupted as the Nomu used it's free hand to dig out a spike out of it's back before shortly bringing it down to impale Hiroto.

"Watch out-!" The man cried out, but the moment he blinked, the Nomu's upper body disappeared as a loud resounding crunch reached his ear.

Lowering his smoking fist, Hiroto turned to the man and said, "Huh? Did you say something just now?"

"N-Nevermind…" The man muttered, slumping back down to the bottom of the car, covered in his sweat.

Hiroto nodded and stepped out of the car, dragging the bottom of the Nomu's body with him as it tried to slowly regenerate. Hiroto frowned and said, "Hey, that's cheating. You don't get to have extra lives in my game."

Lifting his legs, Hiroto stomped down onto the slowly regenerating Nomu, crushing it underneath him as a mist of blood exploded outwards underneath him.

Somehow, only he wasn't covered in the blood, except for the ground, the car, and the surrounding buildings.

"Time to head to the next one," Hiroto said, turning and ran down the streets as he rounded the corner.

The man from the car wanted to say something but found that Hiroto had already disappeared. He observed the remains of the Nomu, well, the blood of it and shuddered, internally thanking his savior.

As Hiroto was running to another destination, he thought to himself, 'Although my memory is trash, at least I still remembered that there weren't supposed to be this many Nomu's during this attack. Did I somehow influence this? Well, no matter, I'll just make up for it by getting rid of them.'

As he was getting to his next destination, the encounter between Stain and Midoriya was currently occurring just like the canon plot. Of course, to Hiroto this wasn't a matter that he was interested in as being near them would mean too much monologuing.

In another part of the city, a small old man was currently facing an extremely nimble type of Nomu. The Nomu launched himself at the man, but he jumped over it, but as a result, the Nomu changed targets and went after the civilians close to it instead.

"Stop, you…" The small old man, Gran Torino, shouted towards the Nomu. However, just before the Nomu reached it, a voice reached his ears.

"Now you seem stronger than the types I've faced before!" Rumi's voice rang out as she descended upon the Nomu with a high kick down towards it's exposed brain, blasting it into smithereens.

However, just as the Nomu was about to recover, a burst of flames engulfed it as Endeavor appeared and said with a sneer, "Mirko… What are you doing here in Hosu city? Last I remembered, this wasn't your area to patrol in."

"Hah, what's it to you!" Rumi said as she crossed her arms and glared at him. "I'm here with my partner on his request. Besides, it seemed like it was a good call on his part."

"Your partner?" Endeavor frowned, as he connected the dots with what he saw on TV last night. "You don't mean-"

"You know exactly what I mean. I don't have time to stick around, there's more of these things hanging around the area. So if you want to sit down and have a friendly chat over some tea, be my guest, as I'll be the one doing my actual job." Rumi said, turning to Gran Torino and giving him a nod before leaping away towards the next biggest commotion.

Gran Torino and Endeavor enhanced glances for a moment, before deciding to follow behind her.

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