Reborn As Saitama In MHA

Chapter 47 - Nightmare

Following the conclusion of the Practical Exam, many were elated after successfully passing theirs, while some were more downtrodden after having failed.

The class was currently on a bus that was transporting them back to the school so they could grab their bags and head home.

The bus had a similar design to public busses, so sat in the middle was Hiroto, with Momo to his left and Todoroki to his right. Across from them was Mina, Eijiro, and Kaminari. The 3 seemed as though they had the souls suċkėd of them, looking lifeless and pale after having failed their Practical Exam.

Momo nudged Hiroto and said, "Shouldn't we say something? I feel bad seeing them like this…"

Todoroki, with his eyes closed, shook his head, "That would be pitying them. They wouldn't want that."

Hiroto nodded, "They'll probably be fine by tomorrow. Maybe all they need is a good night's sleep." He then looked towards the 3 across from him, seeing them still looking lifeless. "... maybe 2 night's of sleep."

"I see…" Todoroki said, contemplating those words.

"Say, do you think they'll let us watch a replay of our exam?" Sero asked, leaning over a railing to Hiroto's left. "I was put to sleep so I don't even know what happened. All I know was that I passed because of Hiroto."

From the front of the bus, where Aizawa was driving, he shouted back, "If you request for one, it should be fine. However, you can always watch it from school. We don't want any videos of what you kids are capable of being leaked outside."

Sero sighed and sat back down, saying, "Man, I only managed to pass the Exam thanks to Hiroto. I'm not sure how that would affect my grade."

"Well, you did get the hostage, so that would probably count to your final grades," Hiroto said.

"After you threw me…" Sero muttered, feeling nauseous remembering back to the sensation of being thrown.

Hiroto merely shrugged, adopting an innocent expression, "Modern problems require modern solutions, as they say."

The two continued to bicker back and forth as the bus drove on, finally arriving. The class got changed back into their uniforms and head home, eagerly waiting for the next day.


Across town, in an abandoned bar sat Shigaraki with Kurogiri wiping a glass repeatedly. in front of him was a ŀȧptop with a video of Hiroto during the U.A. Sports Festival.

Whenever Hiroto's face would come into focus, Shigaraki would grind his teeth and start scratching his neck in an irritated manner.

"Are you watching it again, Tomura Shigaraki…" Kurogiri said, shaking his head lightly. This was slowly becoming Shigaraki's habit, watching video's of Hiroto over and over again. It didn't help that he would go into a fit of anger shortly afterward.

"Hiroto Moriyama… He pissed me off to no end…" Shigaraki growled. Before he could continue, a voice interrupted them from the side entrance into their bar/hideout.

"You all have been the talk of the town for these past few days. Especially you." the Villain, Giran, a middle-aged man with purple dress pants and blazer said, lighting a cigarette. "Especially that video of you-"

Before he could finish, the ŀȧptop that Shigaraki was using crumbled into ashes and then into nothing. "Not another word." He said, an eye glaring towards the man through one of the fingers hugging his face.

"So, who are they?" Shigaraki asked with a not so patient tone.

Giran smirked, opening the door wider to let 2 people walk in. The first being a tall man with patches of gnarled, wrinkled, purple skin that covered much of his lower face and neck, all the way down past his collarbone, below his eyes, and on his arms and legs. They seemed to be attached with crude staples and piercings.

Next to him stood a petite girl with bright yellow eyes, resembling that of a cat, and pale blonde hairstyle into two messy buns. She was in a beige school uniform, seeming as though she just came from school. On her face was a blush that seemed to never go away, looking constantly excited and flustered.

"So, it's you, huh?" The man, Dabi, said condescendingly, "I saw that video of you, but you look gross in person…"

"Wow, the broken leg hand guy!!" Next to him, Toga said excitedly, pumping her arms up and down, "You're the guy who's friends with Stain, right? And also all those big weird creatures, right? Right? Let me join too! The League of Villains!"

Staring the two down, Shigaraki pointing towards them and said, "Kurogiri, get rid of these guys. Everything I hate came together in one set, it's like Giran brought them here just to piss me off. A brat, and a rude guy."

Giran merely gave a low chuckle as Kurogiri intervened, saying, "Now, now. They came all this way, so let's at least hear them out, Tomura Shigaraki. Besides, that big shot broker brought them." He gestured towards Giran leaning on the door, smoking.

Shigaraki merely scoffed, saying, "Whatever. And stop saying my full name for fuċks sake, it's a mouthful."

Ignoring him, Giran introduced the two, including their quirks. First was Himiko Toga who's on the run after a series of deaths by blood loss because of her quirk.

Then there's Dabi who, unlike Toga, hadn't committed any high profile crimes, but followed behind Stain's ideology after his manifesto was released.

After a series of not so friendly introductions, and the 3 trying to kill each other, followed by Shigaraki leaving in a fit of anger, they were welcomed into the League of Villains with open arms.

After having been situated, before they continued Toga saw a folded paper on the ground and being ever so curious, picked it up to see what it was. Opening the paper, it showed Hiroto's face on it during the battle against the Nomu's, standing on the back of one of them with a bored look.

"Oh, who's this? Hey, hey, I didn't see him on the news at all! Hey, tell me, tell me!" Toga said, showing the picture to Kurogiri, who merely sighed and explained to her who he was and what he did during the Hosu City attack.

"Hoh? This brat took down 4 of those things?" Dabi said with his hands in his pockets, snatching the picture from Toga's hands, earning him a glare from the girl. "He doesn't look like much."

Kurogiri shook his head and said, "That's not important right now, but if you ever come across him, be sure to stay far away. As of now, we have no way to deal with him."

"Oh, really?! Say, I wonder how his blood would taste!" Toga said, cupping her cheeks as she blushed crazily.


Back in Hiroto's house, as he was about to wake up he felt something stirring next to him. Slowly opening his eyes, he rubbed them and sat up. Looking to his side, he saw an all too familiar dark-skinned figure lying next to him, covered with his blanket, the top of her bunny ears sticking out.

Blinking for a moment, Hiroto rubbed his eyes again furiously and saw the figure still sleeping there. This prompted him to sweat furiously, as millions of questions started flying around in his mind.

'D-Did something happen last night?' Hiroto thought, still sweating furiously. He then gulped and said, "R-Rumi?"

"Ngn…" Was the only reply from her. She had her back towards him, prompting Hiroto to shake her shoulders.

"R-Rumi… This isn't funny. Wake up." Hiroto said, starting to panic.

Stirring awake, Rumi slowly turned to face Hiroto, to show the face of All Might smiling back at him, "PLUS ULTRA~"

"Arghh!!!!" Hiroto cried out, sitting straight up from his bed as a loud crash resounded throughout the house. Next to him was a destroyed dresser, with a now destroyed alarm clock that kept sounding out a distorted 'Plus Ultra' over and over again.

Looking around the room, Hiroto slowly calmed down, saying, 'So… it would seem that I finally met my match…'

Shortly afterward, the door to Hiroto's was blasted open, splintering into pieces, as his mother kicked it down, shouting out, "It's 6 in the morning, can you be any louder?!"

Hiroto merely smiled sheepishly, looking towards the destroyed dresser, his mother following his gaze. Her eye started twitching, saying, "What did we say about destroying furniture in the house?"

Hiroto looked towards the destroyed pieces of the door scattered across his room. Before he could say anything, his father's voice came from behind, saying, "Honey, you haven't had your coffee yet. Here."

His mother scowled at him, saying, "What do you think I am, some pet that can be sated with a treat?" She took a sip, which then caused her attitude to take a complete 180, "Ara~ the coffee taste's great as always! Oh my, what happened in here? Why is the door broken? Ah, and your dresser! Well, we'll just have to order a replacement." She then sighed and walked out of the room, coffee in hand.

Hiroto and his father's gaze met each other, both smiling and giving a thumbs up at the same time, both saying, "Raid boss down."

"You might as well get up then and go do your daily exercise. Your results come out today, so you don't want to be late for that. By the time you get back, all of this is going to be fixed." His father said, picking up the fragmented door and its pieces. "I'll be leaving for work early, have fun at school~"


Authors Note:

NGL, I-Island stuff is pretty hard to write haha. I'll figure it out though, but it sucks since there's little to no info about it, tsk. I'll be a responsible author and WING IT

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