Reborn As Saitama In MHA

Chapter 50 - Arrival to I-Island

Turning to the man, Hiroto eyed him for a moment before following behind him, thinking, 'If this is some sort of elaborate scam, I'll not let any of them go.'

After a short walk, the number of people that were walking around noticeably decreased, with the majority of people now dressed in expensive-looking suits or their Hero costumes.

He was then guided to a pair of glass doors with the sign above it reading, 'I-Island Exclusive Lounge'. There was soft classical music being played in the background and the lighting gave it a sort of regal feel to the place.

Entering, the man gestured towards the buffet, lounge, bar, and sleeping rooms, saying, "Anything that you would want from within the lounge is free of cost for you. Please, enjoy your stay. We will inform you personally when the Jet is ready to depart."

Before Hiroto could respond to him, the man turned around and was already walking away, typing something within his phone at the same time.

Shrugging, Hiroto eyed around the lounge, seeing most people dressed in their fancy suits relaxing and talking to their compatriots. Some gave him a few curious glances but ignored him afterwards.

Hiroto fished out his phone and took a photo of the lounge, posting it on his HeroBook account. Tapping on his profile after uploading the photo, Hiroto could see his follower count sitting at 98,045.

Not a moment later, he already was receiving a multitude of likes and comments about where he was at and how majestic the lounge looked. His friends also immediately messaged him afterwards, asking how the place was, how the food is, and wondering if they would get the same treatment. (yeah right.)

Not long after, he received a call from All Might. Hesitating for a moment, he decided to pick up the call anyway, "Hello? What's up."

"Young Moriyama, I could see from the picture you posted that you decided to head to I-Island earlier? What prompted this?" All Might asked, his voice sounding weaker as he was in his true form.

"Nothing really. Just thought that I could get a headstart before everyone else." Hiroto replied, taking a seat by a large glass window that overlooked the airport landing strip.

"Well, as your teacher I can't help but feel that it would be irresponsible if you went alone without a supervisor." All Might said in a worrying tone.

"I don't need someone to look after me, that would just be suffocating. Besides, you're going to be coming here tomorrow anyway, what's the most that could happen in a day?" Hiroto said.

All Might on the other end couldn't help but feel some sort of premonition, but deciding that it was just his body acting up, ignored it. "Well, I'll give a call to someone there so that you can at least have someone to guide you around. She's the daughter of a good friend of mine."

"Whatever at least I won't get lost then," Hiroto said as a waiter came and poured some cola for him before promptly leaving. He then said, "By the way, Rumi said she's also going to be coming tomorrow. You mind if she tagged along with us tomorrow?"

All Might hesitated for a moment, but then relented, saying, "Well, I do owe her a favour… It's alright." He then thought to himself, 'It might be better this way since she'll be teaching at the school after Summer break ends.'

After a few minutes of talking, Hiroto had to hang up as he was then escorted towards a private jet ȧssigned just for him. They already took his luggage the moment he entered the lounge, so after entering the jet, Hiroto found the interior to be stunning.

It didn't look any different to a small living room, minus the belts attached to the seats. A flight attendant greeted him, explaining that the flight is going to take off in 20 minutes, so he could make himself at home… in a place.

Sitting on a large white chair in front of a table, Hiroto relished in how comfortable it was. Not a moment later, a display started to rise up from the table in front of him, catching him off guard as the face of a woman with blue hair greeted him.

"Good afternoon, Hiroto Moriyama. We hope that your flight with us will be an enjoyable one. We are looking towards your arrival to I-Island, and once you land, if you so choose, there is an option of having a personal guide ȧssigned to you for your full leisure. This is a pre-recorded message, any inquiries you may have, please address them to your flight attended." The woman in the video said, before cutting the video off as the display retracted into the table once again.

The flight attended from earlier, sporting a low ponytail and wearing glasses asked him, "Would you like to have an escort or guide ȧssigned to you when you land?"

Hiroto shook his head, saying, "It's alright. I think there's going to be someone waiting for me."

The woman smiled and retreated back towards the front of the plane to make a call towards I-Islands Air Traffic Control about his decision.

Not long after, the plane then took off. This was the first time Hiroto was every in a private jet, so he would make the most of it by exploring every inch that it offered, much to the flight attendants' dismay.

After 2 hours of flying, Hiroto was absentmindedly watching over the ocean below him as they were getting closer to their destination. Just over the horizon, concentrating his vision for a moment, Hiroto could make out the shape of the mobile I-Island. It's white walls being reflected into the ocean water around it.

By the time the plane landed in the outer ring of the island, it was around 6 pm, and the sun was starting to settle, leaving the island in an orange glow. Getting off the plane, he was directed towards a set of stairs that led into I-Island's airport.

He first had to undergo the immigration progress which was all automatic. Coming in front of a terminal, he had his ticket scanned which then made the floor beneath him to start moving, guiding him towards a hallway.

Crossing a little black line, a wall descended from behind him as a robotic voice played out from the speakers around him. "We will now begin the immigration inspection. Please stay still and limit your movement."

Immediately after, a blue light was shown on Hiroto from bottom to top, scanning him with a mechanical blip. A holographic profile was then displayed right next to his face, allowing him to see his records, details, and where he is studying.

Feeling curious, he tried to tap on the holographic display but another blue light scanned him again, switching the display to showcase his quirk. Then after, another scan, followed by his physical stats obtained from the school.

"The immigration inspection is complete. Currently, on I-Island, we are having the preopening of I-Expo, an exposition showcasing the results of various research developments. If you received an invitation, please come and take a look. We hope you enjoy your stay." The mechanical female voice announced through the speaker as Hiroto exited the immigration hall.

He came out into a large open space with numerous people walking about with excited expressions on their faces. Around the airport, there were numerous signs and broadcasts over displays talking about I-Expo.

Since he was already arranged a place to stay, he didn't have to worry about his duffle bag, letting him be hands-free for the time. Seeing the exit, he walked through a gate with a sign reading Gate A-G.

Coming outside, Hiroto was standing on the top of a large set of stairs that led down to a wide walkway. There were numerous patches of grass n between the paved purple road, and large buildings of various shapes and sizes further beyond.

Seeing all this, Hiroto was taken back a bit at the beautiful scenery. He muttered, "This place must cost a fortune… Well, other than that, what do I do now?"

Crossing his arms, he looked around the area from the top of the stairs past the various welcome signs and towards the buildings further. He took out his phone and tried dialling for All Might, only to find it was of no use, leading straight to voice mail.

Hiroto shrugged, thinking, 'Well, it's pretty rare that I get to be left to myself for a whole evening and night. Might as well just explore and see what I find.'

The perks of his special ticket allowed him to have early access to dozens of vendors that were using Quirks as entertainment.. "I'm practically a human GPS, there's no way I can get lost in this place."

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