Reborn As Saitama In MHA
Chapter 57 - Planning the attack
Aizawa shook his head and said, "I see that you had your fair share of fun here on your own, Moriyama?"
"So it is true, we can use our quirks as much as we want?!" Kaminari and Eijiro pushed towards Hiroto and crowded around him for details. Hiroto nodded, pushing them off him.
"Yeah, as long as you don't do anything that is potentially harmful towards the other visitors," Hiroto explained.
Everyone's eyes lit up, but Aizawa gave them a side glance, saying, "You kids better keep it to a minimum. Although you can use your quirks as you like, most of you still don't have a firm grasp of your Quirk. Do I make myself clear?" At the end, Aizawa secretly glanced at Midoriya without anyone noticing.
"Well, it's not like all of us can use our quirks to move around like Hiroto, Ida or Todoroki," Mina said with a pout.
Aizawa ignored her and opened his phone, tapping on the I-Island app, followed by the other kids as well.
'Wait, all of them knew about the app before coming here?' Hiroto thought.
"Alright, let's head to our hotel first and put our luggage away. After that, we'll go around and see what this place has in store for us. Moriyama, since you have a better understanding of this place, you can act as a guide for us." Aizawa said, leading the class towards the hotel on Central Island.
With a nod, Hiroto joined the group towards their destination, with many of his friends coming up to him to bug him for various details such as what they should do first and what he had been up to.
Midoriya glanced at Hiroto, trying to send his subtle hints that they would need to meet up with All Might later to visit his friend here. Hiroto rolled his eyes, thinking, 'Just send me a text instead of being so obvious here.'
"What did you do yesterday? Did you go to anywhere fun?" Eijiro came and asked him. Everyone's ears perked up as they listened in on him.
"Hmm, I went around to some shops here and there first after getting lost- *cough* overwhelmed by this place's size. There are some exhibitions where you can get put your quirk to the test in a time trial or against others. There are some tech shows and seminars but I didn't pay attention. Umm, I forgot the rest." Hiroto recounted his past day to the group.
"Did you meet anyone interesting here?" Momo asked him.
"Yeah, there was the helicopter pilot that I met, he's a pretty chill dude. Melissa was also nice, but other than that no one else really. The food here is pretty good too." Hiroto explained.
"Wait, who was that?" Mina asked him.
"No, not him, this Melissa person. A friend of yours?" Momo asked him, squinting her eyes at him.
"Yeah, I guess you can call us friends. She's like my guide because of my VIP status." Hiroto said, making up the last detail since he didn't want to get too into it.
"Hmmm." Mina and Momo hummed together.
Eijiro looked at Kaminari and said, "Am I the only one interested in the fact that he got to ride around in a helicopter?"
Kaminari spread his hands out, saying, "It's not something us mob characters can get involved with."
"You're a mob character!" Eijiro quipped back and elbowed Kaminari away.
"That's probably why he dyed his hair red," Sero whispered to Kaminari, who was massaging the side of his body after the jab.
Kaminari then gave a mischievous grin and whispered back, "Let's find a chance to dye his hair a different colour."
"How?" Sero asked, interested.
A short while later, the group finally arrived at their hotel. Compared to Hiroto's, this hotel was just a level below Hiroto's, but was still quite good compared to its counterparts in Japan at the same level."
After being ȧssigned their rooms, Aizawa had Hiroto take everyone around for about an hour before they were allowed to go do whatever they wanted on their own.
"Everyone, be sure to follow Moriyama's instructions for the time being. I won't be breathing down your necks for the time being, but if I hear any incidents revolving any of you…" Aizawa's eyes narrowed, glaring at the students, specifically the well-known troublemakers in the group. Mostly Bakugo, but still.
"Don't worry sensei, I'll be sure to keep them out of trouble," Hiroto reassured him.
'Don't you even start…' Aizawa inwardly sighed, "If any of you need me, I'll be around the outdoor equipment technology showcase. Since we'll have our training camp in a week, might as well look for some new equipment we can use. Have fun."
With that, the students waved farewell as Aizawa walked away, not giving them another glance.
Once they were sure that their teacher was out of earshot, the students started to become rowdy.
"Hey, Hiroto, we're allowed to use our quirks right?" Kaminari asked, then seeing Hiroto nod, he followed up, "Take us to a place where we can use our quirks freely. Like, a stadium, a gym, or a showcase!"
"Yeah! I wanna test out how strong I-Islands stuff is!" Eijiro said, using his Quirk to harden his arms.
"Here's the thing though, I-Island is hella famous! And that means that famous people and Heroes are also going to be here, and not just from Japan, but from all over the world too!" Kaminari explained, to which Bakugo also had a slight interest in.
"People will be able to see how magnificent and grand my abilities are," Aoyama said with a grin, posing to a non-existent camera.
"Not if you keep throwing up." Sato nudged Aoyama's side.
Hiroto, hearing this, nodded, saying, "If you want to, there is an area designed for people to showcase their Quirks… but…" His words trailing at the end, scenes of Hiroto being beckoned to leave the stadium where the expensive and high-tech machines were destroyed flashed through his mind.
"Whatever, let's go. We have an hour anyway. After that, I have an… appointment to go to." Hiroto said, taking the lead and showing the class the way.
Some of the students were curious as to what appointment Hiroto could have but just ȧssociated it with his special privileges.
Todoroki on the other hand kept seeing Midoriya sending glances towards Hiroto every now and then, checking his phone and glancing around occasionally.
'What is he up to…' Todoroki thought, turning towards Hiroto who was catching up with Mina and Momo. 'Wait… is Midoriya trying to observe Hiroto too?'
Coming to this conclusion, Todoroki's expression narrowed, staring at Midoriya.
Bakugo, seeing this, didn't know what was going on behind him with those two. But joined Todoroki in glaring at Midoriya anyway.
In an empty warehouse full of scrapped stalls and equipment, a group of people stood around a table in the dimly lit room. On the table was a map of the Central Tower, showing a blueprint of the building and its levels.
Everyone was dressed in a black combat suit, complete with a full-face mask with a white 'X' mark painted across its face hanging from either their waist or being carried by them.
A tall, bulky man with dark red hair, yellow eyes and patches of face paint covering his mouth, nose, and extending across his right eye, stood out from the group. Wearing a white coat, he stretched his shoulders and glanced at everyone.
"Is everyone clear on what they are to do tonight? If not, then they can leave. I'm not going to repeat myself if you fail to pay attention." The man, Wolfram said, crossing his arms.
"Jeez, harsh as always." Swordkil, a middle-aged man with slightly pink hair said, flicking the ash off his cigarette. "Are you sure you can trust this contact of yours?"
Shaking his head, Wolfram said, "No, I don't. But it doesn't matter. After we get what we need, everything is going to be in our hands. Why do you think we switched our plan just then?"
Shrugging, Swordkil said, "Dunno, just thought you wanted something more flashy."
Daigo, a man with an overly round head and squinted eyes asked, "Would the supposed 'bindings' be strong enough to hold All Might down? You told us that they are supposed to be able to hold down the other Heroes attending, but him?"
Wolfram thought for a moment and said, "Although we were told that it should, I don't want to leave it up to chance, he's too big of a risk to downplay. If it comes down to it, use the hostages to pressure him. With him being restrained, and the threat of harm coming to the people there, All Might will have no choice but to comply."
Everyone looked at one another, thinking to themselves how feasible and risky the plan was. This was All Might they were talking about, the strongest Pro Hero currently.
Wolfram's expression turned sour seeing some hesitant people. Slamming his hands onto the table, everyone's attention was jostled back to the man as he spat out, tapping the table. "I didn't bring you all here just to have you back out at the last moment. You are all here to do a job, and you will do it. No questions asked. Got it? I don't care, just get ready."
With that said, Wolfram turned around and left the light that was shining on the table, blending back into the dark warehouse as he went to prepare for the mission, thinking to himself.
Taking out a piece of paper, on it contained a list of guests that were supposed to attend the early access party. Looking down the list, his eyes went over All Might's name as well as the other Heroes attending.
'The Rabbit Hero, Mirko? Eraser Head? Dammit, what the hell are they doing here? They weren't supposed to be attending in the first place.' Wolfram thought with a grunt, crumbling the paper and tossing it on the floor. On the paper, there was also a section with Hiroto's name written on it, but it was completely ignored.
'Once I get my hand on that thing, no so-called Hero is going to be able to stand up to me. Let alone All Might.'
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"So it is true, we can use our quirks as much as we want?!" Kaminari and Eijiro pushed towards Hiroto and crowded around him for details. Hiroto nodded, pushing them off him.
"Yeah, as long as you don't do anything that is potentially harmful towards the other visitors," Hiroto explained.
Everyone's eyes lit up, but Aizawa gave them a side glance, saying, "You kids better keep it to a minimum. Although you can use your quirks as you like, most of you still don't have a firm grasp of your Quirk. Do I make myself clear?" At the end, Aizawa secretly glanced at Midoriya without anyone noticing.
"Well, it's not like all of us can use our quirks to move around like Hiroto, Ida or Todoroki," Mina said with a pout.
Aizawa ignored her and opened his phone, tapping on the I-Island app, followed by the other kids as well.
'Wait, all of them knew about the app before coming here?' Hiroto thought.
"Alright, let's head to our hotel first and put our luggage away. After that, we'll go around and see what this place has in store for us. Moriyama, since you have a better understanding of this place, you can act as a guide for us." Aizawa said, leading the class towards the hotel on Central Island.
With a nod, Hiroto joined the group towards their destination, with many of his friends coming up to him to bug him for various details such as what they should do first and what he had been up to.
Midoriya glanced at Hiroto, trying to send his subtle hints that they would need to meet up with All Might later to visit his friend here. Hiroto rolled his eyes, thinking, 'Just send me a text instead of being so obvious here.'
"What did you do yesterday? Did you go to anywhere fun?" Eijiro came and asked him. Everyone's ears perked up as they listened in on him.
"Hmm, I went around to some shops here and there first after getting lost- *cough* overwhelmed by this place's size. There are some exhibitions where you can get put your quirk to the test in a time trial or against others. There are some tech shows and seminars but I didn't pay attention. Umm, I forgot the rest." Hiroto recounted his past day to the group.
"Did you meet anyone interesting here?" Momo asked him.
"Yeah, there was the helicopter pilot that I met, he's a pretty chill dude. Melissa was also nice, but other than that no one else really. The food here is pretty good too." Hiroto explained.
"Wait, who was that?" Mina asked him.
"No, not him, this Melissa person. A friend of yours?" Momo asked him, squinting her eyes at him.
"Yeah, I guess you can call us friends. She's like my guide because of my VIP status." Hiroto said, making up the last detail since he didn't want to get too into it.
"Hmmm." Mina and Momo hummed together.
Eijiro looked at Kaminari and said, "Am I the only one interested in the fact that he got to ride around in a helicopter?"
Kaminari spread his hands out, saying, "It's not something us mob characters can get involved with."
"You're a mob character!" Eijiro quipped back and elbowed Kaminari away.
"That's probably why he dyed his hair red," Sero whispered to Kaminari, who was massaging the side of his body after the jab.
Kaminari then gave a mischievous grin and whispered back, "Let's find a chance to dye his hair a different colour."
"How?" Sero asked, interested.
A short while later, the group finally arrived at their hotel. Compared to Hiroto's, this hotel was just a level below Hiroto's, but was still quite good compared to its counterparts in Japan at the same level."
After being ȧssigned their rooms, Aizawa had Hiroto take everyone around for about an hour before they were allowed to go do whatever they wanted on their own.
"Everyone, be sure to follow Moriyama's instructions for the time being. I won't be breathing down your necks for the time being, but if I hear any incidents revolving any of you…" Aizawa's eyes narrowed, glaring at the students, specifically the well-known troublemakers in the group. Mostly Bakugo, but still.
"Don't worry sensei, I'll be sure to keep them out of trouble," Hiroto reassured him.
'Don't you even start…' Aizawa inwardly sighed, "If any of you need me, I'll be around the outdoor equipment technology showcase. Since we'll have our training camp in a week, might as well look for some new equipment we can use. Have fun."
With that, the students waved farewell as Aizawa walked away, not giving them another glance.
Once they were sure that their teacher was out of earshot, the students started to become rowdy.
"Hey, Hiroto, we're allowed to use our quirks right?" Kaminari asked, then seeing Hiroto nod, he followed up, "Take us to a place where we can use our quirks freely. Like, a stadium, a gym, or a showcase!"
"Yeah! I wanna test out how strong I-Islands stuff is!" Eijiro said, using his Quirk to harden his arms.
"Here's the thing though, I-Island is hella famous! And that means that famous people and Heroes are also going to be here, and not just from Japan, but from all over the world too!" Kaminari explained, to which Bakugo also had a slight interest in.
"People will be able to see how magnificent and grand my abilities are," Aoyama said with a grin, posing to a non-existent camera.
"Not if you keep throwing up." Sato nudged Aoyama's side.
Hiroto, hearing this, nodded, saying, "If you want to, there is an area designed for people to showcase their Quirks… but…" His words trailing at the end, scenes of Hiroto being beckoned to leave the stadium where the expensive and high-tech machines were destroyed flashed through his mind.
"Whatever, let's go. We have an hour anyway. After that, I have an… appointment to go to." Hiroto said, taking the lead and showing the class the way.
Some of the students were curious as to what appointment Hiroto could have but just ȧssociated it with his special privileges.
Todoroki on the other hand kept seeing Midoriya sending glances towards Hiroto every now and then, checking his phone and glancing around occasionally.
'What is he up to…' Todoroki thought, turning towards Hiroto who was catching up with Mina and Momo. 'Wait… is Midoriya trying to observe Hiroto too?'
Coming to this conclusion, Todoroki's expression narrowed, staring at Midoriya.
Bakugo, seeing this, didn't know what was going on behind him with those two. But joined Todoroki in glaring at Midoriya anyway.
In an empty warehouse full of scrapped stalls and equipment, a group of people stood around a table in the dimly lit room. On the table was a map of the Central Tower, showing a blueprint of the building and its levels.
Everyone was dressed in a black combat suit, complete with a full-face mask with a white 'X' mark painted across its face hanging from either their waist or being carried by them.
A tall, bulky man with dark red hair, yellow eyes and patches of face paint covering his mouth, nose, and extending across his right eye, stood out from the group. Wearing a white coat, he stretched his shoulders and glanced at everyone.
"Is everyone clear on what they are to do tonight? If not, then they can leave. I'm not going to repeat myself if you fail to pay attention." The man, Wolfram said, crossing his arms.
"Jeez, harsh as always." Swordkil, a middle-aged man with slightly pink hair said, flicking the ash off his cigarette. "Are you sure you can trust this contact of yours?"
Shaking his head, Wolfram said, "No, I don't. But it doesn't matter. After we get what we need, everything is going to be in our hands. Why do you think we switched our plan just then?"
Shrugging, Swordkil said, "Dunno, just thought you wanted something more flashy."
Daigo, a man with an overly round head and squinted eyes asked, "Would the supposed 'bindings' be strong enough to hold All Might down? You told us that they are supposed to be able to hold down the other Heroes attending, but him?"
Wolfram thought for a moment and said, "Although we were told that it should, I don't want to leave it up to chance, he's too big of a risk to downplay. If it comes down to it, use the hostages to pressure him. With him being restrained, and the threat of harm coming to the people there, All Might will have no choice but to comply."
Everyone looked at one another, thinking to themselves how feasible and risky the plan was. This was All Might they were talking about, the strongest Pro Hero currently.
Wolfram's expression turned sour seeing some hesitant people. Slamming his hands onto the table, everyone's attention was jostled back to the man as he spat out, tapping the table. "I didn't bring you all here just to have you back out at the last moment. You are all here to do a job, and you will do it. No questions asked. Got it? I don't care, just get ready."
With that said, Wolfram turned around and left the light that was shining on the table, blending back into the dark warehouse as he went to prepare for the mission, thinking to himself.
Taking out a piece of paper, on it contained a list of guests that were supposed to attend the early access party. Looking down the list, his eyes went over All Might's name as well as the other Heroes attending.
'The Rabbit Hero, Mirko? Eraser Head? Dammit, what the hell are they doing here? They weren't supposed to be attending in the first place.' Wolfram thought with a grunt, crumbling the paper and tossing it on the floor. On the paper, there was also a section with Hiroto's name written on it, but it was completely ignored.
'Once I get my hand on that thing, no so-called Hero is going to be able to stand up to me. Let alone All Might.'
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