Cortina covers me up behind a man who suddenly stands in front of me.

I don't have a cane, but I was in a position to let the magic go at all times. I can say that's a first-rate operator around here.

"Can I help you?

"Oh, you guys...... haha, if your life is spared, huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff-huff!

"Hi, you don't look well. I'll get you a guard at the entrance."

"Bullshit...... don't do it! Save all your money if you spare your life!

"Oh, because then the roughness of that breath is exciting? Oh, no, Hentai."


No, Cortina, it's your fault he's out of breath.

Or you know because you were sensing the raid... an adventurer teased like a good one, is getting a little pathetic.

It wouldn't be enough for a general reward because you're hired to make fun of Sakura, you're being dragged around detecting raids, and you're being teased by Cortina.

The man pulls out his sword and intimidates Cortina.

From what I've seen, Cortina doesn't seem like an enemy in this guy, but that doesn't matter.

If you create danger and Reid appears there to save it, that's fine.

Because if I'm with you on the spot, it'll prove me and Reid are different people.

Do we also spot Cortina for the difference in strength, and we can afford to deal with it?

If Maxwell doesn't get here soon, Cortina's going to end it first.

"What's up, just - wow!?

As the man took a step this way, I tied up the robber and hung him upside down against a branch of a tree beside him.

Maxwell hasn't come yet, but Cortina might as well tailor the man first if he gets any closer to him.

Besides, this man was only hired, so it's also possible that if he gets attacked by Cortina, he dies.

That's just too pitiful.

"This is - no way, Reid!?

That's what Cortina screams and puts her gaze around her.

Then I could find a skinny man in the shade of a tree far away. Apparently Maxwell made it.

But with one hand on the tree, he's not dressed well for letting his breath out.

I was smunted running my old bones.

Maxwell looks at the hanging man and waves gently to show him.

I wrapped the thread around the man's mouth and showed him the monkey wax as he moved. It's impossible for an amateur to see through the motion of this yarn.

"This move, I knew it..."

Cortina raised an impressive voice and took a step toward Maxwell - Reid.

But if I let it go, my impression will fade now.

Here I am, pulling Cortina's sleeve hard. This way I can make an impression of my existence.

"Ah, Nicole...... uh, he's an old acquaintance of mine. You know that too, don't you? That was my buddy Reid."


Cortina politely explains to me that you thought I was on the lookout for Reid.

Poking that gap, Reid - Maxwell showed it in a splendid grace.

It's like a knight who takes his subordinate thanks to the princess.

Raid, with his face up again, sends Cortina a lovely wink to show.

Cortina looked at him and stood up red-handed.

Hey, wait, I don't do that kind of shiny trick, do I?

Besides, he flips the black coat he always used in his lifetime and makes a big jump.

Maxwell jumped far higher than the tree branches and disappeared across the trees.

Neither Maxwell, nor I in my lifetime, have that kind of leap power. But with the yarn, I was able to move to that extent.

And Maxwell, too, can imitate enough to fly through the sky with magic.

Conversely, half-capable objects cannot make such a move. I guess you think this will help prove me.

But why bother swinging your coat wide and wide?

Why did you give an aristocratic courtesy and even wink at it to show it?

It's like being a woman. That's not like me, Maxwell!

"- Ah."

Cortina followed me and leaked her voice quietly.

I've been informed before that I can't make contact with her right now.

She should be willing to take advantage of the situation around here.

"Not yet, are you going to say it's not then...?

"What's going on? What do you want me to do with him?

If you think too deeply here, Cortina could enlighten you about the play.

To deflect her consciousness, I deliberately spoke up and presented her with another problem.

"Oh, yeah. Shall I have him tied up by the surveillance for now? The Reid guy is holding me captive, so I'm not gonna be able to move."

That's what Cortina says and turns her gaze to the man.

"Nicole. I'm sorry, but can you run all the way to the entrance and get me a guard?

"Yeah, okay"

I followed Cortina's instructions and ran towards the guard's waiting area, stuck by the gate with all my might.

Because if you don't go fast, Cortina's interrogation skills could have burst and the adventurer man could have cracked his mouth.

Assuming that's all I was doing, I was setting up monkeys.

I know that the man will also be bailed out by Maxwell's power after this. You won't even be guilty.

As a matter of fact, this man will be released later.

Having seen me and Reid at the same time, Cortina's suspicions stopped coming at me.

In the meantime, with Maxwell's help, I succeeded in diverting her suspicions.

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