I set up a katana in the deep woods, confronting the enemy.

Standing in the front is a monster called the Green Devil. I'm trembling an indeterminate body, and I'm staring at this gap.

But I also have experience in hundred wars. Don't give them a gap and don't let them fly.

On the contrary, I have more room for it.

Pack a stir and an intermission, and enter a distance where a blow must fall.

"- Hey!

He emits a sharp temper, fills a breath with distance, and strikes a special blow in.

My slaughter didn't go too far, I double-crossed the green demon on the front - a monster of giant carnivorous mold called Poison Mold.


But the double-broken poison mould struck this way as it split left and right.

When I get stuck, I eat that body right.

But the target is often a mold bucket. The weight is light and not powerful around the body.

He withstood the counterattack and tried to unleash a chase to stab a stop. That's where I notice physical abnormalities.

"Oh, that...?

I can't raise my arm. No, my whole body is moving dull.

The tiredness that strikes your whole body turns instantly all over your body, and you can't even stand properly.

I fell on my knees on the spot and fell to the front.

Poison mould leaning against me. An easy-going voice was thrown there.

"Yes, that's it."

At the same time as Cortina's stop order, the thunderbolt-based attack magic struck the poison mold and burned it down in an instant.

"Physical attacks on poison moulds are difficult. You should have had your weapon wrapped in magic with the Enhanced Grant first."

"Ah, ahhh..."

"Nicole's conferral technique is still small but versatile. For that matter, we need a wide range of knowledge to use."


"We have to worry about the use of magic according to the circumstances."

"Shibi... numb..."

In my lifetime, I specialised in interpersonal fights, taking the knowledge of monsters lightly and leaving it to Cortina and Maria to identify enemies and develop strategies to poke weaknesses.

Because of the lack of knowledge of the monsters, they suffered this defeat.


"Dr. Cortina. Nicole, you're paralyzed."

"I guess so. 'Cause it's a poison mold."

Cortina walks over to me and twists her arms and sides. Each time, a paralysis runs that echoes all over my body.


"Nfu. Bad kids who fail to preview need punishment."

"Oh, ghost, no."

It was me who got plenty of antidote hanging from it.

This is in the woods about two hours away from the Raum capital.

On this day, as a practical exercise, in collaboration with the School of Adventurer Development, he was practicing to actually find and fight monsters.

Two hours away from the city increases the danger of monsters just as well.

It's not like we're always hunting near the city, not like animals step in front of livestock. A strange, authentic monster is the target.

Poison molds are one of those enemies.

Huge chunks of green mold.

Come to think of it, normal slaughter can't even work. In fact, only a magical attack or a magic attack works against this enemy.

Simple physical attacks can't do effective damage...... Apparently.

I would have easily looked into this characteristic if I had gone to the library or something. I was lazy about that.

I found my enemy and was slaughtered without thinking. As a result, I ate the poison. This is faulty.

I have received anti-dote, and I will continue to defend myself and discover a new Poison Mould.

These moldy enemies frequently existed because they were behind a secluded forest.

"That's the same enemy you just had, isn't it? Then why don't you leave it to me next time?

"Retina did?

"Thanks to Mr. Nicole's failure, we are familiar with the weaknesses. I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm going to set the stage. Whoa, whoa, whoa!

"Retina, shut up."

Hit the high laughing retina and shut her up.

Poison moulds do not possess high intelligence. I just made a little laugh, and to the extent that they know where we are, I won't run away or anything.

At best, to the extent that we renounce the advantages of an ambush.

In the first place, there is no need per se to raid on individuals alone because they are coming on an expedition in class.

In my case, it was a solo battle where I first found the enemy and measured his ability to ambush him.

But right now, there's not much point in Retina fighting alone.

Perhaps she offered me this because of her opposition to me.

And Cortina, too, does not try to stop Letina, who has spontaneously taken action.

Poison moulds are not highly intelligent, nor are they moving fast.

Letina's high laughter has made me aware of this one's existence, but it still hasn't moved so agile that it's attacked us.

Sometimes the distance is away, and I can still preemptively attack.

"Two of Zhu, one of the flock blue, three of the emerald. Fire Bolt!"

"Ah, bakah!?

It was known as the magic of a firebolt that was stronger than normal from a spell, but also reached a distance.

Its power has enough firepower to burn down the poison mold.

But Cortina was screaming when she heard about it.

I can find out why shortly afterwards.

Taking a direct hit from Buffun and Firebolt, Poison Mould instantly began to flame.

Originally a plant, and a powdered monster called mold.

If you're given a spark, it burns up like it's funny.

As funny as it sounds...... I started to inflame and ignite the woods with great momentum.

Seeing it, Cortina hastened to use the magic of water creation (Creative Water) and began fire suppression activities.

Following me, Retina was also the moment when the sermon was decided.

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