Releasing the immature escort, I finally got home to Cortina's house.

When I open the door, Finia picks me up in footsteps with a patter from the back.

But I was walking up into the house without realizing the signs. There comes an unhesitant hug from Finia.

"Welcome back, Master Nicole"

"Whew!? Ah, Finia. Yeah, I'm home."

I was totally surprised because I was thinking about Priscilla, and I got that hug properly, and there was an unexpected strange voice.

I don't know how much I've been thinking, but I may actually be pretty blunt (as well) about getting this degree of ambush decent.

"Mmm, maybe I need to work out again"

"What would Nicole do if she worked out more?"

He picks up the bag and fixes my shoes for me to take off. And to the point of holding back behind me, it's a perfect samurai gesture. Except you've suddenly got a hug.

"It's very different from that pompous secret"

"Yes? Anything?

"Yeah, nothing"

Now they will prepare towels for the rainy day, because they will be exhausted.

Anyway, my dullness is the problem.

I'll put my arms out and try to pinch my arms. A touch like a puffy marshmallow. I can't even feel muscle shards.

"Finia, am I, after all, dull?

"When Nicole trains harder than that, she looks like a chicken, doesn't she?

"It's pretty fat."

"It's rather too little. Please be more of a punipuni. I don't enjoy it."

"I wonder if that statement..."

Lately Finia is starting to say things clearly. Skinships have also increased more than before.

This is a good trend because it felt like it was a step away from us.

She also seems to be gradually regaining her brightness. The fact that Reid's reincarnation exists may have unleashed just a little bit of her burden.

"So I've got my stuff here..."

"Luggage? What?

"It's an excursion the day after tomorrow. He said he was going on a tour of Kevin's Cosmos Garden."

Count Kevin's territory. From this capital, it is a rustic country town, further northwest.

It is a place frequently chosen as a destination for off-campus learning, not least in the countryside, where there are many folk arts and flower gardens and a moderate distance from the capital.

This excursion was also chosen as a destination for a rare tour of the flower gardens in the woods.

"With that said, that's what happened"

"Exactly. I don't have lunch ready yet, but if you have luggage, I've prepared it here. Check back later."

"Mm, okay."

Originally, I would like to say, 'If Finia did it for me, I don't mind confirming it'.

But when it comes to me, it's her "ready" to show off the rampage. If you check, you don't know what you're putting in.

I walked into my room and got dressed, and I opened Finia's backpack.

Cute backpack made of red fabric. A little dizziness...

Anyway, confirmation of the contents is now a prerequisite.

What was available were signs for excursions, chili paper, handkerchiefs, leisure seats, winter jackets, populies for insect repellents, a set of preserved foods, life-saving light-emitting cylinders, recovery potions, ka-chan......, etc.

"What labyrinth are you going into!? No more catfish!

I couldn't help but scream.

I then pull out the carbuncle cunt that was diving into the bottom of my backpack.

Why do college-led off-campus learning require preserved food and recovery potions?

Life-saving light-emitting cylinders and the like are only used when they are in distress. I very much don't think you'll need it to visit the flower garden.

"Well, because it's a border in the woods? Maybe you should be prepared for that? There's too much luggage wasted on anything and everything. If you just hold this, you're gonna go down with the weight!

Exclude unnecessary objects while you say bumps.

It's a day trip, so I don't need any more preserved food than I have lunches.

The recovery potion is not going to fight either, so it is not necessary. Light-emitting cylinders are also poignant.

Keep it because you may need a jacket for cold protection. Populi for insect repellent...... I don't like the marks of insect bites on my skin, so let's take them.

"Hmm, on the skin?

Why should I care how my skin feels?

I thought this was unnecessary... so I took it in my hand, but the scent of my thoughts started to smell good, so I went on a tour.

It smells like strong flowers, and I guess this scent keeps the bugs away. But even with that ruled out, this doesn't smell so bad.

"Ma, look."

Wrap the populi around the side of the backpack and try it on your back.

The backpack, which weighs less than half as much as I can afford, also smells like fluffy lavender and feels good.

Every time the backpack moved, the scent drifted, so I twirled around on the spot, sprinkled the scent, and indulged in the scent.

That's when I realized.

That the door opened slightly, and Cortina and Finia peered into their faces from that gap, peeking at this one.

They both have the look on their faces that they saw the smiling thing.

If you look at the situation, I'll be ready for an excursion, carrying a backpack in my room, and it'll look like I was just going around saying I couldn't wait.

That would also give you a smiling look. Even I will.


"Haha! Nicole is a child after all."

"Cortina, Colos"

"Shh, it's frightening. Let it go!

Cortina ran away with her hands up when she saw me waving her fist up to exercise her strength.

Finia's escape in the opposite direction is arguably too sober a decision. Don't demonstrate dispersed escape at home.

Damn it, remember later, you guys.

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