When the magic formation of the metastasis starts, the surroundings fill the light, causing a mild dizziness.

This is a phenomenon also known as metastatic drunkenness, which is one of the reasons why it is a very effective means of fighting metastasis but is not used in action.

When the light went out and the dizziness subsided, there was a vast meadow stretching out in front of him.

This is a transfer point outside Kevin territory, from here you can walk for a while and finally reach the town of Kevin territory.

Still, it didn't change that this was a sight not to be seen in the capital of Raum, and Retina and Matisse were exclaiming at the richness of the meadow that spreads before them.

It should be noted that Michelle and I are not surprised at this level of meadow. Coming out of the countryside more than that, because he's an authentic countryman.

"Wow! Such a wide meadow, I've never seen it before!

Matisse raising a rare and exciting voice.

Retina is also choking away from her daily clear attitude.

That's for sure, if you leave it, don't rush out to the meadows. Retina doesn't look like she has a Yancha personality, and we're familiar with it.

"You can't mess up the line, can you?

"Wow, I know!?

Retina answers me with suspicious behavior. Seeing her like that, Michelle was giggling.

"Well, I'll walk you to your destination Cosmos Garden. Follow me in two rows!

When Cortina screamed like that, she started leading our class.

Elliott is attached at the end of the row to keep an eye on the students so they don't fall off. I held hands with Matisse, who was next door too, and I was walking down the road.

"Retina, I don't want it that way"

"Oh, that's not true, is it?

"Because I'll give you a proper change later"

"I'm sorry, Master Retina"

Matisse can't even stop laughing at Retina, who is obviously pretending to be impossible. Thus the road went by busily.

Priscilla doesn't exist already at this stage, but she should be sneaking up on the magic team and following. There are signs, so I'm sure he's watching somewhere.

When I say I walk, I'm not close to my destination. It's usually far enough to travel in a carriage or something.

This time he does not stop at the town of Kevin territory, but returns from a tour of the Cosmos field on the outer edge.

So we grab lunch, we come back to this transition point again, and we just go back to college.

This sight alone would be rare for a person like Matisse, who can't even be described as an adventure, but doesn't leave the city every day.

"Ah, bee! But kind of round?

Matisse was cheering, pointing to an eye-popping bug.

"That's a bee, isn't it? It's the kind you don't see all over the city because you have the habit of collecting flower nectar."

Retina is cordially explaining to Matisse like that.

A slightly repetitive posture is her habit when she wants to brag.

"It's delicious to fry in sugar, isn't it?

"What, are you eating?

"Yeah. It's sweet!

Michelle's opinion really sounds rural. It is true that bees are also valuable ingredients in food-troubled neighbourhoods because they are plain nutritious.

It would be a little harsh to ask the Metropolitan Matisse to understand that.

I was patient sneaking a laugh at Matisse, who answered slightly pullingly.

For once, the college has a rating going around that I don't know why it happened, called 'Cool, but Hard Work Lady'.

You don't have to laugh here and override that rating, either, not much.

"Oh, look! It's Mr. Bull, right?

"Yeah, that sounds delicious"


Matisse cheers again after loosely looking at herding cows, but Michelle's interest is still in ingredients.

It's not very unusual, as I hunt for a buffalo near the capital in the first place. For us, though.

Matisse cheered on discovering any animal afterwards, and Michelle replied that it looked delicious. The expansion continued.

"Mr. Michelle eats anything?

"I don't know why... do you usually eat what you can hunt?

"Something... wild."

"Wow, you're gonna eat Nicole, not just me, right?


Turning around here and swinging the subject... I'll honestly answer that, considering if it doesn't resonate with my reputation.

Whatever. I'm Lyells' daughter, and I'm a super-dozen countryman.

I eat bees, and even cows hunt. In some cases, even a monster named Keratos, like a lizard bucket, tastes delicious.

This is some adventurous incense pottery, but Lyells only thinks that I don't like it or dislike it so much that it's no bother.

I'd rather not eat too much. When I think of infancy, whatever it is, there's a verse I'd appreciate if you could say it.

"As it is, well... most things if you get on the table. Besides, there are lots of customs depending on the local area?

"Heh, Mr. Nicole knows everything."

"Rather, I'm explaining it to you. Retina knows better, doesn't she?

I've been practically interpersonal since my last life. I don't actually have much knowledge of monster ecology.

Such knowledge was handled by Maxwell or Cortina and Maria.

I was just moving as they instructed and poking at the weaknesses I was taught.

So when it comes to first sight monsters, I know very little about their ecology. Human beings who can guess their skill by moving and standing around are much easier to deal with.

"Master Retina is amazing too!

Matisse calls Lettina as usual. This is because, for once, she is the great nobleman of the country.

I am a civilian in my position, so I am a sarcasm. I don't like this kind of thing.

That's how I blossom into conversations between women, and I finally see the flower garden I want.

This Kevin territory was originally in the deep woods, but there is a history of settling in flowers as a result of the lord's great cultivation and search for specialities that fit the land's terroir.

The various kinds of flowers shipped from here are processed with magic, drugs, etc., so that they do not wither before being sent to various parts of Raum.

They were used as decorations decorating various rituals and ceremonies.

Such a large plain area is also valuable in Raum.

"Okay, we're here! Look, guys, this is the Cosmos Garden!

Cortina says so and opens her hands.

Behind her was a bloom of single-sided color-taking flowers.

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