With Maxwell's rapidly planned off-campus studies, we fourth-graders headed to the Alekmar Sword Kingdom.

With travel awareness, recruitment of participants, and travel preparation, it seems to take about a month.

After a month, it's July. By way of example, water training classes have also begun, with feathers eyeing the limbs of classmates who have recently become particularly sexually different.

And that gaze will come towards me, too.

Especially at this time of year, I honestly feel sick because the colors are getting mixed up in the men's gaze.

"I can't believe I'm being exposed to this kind of gaze..."

I think about that while I scratch the water out of the water in the playground pond.

Swimming off a distance of nearly thirty meters is an extraordinary advance, considering I was a little harsh in my health, but I was fainting the moment I went into the water.

Besides, when it's in the water, you don't have to be exposed to sight, and you can forget the extra things, so it's more distracting than outside.

"Oh, Nicole can swim quite a bit now."

At the end of the swim, Cortina greeted me.

Despite the fact that only the Cat tribe has a longer life span and forty is close to their age, their limbs are truly youthful.

When I look in an exposed swimsuit, my eyes are extremely blessed.

"Well, that doesn't make him any different than a boy."

"Hmm? Isn't that just not possible?

I mentioned my gaze, but Cortina thought it was about my swimming skills.

At this age, men and women were getting slightly faster swimming because of the difference in their athletic abilities.

Of course, if you use yarn to strengthen your muscles, you can swim at an unbeatable rate... no, would it rather be training you to manipulate your whole body with yarn?

The next time you swim, try using a thread that will make you invisible with water.


Get out of the water, take off the hat that was wrapping your hair around you, and take a towel.

Because if you don't wipe the water quickly, your body will get cold.

Long stretched hair from the hat flows off and wraps around the body. The feeling was strangely unpleasant.

Wipe off the dripping droplets with a prepared towel. Instead of being a mess, hold it down carefully. If you don't, Finia insists that your hair be damaged.

The stiff air in the woods overlapped the illuminating sun, and the heat and humidity hit me.

"This time of year, you just stand there and you consume your strength."

"No, I don't think that's why Nicole's."

My legs up from the water, they were pulling shivers because of fatigue. It's still hard to keep up with a lack of strength.

Besides, my skin is getting a little red. Pretty weak against sunburn, too. Tonight's bath might be chilling.

"This is still getting a lot better!

"Yeah, yeah. You used to float like a jellyfish just in the water, didn't you?

"This is also a growth achievement"

"Right. I bought a swimsuit twice."

My height has only grown by thirty centimeters since I started school. The swimsuit also needed to be prepared accordingly, so I went to the city to buy it out several times.

'I'm feathered' because each time Cortina and Finia made me a dressing doll.

I should have gone to buy a swimsuit, but for some reason I'm just having a little trouble getting dressed. The shopkeeper also looked troubled.

"So, how about Nicole, who's healthy, goes for another bottle?

"... well, fine"

Another swim is just tough, but it's tougher to be exposed to the gaze of curiosity.

He's headed for me up from the water, flying to the sight of a woman, not a man. As much as I looked down at my own body wondering if there was something strange by accident.

Flat chest, muscleless hands and feet, pearl-like glowing nails, playing water like a baby, and tense skin.


Well, it doesn't matter what you think. Compared to the colorful limbs of Cortina standing next to her, it makes me sad.

She was dressed in a competitive swimsuit, sparingly exposed to a style that made her feel slender but firm.

If I had stayed a man, I would have definitely just remembered the excitement. No, I still remember the excitement, but that's never on the 'table'. My love stick... is gone.

"Cortina, don't you like it?

"Why would that happen?

I stand on the edge of the pond so that I can run away from her, returning it like a scratch.

A moment later, the boy student may have been watching Cortina, not me. I'm sure it is. Let's do that.

"Well, I'll come"

"Oh, really? Be careful. Nicole, it's time to limit your strength."

"Why are you surprised there..."

When you look back at me like that, was it a joke to tell me to 'go get another bottle'?

I said something back to Cortina before jumping into the water again.

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Cortina sighed heavily as she saw Nicole jump into the playpool with momentum.

That, I wonder how conscious you are.

She's been growing a lot for the last three years - no, she's in her fourth year, but under Cortina.

The hands and feet are slack and stretched, and the body is rounded and glossy.

Blue and silver hair wrapped around her body like a shower, such as when she took a hat to wrap her hair around for swimming, so much so that even she, a woman, swallowed saliva.

Cortina is also convinced that even as the male students stare at her to eat, there is somewhat no choice.

But she (Nicole) is not aware of it.

I don't care if I have the consciousness to look above average myself, I don't think that's a beauty comparable to the beautiful princess of the Dungeons sooner or later.

He treats me with defenselessness, dawn clarity, and insecurity like a boy.

I didn't know how many mistakes it was scattering around me.

"A little more, I think we should make him aware."

Regardless, I'm letting you take classes once on the street.

If you're ten years old, you have time for sex education. Nicole had taken it, too, but her interest seemed low, with an attitude like how to see raw odours.

Perhaps Maria and Lyell - besides Finia - grew up with a sexually clean personality because they raised her to be a cherished, polite, boxed daughter, but it would be a late mistake.

No, I was raising myself at a time of great feeling, so it's my mistake.

Cortina thinks so and glances at Nicole, who swims the river with momentum.

There's something there that scratches the water with a foam so beautiful that I don't think it's a girl.

Seeing it, but consciousness turned in a different direction.

Boys students resting around also looked at Nicole as if staring at beautiful flowers.

No, not just boys. The majority of women also send a vision.

In this school of magic, she had become an eye-catching presence. The only person who is unconscious is himself.

"If you don't make yourself more aware that you're a beautiful girl, you're in trouble."

Yeah, nod and arm Cortina.

There a student's chopped voice flew in.

"Dr. Cortina! Nicole! He's floating again!?

Happily glancing back, Nicole drowned in an unconscious moment, drifting like a jellyfish.

After all, fifty meters seemed tough with her health.

Cortina jumped into the water as she panicked and went to the rescue.

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