Entering the city of Mareva, at the head of Cortina, we were led to a rather large inn in the city.

As far as I know, it should have been one of the finest lodgings in Mareva.

"Um, Cortina..."

"Here. Call me a teacher at the academy."

"Oh, yeah. Dr. Cortina, isn't this a pretty expensive inn...?

"Hmm? Did Maria and the others tell you that, too?

"Oh, no..."

I was accidental. I'm the only one who should know. I can't possibly even know the price of the inn.

Cortina grabs contradictions even from places like this, so you have to be careful.

"Well, you don't care, do you? It was Maxwell's grandfather who gave the money anyway."

"Did you hear about the donation?

"You shouldn't be able to use that on your own because you've already decided how to use it. Anyway, I wanted to go play for a reason like that."

Is it the same in the political world that budget allocations are determined by year?

So this sudden trip is out of Maxwell's pocket money?

"Nicole doesn't give a shit, does she? Anyway, to the best of our ability to compensate for next year's board of directors."

"I don't think we're going to put a lot of effort into it."

"Say what! Old-fashioned. Short on you, huh? Enjoy it now and when."

"Though your old days, there will still be more than a hundred years!

Listening to the usual bickering between the two of them, they wander into the inn.

I couldn't go out with him either, so I ignored him and he was in line.

He will be guided to the Grand Hall of the Inn, where he will receive future explanations from Cortina.

While she is one faculty member, her voice is stronger than any other faculty member. After aligning them all in the hall, she went on to explain the schedule on her behalf.

"Yes, listen. After this, after listening to the Knights lecture, I plan to have lunch in the dining room there. The goal is for you to experience the Knights' rationing and eating."

Clap your hands with bread to draw attention and describe it terminally in a voice that often passes.

Her voice was only leading the army, and her voice was rich and her voice passed really well. It's really unusual to be loud but not uncomfortable. You sound like an opera singer.

"After that, I'm actually going to have you go through Knights training, so when you get in the room, you're going to change into athletic clothes. I also use it for sleeping rolls, so I'm bringing two suits, right?


Students responding energetically to Cortina's queries. Seeing these places, they grow up well but are still children.

Students are sometimes students of the School of Magic, and many aspire to the civilian side in the future.

Still, knighthood is a profession men admire. Many male students can visit the training landscape and send the gaze they expect.

I remember a nagging sensation, too.

He once challenged the Knights and was also a jade crusher. Since then, let's say we've avoided fighting from the front, learned assassination techniques, and culminated in the path.

I was hoping to give it a try to see how far I could go fighting the knights from the front right now.

"Maxwell makes a good plan once in a while."

"What, did you say something?

I shook my head and answered Letina, leaning back. Private language is strictly forbidden because Cortina is explaining it.

The city of Maleva is the capital of the Alekmar Sword Kingdom.

But there was no such thing as a royal castle, and the placement of Knights' facilities on all sides of the city, with four Knights stationed there, was in the form of protecting urban areas.

Knights quarters to the northeast, infantry training grounds to the southeast, cavalry training grounds to the northwest and archers training grounds to the southwest.

In addition, there are management command offices and material storage centers in the city.

He avoids the risk of being powerless at once by dispersing the functions of the military... Apparently.

We visited an infantry training ground in the southeast.

That said, it's just a whole lot of squares, and no special facilities exist.

If I insist, is there enough quarters in place to take meals and small pauses?

At first, we were supposed to be taught the formation of the Knights, so we were led to a dormitory with a dining room.

Since there are only about 100 people in about four classes in a school year, they can be adequately accommodated in the dining room.

"So long, folks. There you are. First, we're going to teach you how to form a knighthood in this country, then we're going to eat, then we're going to train."

An elderly knight who would have taken our guidance will explain to us in an unexpectedly gentle manner.

He brought the blackboard into the dining room and explained the terrain while illustrating it for clarity and explaining the course of history.

"There was once a boy in this city, Alec, later called Kensei. He was eaten with one arm by a wild dog, and he was still looking for the path of the sword without frustration, and he searched for it."

St. Alec the Sword of the Arm, which will later be worshipped as a god of war. But the anecdote has many frowny faces.

Anyway, when he retired from the Adventurer and served in the Knights of this city, he was receiving the sword with both (...) hands (...).

But myths and old stories are often ambiguous. You just have to remember that there was such a thing.

The land is surprisingly also a popular city for history lovers, as it can be rich in other anecdotes of wind gods and disruptive gods.

So much so that a bridge with the anecdote that the wind gods themselves created exists west of the city.

A knight who also exchanges descriptions of such attractions and explains them without surprisingly boring them.

Apparently, you've guided a learned knight.

"Now that we've had one paragraph of the story, let them experience the Knights' wild food. This is, as its name suggests, a meal served during the camp...... not delicious to be honest. Ready?

Bitter laughter leaks from the students to explain the knight.

The lunch offered afterwards, as the knight said, was not very tasty.

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