Ast finally took a breather after scratching the materials needed to improve my armor (gauntlet).

Come to think of it, we're not talking about late-night already. It has reached a time when the sun may soon rise.

But going home is a moment with Maxwell's magic, so you might want to take a breather here.

"Even so, I can't make a single cup of tea here."

I sit on one of the empty boxes filled with books and stretch out my stiff body.

Running through the city to the mountains tonight...... though I was on Maxwell's shoulder. I went straight to the labyrinth of the world tree and... used Ast's metamorphosis magic though. He battled Huge Crowler in a row and ended up fighting Juggernaut.

Come to think of it, I'm doing a pretty hard amount of exercise.

"Tea would be here."

"I don't know... it's kind of a waste of time to talk about it"

Bring out the water bag Ast used for the labyrinth break, but when you hear it's the sap of the world tree that's in there, it's awe-inspiring and can't be spoken for.

No, I didn't offer him any more material...

"Right. Then let's drink just me."

"I knew I'd drink too!

That's why I'm just trying to keep my mouth shut and get drunk in front of you.

I snap a water bag and pour it directly into my mouth.

A tea mixed with warm sap, but with a strange and refreshing throat, I feel sooo tired out.

"Oh, this is good...... can't you get it regularly?

"Unfortunately, when it comes to transporting to Raum, don't be a lot of hassle. I don't have a problem with you coming over here."

"There's no way I can."

If I could use a little more interferometric magic, I would be able to use [Transfer (Teleport)] magic.

Until then, I can't even come to Mareva easily because I can rely on Maxwell.

I'm very sorry, but this tea seems to have to give up.

I return the water bag to Ast, put two crates side by side on the bunk, and lay there.

Looking at me stretching nicely and the returned water bag, Ast had a subtle look on his face.

"What the fuck?

"No... I thought my parents would be struggling."

"Parents? Why"

"I just thought the defenselessness was too much"

That's what they said, and I looked down at my outfit.

The top of the gymnastics clothes is rolled over the lying clap and the navel is peeled out.

I don't see underwear because I have shorts underneath, but I put one foot down from the crate and put only one foot on it. The position is in the form of a wide open foot, which is slightly irresistible.

Todome is the water bag I gave back. The behavior of returning directly mouthed objects to a man.

With the example lady education recoil, I've been doing pretty cluttered tricks lately.

"As, well, don't say that. I can't get used to being a woman either."

"Really... you mean...?

So Ast put his hand on his chin and did his trick to think it through.

And besides, face up and talk to Maxwell.

Maxwell, who was exploring the Devil's Sword, was suddenly turned to talk and stunned.

"Hey, Maxwell. We'll find him."

"What? What is it?

"Men like this should hide their embarrassing past in places like this. I mean -"

"Hmmm...... I understand!

"You don't know!?

Sure, this was close to rootless grass. You can say it's my only base. That's why people throw troubled objects in here too if they see them.

Ast's reading is really correct. Because it's right, I'd be in trouble if I was explored.

"There's no such thing as a wall... You can't hide it in such a prominent place."

"Really? A man named Reid has a brilliant flash of battle, but he's a very narrow-minded man in general, isn't he?

"It does seem that way. But I'm not thinking about someone else stepping in here in the first place. Then you don't even have to hide it."

"I see... then you're likely tossing it all together in some box"

After that, Maxwell turns his gaze towards me.

No, he was gazing at my sleeping crate.

"Oh, hey... no"

"Nicole, I was wondering if you could just leave."

"Don't raise your voice to the cat at a time like this!

I tried resolutely to resist, but my swinging hand was lightly suppressed and lifted.

Ast takes away the crate that was sitting on my back in that gap.

"You guys are strangely good at combining!?

Ignore my protest and rip open the crate, exposing my shame that was there.

"Ya, stop -"

"Well, first of all, it's not a classic color book. Was this your hobby?"

"That's a lot of elves. And the Beast Man. Less humans?

"This one seems to prefer a slender system."

"Give me a break!

I can't be shy when I get here.

I cling to Maxwell's arm, which was grabbing my collar and lifting it, and I take it straight into the articulation.

Did you know about the spirit of reverence?

"I was there! This is Reid, you're a little off!

"I don't give a shit about innocent people stepping into people's secrets!

"Okay, why don't you stop watching it now! My arm breaks."

"I'll see."

"I told you not to do that either. Ooh!

Ast turning my hidden slightly dangerous book page silently. I left Maxwell and flew over there.

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