I hear metal rubbing from afar and horseshoes.

I can't recommend riding a horse in the woods because it's an act of wasting its manoeuvre, but since there are rescuers, they arrived on the scene as soon as possible, so I guess they went into what should also be called outrage.

If it was a place where carriages could get in, there might have been a decision that horses would be fine.

And I'm on my way to check on the cloud.

Cloud consciousness has yet to return.

However, the bleeding has almost stopped because the arms have been tied from the roots and the larger blood vessels under the armpits have been blocked by pinching stones.

Michelle also had a relief look for the first time because of the reduced amount of bleeding, but I still don't condone the prediction.

Because she's holding her arm down, the bleeding is stopping, and if you let that hand go, it's visible that blood will erupt like a fountain again.

Any more bleeding in the young cloud is really life-threatening. Neither she nor the cloud can move from this place.

"Nicole... my hand -!?"

Michelle smiled a little when I came by, but I saw the state of her fist and blued her face.

My right hand is pretty badly wounded, too. That is so discernible at a glance that it has changed its shape.

But the pain doesn't exist in me because I'm cutting off my pain nerves.

"It's okay, because it's not a life-threatening injury, and there's no pain."

"That, on the contrary, is dangerous..."

"You're okay with the pain because I did it myself, right?

That's the excuse, I'll take Cloud's remaining arm.

From his left arm he was quite weak but still felt a pulsating beat with certainty.

In the meantime, can I say that I have been able to undress my predicament?

One guard appeared after a while with the sound of retraction and scratching the grass.

He sees me and the cloud in blood, and he shouts out loud.

"Goal Found! Two wounded, health guard, hurry!

And he ran to us, and he was surprised to see the hemostasis.

"Are you all right!? Show me your injuries... What's this?

There is little that can already be done in this setting.

Because he was just in a state of waiting for the healing magic to stop the bleeding by the health guards. The guard glanced at the accuracy of the procedure.

"You're surprised I have little to do. Did you do this?

"Yeah, Nicole's instructions"

"But if it stays like this, it won't last long. We need to treat him quickly."

Saying the bleeding has subsided doesn't mean the wound has been blocked.

There is still seeping bleeding from the cutting surface. Besides, we can't even move it alone.

If they hadn't come, there wouldn't have been a cloud life.

"No, it's enough. Some of our people can use healing magic. It will be difficult to play..."

"Then block the wound to the point. 'Cause I'll get my mom to fix it later."

"Mom......? Oh, you're Maria's daughter."

Yes, where the guard answered, the grass can be scratched again.

It wasn't the hygienist who showed up there...... it was Finia.

"Dear Nicole!

He had a pale look, even though this one didn't seem injured.

The way it was, I can understand how much you worried about it. But if I had left it to the hard decision over there, there wouldn't have been a cloud life.

"Already, worry! So I tried to contact the guard and leave it to him - his arm!?

"I'm sorry, I just..."

"You didn't smash it! Any pain? To Master Cortina...... No, we need to contact Maria ASAP!

Finia sighs, flutters, and searches for her luggage.

That hasty trick looks younger and cuter than old, but not now.

"It's okay, there's no bleeding, so don't worry about me. More worried about the cloud than that."


As the bat seemed bad, Finia distorted her expression. She was rubbing Michelle and I on whether to go help the cloud right away or leave it to the guards.

That's where I came back and moved instantly, so she went to get me a guard for the collapse. I talked to her first, so she could come to this forest almost non-stop. The question was whether the Guard could track exactly what I left behind.

I guess it was with her (the elf) knowledgeable in the woods that the guards were able to get to the scene quickly.

If it moved according to her judgment, there was also a good chance that she would abandon Cloud's life. Looking at the current cloud situation, that is obvious.

It seems to Finia now that she abandons the cloud, but she feels backwardness for insisting on my safety.

"Yeah, I think Finia's claim is right. But then I thought I couldn't help the cloud. So I..."

"No, Master Nicole was right this time. But then I should have come with you."

"And the guards couldn't get here early, could they? Finia wasn't wrong."

If the guards hadn't come at that time, it's possible I would still have fought Matheus.

The result theory is that Finia went to the guard to inform him that I was ahead of the lead. It is a coincidence, but it will have played a role sharing.

"I left it to you, but this time it went well, didn't it?

That's why I put my best smile on Finia.

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