By Maxwell, hiding Deng in the mountains of Mareba is only a moment away.

Maxwell opened the gate and shoved Deng in there, instructing him to live in my safe house.

Be careful around the caves of Ast, where you should stay away from them.

Originally, you should go say hello to Ast, but he doesn't look like he has a sidelined side, a personality he doesn't care about otherwise if there are enough monsters living nearby.

I could have been scolded for being annoying, so I decided to leave it for now.

For once Maxwell is talking through it, he won't be losing his thanks.

"See you, Den. If you're a beast in this neighborhood, you can hunt, and if you don't get down the mountain, you won't have a problem, so you should live in peace. But don't use my safe house dirty, okay?

"Wonderful, clean, do"

"All right, then. Then the cliff I just mentioned is to stay away from it because it has a fucked up Cowaiian blacksmith. But if there's a problem, you should visit him. You remember how to signal?

"Black stone, flickering, stony stone, wandering. Hey, hey, hey, hey."

"Okay. Then we'll go home. I'm going to come back and see what's going on, but you're going to have to stay as big as you can."

"Woe to me. Good girl."

"Don't be cloudy, it's Nicole."


"Oh, that's enough"

Talking to an ogre who is more than twice his height is making my neck hurt.

It's pretty tough, especially when you stop near me, because I almost have to look up and talk to you.

But talking to the nostalgic Deng didn't make me feel bad. Somehow I feel the simplicity of going through Michelle.

"See you then. I'm sorry for the remnants, but we have other business to attend to."

"Yeah. I did. I'll be back."

"Oops, I'll be back"

He waved before returning to Raum with Maxwell.

As I told Deng, we have other business to attend to.

Back by Raum's rock, and rarely Maxwell sighed loudly.

Disappointed Shoulder Dropping Its appearance is rarely seen.

"What's up? Is that your grandfather tired of a streak of metastatic magic?

"No, that's not at all. But it's a waste to have to seal this stripping pulse."

"Oh, that way"

But as Maxwell pointed out before, this place is a dangerous place to leave behind.

It could cause Raum to get bored politically, and it could be used for criminal abuse, like this one.

That's why we decided not to seal it, but to completely bury it.

"Being suspicious of this place is also a problem, so just do it as quietly as you can, okay?

'Cause when they dig back, it's no bother.'

"You don't think about it all at once with the magic of an explosion system, do you?

"What do you think I am?

Maxwell, even as an adventurer, tended to let that overflowing magic say things and disproportionately scatter destruction. Originally he was in a position of power, so he's going to put a lot of emphasis on what looks like.

Even though I had to bury it quietly under the rock, it wasn't strange to think about it all at once with the magic of the explosion system.

So when I cautioned you and you gave it back with an unexpected look, doesn't it look like I made a claim?

"Grandpa likes flashy, just in case."

"Sometimes after this, I don't want to imitate things that will leave me tired."

Crain is fleeing into the city of Comb or Lilith.

Because it was outside Raum's jurisdiction, there was also the possibility of escaping through that city and into yet another.

If that happens, we'll need Maxwell's metastatic magic again to follow.

And even more so, a man like Matheus is in charge of the escort. I don't know when or where a fierce battle will occur.

"If I could go back to my body, I wouldn't have been the one to take the back..."

"Don't be impotent. Don't you think the Lord has a hand in intermediate magic at that age? From others' point of view, a fine genius."

At present, the magic of my Enhanced Grant (Enchant) has reached a certain level, and Michelle is also able to pull the silver bow (Third Eye) in half.

Whether you want to pull with all your might, you have to use the help of a bangle conceded from the God of Discipline, but a large silver bow (third eye) can pull half as much, much more powerful than those bows there.

Given that there will be no sequelae, it would be more efficient to apply my enhancement grant (enchant).

"Well, suppose I bury it? Let's support the rocks first, then break down the walls of the underground space and sink the rocks there."

"I'm just asking. It's a big job, are you sure you're okay?

I'll take care of it.

It sounds impossible every time I just heard that I would support a big rock like Oyama first.

But to my concern, Maxwell unleashed one magic after another.

First, create rock-supporting columns with the magic of earth walls (Earthwall). Then, by the magic of the perforation (tunnel), he decided on the surrounding walls and erased the rock-supporting bedrock.

Then slowly disarm the earth wall (earthwall) and sink it into an open space underground. Later, if the perforation (tunnel) effect expires, the erased soil will revert to the rock area.

Thus, the power spot found near Raum was buried overnight without the citizens knowing its existence.

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