Unlike dinner, the inn's breakfast was supposed to go out to the dining room and eat.

The next morning, when we showed our faces in the dining room, it was filled with odd temptations.


Lyell senses the air sensitively and just leaves to listen. I'm sure it was my fault that the footprint felt slightly indelible.

I don't think it's the effect of Maria's cage. I don't even want to think about punishing that Lyell for the damage he does.

In the meantime Maria had taken her seat and was ordering dishes for everyone quickly.

The breathing of the abalone is arguably just the two people who have been leaning in for years. Cortina looked somewhat envious of those two.


"What? Yeah, well, a little. I don't think I can be that good."

"Cortina can be."


"I agree with Nicole. You've come a long way."

"Leave that alone!

Turn your face bright red and lean over to see what embarrassed you. She says it's easy to be ashamed of her people.

You look so cute from me.


"Hey, what's up, you nasty laugh!

"Cortina is cute"

"What do you say to older people? It's you who's cute!

Quickly pick up the ka-chan that was following me at my feet and put it on my head.

Ka has also grown recently, making it a little hard to put it on my head.


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Fina beat the crap out of me in the seat next to Maria.

Those hands are everywhere, and my cheeks are soiled.

"Ugh, Fina is hideous"

"I'm your sister, so I have to put up with that."

Laughing, but offering handkerchiefs to me, Maria.

Receive it and sweep away the dirt, but after that, Ka-chan licks it.

I know you're going to be taking the dirt out of me, but it's like the opposite.

That's how Lyell came back.

The look was not a serious thing, but a strange look that I heard something inexplicable.

"Welcome back, what was it?

"Oh, apparently there's a big rocky mountain in this northwest direction, but it collapsed overnight,"

"Collapse? Could it have blocked the way?

"No, I'm not."

When I heard the story, thank God the rocky mountain where Deng lived collapsed.

With Deng's appearance rarely witnessed in the first place, there was little to come close.

But because its size was a good landmark in the deep woods, was it a little talked about? In the deep woods, the landmark big rock seemed quite treasured.

That, and the fact that so many boulders collapsed overnight without sound, is the source of the discussion.

"No sound, hey? Obviously, it was someone who did it."

"When we can do that in us, it's Maxwell first."

"But he's busy at the end of the city now. You won't be able to reach for that."

Even if we minimize the invasion of goblins, the whole city must be vandalized, the walls (barricades) cleared, and the carcasses destroyed.

Maxwell was being driven out for its processing and command.

It would not have been strange if the nobles had spoken to me, 'Cortina directs', but some nobles had given tyrannical orders before them, and no horizontal spears had occurred that far.

"Well, depending on the size of the rocky mountain, you or something?

"I can't even say silent enough rocks to be marked. If he's Reid, maybe he's got some kind of back hand."



"No, anything"

I accidentally put a scratch on Lyell's overestimation.

I'm certainly more versatile than Lyell, but I just haven't stopped being that human.

Finna reaches out to me flourishing as Ka-chan crushes me and leaves me stuck.

This seems to be about to be hugged by a ka-chan over his head.

Maria put Fina on top of Ka, and I was to be crushed even more.

"Gu Gu"

"Ahhh! Ah."

I hug Ka full of strength and move my legs butterfly with joy.

The move kicked my neck and shoulder.

"Oh, that might feel good. Fina, more"

"Nicole's like an old man, isn't she?

"I've been working a little too hard lately."

You got the wrong idea about me being happy with Fina's move, and I even started beating her head with a bee.

Too bad, no. It's not there that's elaborate.

"That's for sure. Besides, it's that crumbling site, but he can't stand his teeth trying to dig a hole in a shovel."


"On the other hand, they couldn't dig a hole in the magic of the tunnel, and didn't even try to melt it with acid."

"What's that, frightening"

But when I heard that, I could imagine who did it.

This must be white. Perhaps she saw this as the source of the Goblin Road and sealed it to prevent recurrence.

I have to say that the way it was done was just too flashy, but the stuffing was sweet.

"You've been working for a while, white."

When I blush, I still hold Ka's hand as she slaps me on the pepper.

When Maria retrieved Fina, she also took Ka with her.

Good timing there, breakfast is brought in.

We haven't enjoyed a relaxing breakfast in a long time, pretending we don't know what a flashy job it is.

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