Three days have passed since we came back to Raum.

But I don't see any sign that Michelle's fever or Retina's will ever go down. On the contrary, the overall prevalence of the city also appears to be on the rise.

There's a new outbreak of patients, but it's hard to see a fully healed patient.

The Adventurer Guild also viewed this just as problematic, ordering the collection of mild leaves that would be urgent and antipyretic, but it was a situation that hadn't even caught up.

No, I should simply say I'm understaffed because adventurers have begun to have morbidities too.

In that, somehow me and the cloud were able to move normally.

"Well, whether we should consider this lucky or not"

"Whatever, I'm gonna need an antipyretic."

Even that day, Cloud and I split into the woods, searching for mild leaves and walking.

It is also a tree that grows along the streets, but its vicinity has already been picked.

Still, the supply wouldn't keep up, so it even came down to the fact that a rookie stepping into the woods would get hurt.

Me and the cloud can walk in the woods, so there's no danger of that, but I was worried about the harvest for that matter.

Because I have low muscle strength, so I can't take home the quantity.

"Should we let Kak have the bag as a haulier now?


I can't let a grown ka-chan get on my head. So now I'm wandering around at my feet.

But when I brought up the topic of letting him carry the baggage, he shook his head even though he didn't like it.

Are you going to get fat all the time?

"That's just... I don't think the receptionist's gonna leave you alone"

"Why the receptionist there?

"Because that guy, if he's a cute thing, he'll hold everything"

With that said, I've been captured a few times, too.

Just on the verge of being brought home, the guild chief went into arbitration for me, but if it stayed that way, could it have opened a new door?

"But the problem with the amount of cargo is just as true"

"Can't you increase it with Enhanced Grants?

"That's no time limit..."

Basically, magical enhancements don't last that long.

Because it is not organized in a technique that presupposes prolonged use, like the magic of Maxwell's cargo handling (cargo).

Plus, there's a lot of anxiety about the flesh.

For giving power beyond the limits of normal times, the load is also commensurate.

The experience of falling asleep when I didn't know that is also a good lesson.

"In these woods, I can't even bring my luggage... oh, there it is"

The cloud finds a mild tree in the woods, rips the leaves just within reach and packs them in a bag.

I went on after that, too, but it's not like there's a range in my hands that's still short.

In the end, I climbed the tree lightly.

"Fine, Cloud. 'Cause if you look up there, it'll fit your eyes like you can't leave your offspring behind."

"Master, you don't get laid on me sometimes!?

It's just me and the two of us today, so Cloud hasn't called me a master in a long time.

Even for me, I don't feel bad about being called a master, so there were aspects of me that were in a bit of shape.

When I climbed the tree for a moment, the cloud was looking at this one from under guidance, so I broke the branch and threw it at it.

They still don't do tree climbing in skirts.

As such, I appropriately peeled the leaves, leaving them to the point where they were not exhausted, and then I looked around.

Reconnaissance from heights is fundamental to scouts. Climbing up to a high point, you can see that there are still mild trees around.

Other than that, the river flowing in from the north caught my eye, so I remembered about lunch.

"Oh well. It's not time for lunch. Cloud, there's a river over there, so let's have lunch there."

"Yeah, okay"

"After that, don't peek from the bottom"

"I can't stop knowing it"


That's why I decided to cook the cloud before lunch.

When I say lunch, I don't make anything so elaborate.

Originally this is near the city, and there's an option to go back to eating.

But I'm bringing bread, cheese and tomatoes today because I'm in a situation where I want to ensure a little amount of antipyretic.

Bake this bread and pinch the cheese and tomatoes and that will be enough lunch.

And more than using fire, a water field for extinguishing the fire was also mandatory.

"Make a cloud hakamado and keep it on fire."

"Oh, no."

I'll slice the bread and tomatoes I brought, and I'll just prep them down.

The tomatoes were very tender because they were ripe. So much so that the fruit is going to crumble, even if I try to get through the knife.

"... worship the God of Discipline"

Take out the vibrating dagger and say the keyword.

The vibrating dagger wrapped around the thread and fastened to the wrist broke the soft tomatoes as if they were not bitter.


"I mean, isn't the author who made that item crying?

"It's okay, 'cause maybe I should have done the same thing"

"Instead of a knife, no one makes such magic artifacts."

"No, I'm here. Absolutely certain."

If it was that white, that much impotence seemed to do.

Most importantly, the cloud has never actually looked at each other.

Broil the bread in a flame roasted with kamado, add the cheese to it and pinch the tomatoes. Now we have an easy sandwich to finish.

"Oh, I'm eating meat."

"I didn't bring the meat because it would be luggage. I'll be home in the evening anyway."

"Somehow, you're a source of strength, meat"

"What you're saying sounds like Michelle. Totally - hoo!

So I threw a dagger at the nearby grass.

There was an appearance of a small animal called a mountain rat, invited by the smell of baking bread.

This is a large, kitty-sized rat whose meat is edible.

"Look, still bake and eat."

"Oh, that's my master! Survivable."

Cloud to take to the water to dismantle the Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain with joy and courage.

Sighing at the back of it, I had a hokahoka sandwich in my mouth.

It takes a while to dismantle anyway. You can lay down your body gently and rest.

When I was thinking that, the cloud came back with something in its hand.

"Master, is this it?

In his hand was a small bag of cloth that was submerged in water.

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