I told Cortina and Finia that I was in the woods.

Meanwhile, Cloud was lying on his sleeping table unconscious again.

Even though I lent you my shoulders, you must have used up all your strength just walking to the city.

"So, this is the...?


Cortina looked sinister when she saw the cloth bag I packed in the water bag and took home.

You can't touch her directly, so she can't check inside either.

"... I'm sorry, can I have Maxwell's mansion continue this story?

"Rather, that would be wiser"

Maxwell can use the magic of detoxification.

It has been confirmed that even Ka's surgery can detoxify it, but it is poisonous enough that the cloud of strength weakens so far in almost an instant, that there could have been some side effects.

For that response, Maxwell, who has completed all sorceries, is more comfortable with me by his side.

"You didn't let Maxwell know?

"I'm using it now, but it's quicker to push it from here."

"Well, we need to take Cloud with us, too"

"Right. If it's an unknown poison, I don't know what it is. We might not be able to handle it in the jail."

When Cortina said so, the guards were to put the cloud on a stretcher and carry it.

Her confidence is jumping a lot in the one thing ahead. The guards were also taking the initiative and cooperating.

"Sorry, but hurry up. Because it may require urgency."

"Ha, I'll take care of it!

"Will you give this kid a ride at last? You know Nicole's not healthy."

"That's it already"

"Very unintentional."

I'm a guard who agrees to Cortina's offer, but as far as I'm concerned, I have to say I'm dissatisfied.

The guard puts the cloud on a stretcher and puts me right beside it.

It's true that he was unhappy but crushed in front of the gate, and he said he would easily carry him to Maxwell's mansion, so he had no reason to refuse.

Maxwell welcomed us to the mansion.

He was just getting the news and was about to head to the stuffing station.

When he saw the cortina he pressed, he realized the urgency of the situation and welcomed him comfortably into the mansion.

"Will Sman keep the lords waiting in the separate room? Don't make me some tea."

"C, I understand the circumstances"

"And Miss Finia."

"Okay. Call me anytime you need me."

If the disease that covers the entire city was a man-made disaster, it could even develop into the question of who planned it.

When that happens, it is also possible to say that it is happier not to listen, for the sake of resolution and retaliation.

They better not be on the spot for that either. That's what I decided to do.

"So... this is the example?

"That's right. Seeing where Cloud fell without the art of exchange, it's a pretty powerful poison."

"You mean the people of the town who dissolved in the water of the river and touched it got sick? If it's the stock solution, it can't be done."

"What it was in there was mucus-like. Isn't that crazy?"


I just dipped a mucus-shaped object in the river water and it melts right off.

Instead of half a day that time, I guess it's about whether or not I have a few hours.

The disease in the city has now spread for over a week. If we haven't had a serious exchange, there can't be any left.

"That's certainly not efficient. Wasn't there anybody around?

"No one. I wasn't even followed home."

"Maybe Cloud showed up when I was lucky enough to look away. Bad luck making...... no is it good?

Cortina's right, the cloud looks like it's easy to get caught up in some hassle.

But because of this, I was able to identify the epidemic as a result of poison.

Thanks to this, we got the thread for the resolution, so we can call it a special medal.

"Send a guard... No, they might have a bad minute."

"Right. They're so heavily armed, they're not for ambushes."

"You can't just leave me alone. In the meantime, let's let Matheus stick the crime scene."

"It's convenient to have a secret gift at a time like this. So did Reid."

'Cause your lord was the worst.'

"Wow, I thought it was bad!

Cortina inflating her cheeks small, but I also know that she doesn't give wasted instructions either.

I don't resent it now.

When he hit the light mouth to soothe the field, Maxwell opened the water bag and carefully removed the contents.

"Cloth bag. Probably adjusted the amount that dissolves in the water with this."

"The bag itself is not a rare thing. It's like normal hemp."

"What's in it... Hmm?

"Thin green mucus, say or gelatin?

"No, you're not."

Hearing Cortina's words, Maxwell immediately denied it.

Carve a deep crease between your eyebrows and simultaneously move your fingers small to carve the magic formation.

What unfolded instantly was the magic of purification (purifying).

"Why... if the poison disappears, there's no evidence left."

"I'm not stepping on such a dodge. This guy is more toxic than that... in part of the Dizzy's Slime"

"Slime's? You were slow to melt because of that."

"Spread the disease that infects people just by touching them. Individuals with strong toxins may also mediate and spread air. They don't have nuclei, so they don't move voluntarily, but they used their aptitude to attack the city.

"So you used purification."

"I don't think I'll get an air infection just in case,"

I mean, were you afraid that me and Cortina would have been infected if it stayed that way?

"I'm not leaving it, because it infects the virus as soon as I find it."

It's a bad story.

In the meantime, the cause could be identified.

They will need not only detoxification, but also the magic of saying detoxification (Cure Dizzies).

Maxwell had just informed the city therapist of the information and was dealing with it.

At the same time instruct Matheus to look along the river in the woods.

Unless this is your opponent, you shouldn't let him get away with it.

Then a few days later, the plague that covered the city subsided as the waves pulled.

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