The day after Elixir's pieces were handed out by Maxwell's hand, I was being summoned to his mansion.

No, I'm not the only one. Maria to Lyell, Cortina calls from her ex, Michelle and her parents, Retina and her parents, and even Cloud and the orphanage Sister he lives in.

Let's also say that Maxwell's large mansion was chosen because this would be the only discussion in the Great Zone.

"Well, there's nothing else you're here for today"

I just provided the place, and Maxwell turns off the tantrum first.

I use a dining room with a large table today because I feel just as small in my usual living room.

This place was made quite large to welcome visitors, and this number of people had a size that was perfectly fine via together.

"Actually, a strange man showed up first."

Turn around and get back to your usual Frank tone. I guess this is an unfamiliar care for the cloud and Michelle.

Of course, those parents were getting nervous. My heart just popped out of my mouth. On the contrary, I'm a little scared.

"Weird, you say?

Is this the opposite of what they are used to, Retina's father - the Marquis Yowi asks back.

What I'm telling them this time is still about Kufal.

Between us, a way has been established to discern, but we're not the only ones he can disguise.

Instead, the more defenseless people around you, the more vigilant you should be.

In order to do this, it is necessary to be aware of the method of discriminating decided upon this time. I had everyone gathered to let me know that.

"Oh, someone turned into a crook and plotted evil."

"Holy shit!?

Disguise yourself as a six hero. Such students appeared frequently shortly after the evil dragon was defeated.

At the time, his face was not yet widespread, so he could just name us and get service everywhere.

There has been a massive outbreak of small villains working fraud for that purpose.

But in the end, he couldn't do it until he imitated our abilities, and eventually he was nursed and convicted of a felony.

Now you can say that such a girl doesn't exist anymore.

"That's... disrespectful. Such as plotting evil by turning it into someone who saved the world..."

Sister, the guardian of the cloud, joins hands to offer the Word of Prayer to God. The figure was actually in the hall, even letting the sanctity drift.

"Well, that's why I decided to have this smell bag to discern the eagles. I don't care if the Six Heroes think you're fake without this."

"It's a very strong and unusual scent... but it's not offensive. It's like being in the woods?

"What smells like is a trade secret. It could be imitated if the story falls apart."

That's what Maxwell says, but it's also because it's actually so rare that it can't be published.

It could even be confiscated as a sacred relic if it contains pieces of legendary spirit medicine or if it were known to the world treeists.

I'm the one who sells guns, but I don't want to get into more trouble with the World Tree people.

"Hmm, I understand the situation. If you do get close to Maxwell, you'll be alarmed."

The Marquis Yowi agrees with a slight distraction.

Michelle's parents and sisters seemed a little powerless from her shoulders in that cloud-dyed trick.

Not only is this marquis good for people, but he also has a pretty good ability to grab the air on the field.

"And there's another thing I got you all together this time."

"Is there anything else? Or so that seems to be the point. When it comes to more than fake disturbances, you lose a little bit of your hips."

"Well, in terms of having a direct relationship, maybe so."

So Maxwell said something about Michelle's treatment.

That you should leave this city after graduating from Adventurer Support School. My asylum has reached its limits, for example.

"I wonder if I should just say that my last great work... was overactive. They're starting to come out a little uncontrollable."

"That I can't contain...?

"A nobleman. Michelle told me to put you down."

"Does that mean they're taking you to war?

"There's plenty of potential."

"Oh, no!

Hearing Cortina's explanation, Michelle stood up and disputed.

The tone is so rough that the general public is not a good thing toward the Six Heroes.

Her parents are pale and holding her shoulders, but still her words didn't stop.

"Even then, I was just desperate to shoot you because I was worried about Nicole, right? And with God's help."

"But some people don't understand that. Especially the Rittenbergs."

"Even Master Maxwell can't contain it?

"In the Washi and Rittenberg families, the personality doesn't change that much. Washi is a former royalty who abandoned his aristocracy. They're related to the King's brother, but in the past they've caused problems and been lowered to the Marquis."

"What's the problem?

"I don't even know that. Anyway, I'm not talking about when I was a young man."

Maxwell answers Cortina's question with his shoulders flashed and shows.

But when it comes to Maxwell's age of youth, it was centuries ago...

"That's why, from a standpoint, it's the same as a eagle. Adding that I am a retired six hero, I deduct zero. And the opponent is the active Marquis. Muscularly..."

"The title is the same, but we're better than the Yowi family."

"To be honest, as long as it's painful for you as a weasel. Then I won't say forever. I just need a few years to get out of town and keep most of it cold."

"A few years... how long?

"Four or five years."

"So much -!"

"What, so of course I'm thinking of a compromise"

So Maxwell put his finger up.

At the usual rate of excellence, develop a theory.

"First, ask Miss Michelle to make the Adventurer's Inn of an acquaintance of Washi a root castle. It's not supposed to be out of this Raum zone."

"Are you acquainted?

"Whoa, that's what Gaddles said about opening Inn II. Let the noble castle town of his children make it."

"But I miss being alone."

"Then it's better. 'Cause I'm coming with you."

"What, Nicole...?

"I'm not your best friend. Now I will go out with you. The problem is…"

So I turned my gaze to my people.

Retina and the cloud. I still don't know how these two judge each other.

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