I left the demolition of the boar to Michelle and the cloud, and I had Retina watch the injury.

When it comes to injuries, it's about physical fitness, and it doesn't mean there's bleeding.

However, in order to see the affected area, it was necessary to expose the area called the chest, thus blocking the eyes… especially the eyes of the cloud.

"It's a little swollen, but it's not that much of an injury."

"So you said it didn't hurt."

"You can't be trusted because you say the same thing about a major injury."

"Say something bad about your people."

Nevertheless, I also have numerous experiences where I fainted by calling out 'It's OK'. I can't help but suspect Retina.

Thanks to the leather armor adjusted by Ast this time, I was able to successfully escape the shock.

If it were clutter-adjusted armor, the shock could have passed directly to the body and broken a single rib.

Retina accidentally put on my chest when I was thinking about that.

"Oh, what marks are these?

"That's Fina's flirting. She sucks right into my chest."

What Retina had on her was a red mole near my low summit.

The area is red and leaves traces because it is accurate every time.

"Maybe you mistook me for a mother... you don't have that"

"Hey, tell me where you saw it and judged it?

"Do you want me to be clear?

"You don't even have yourself. I'm bigger than Retina."

"You said it!

Retina flies around, but there's just a huge physical difference.

If I hold Retina's head down, she'll just end up waving without ever reaching me.

I had more to ask than that.

"Michelle, that was an earlier blow,"

"Hmm? Uh, that. It's kind of like," Here! 'I felt it, and I shot it just like that. "

"Oh yes..."

I've also been a swordsman in my previous life. I can understand what Michelle is trying to say.

Waving the sword, sometimes, really rarely, but then the blade slips into the enemy's steeple.

The sensation has been awake since I started using yarn. It might have happened more often since I started using yarn.

I've asked Lyell about that feeling, and he said that he had experienced the same feeling, but he couldn't explain it until it was something.

Even after dyeing my hands in the assassination business, the feeling was happening. Perhaps this is what it feels like to shoot through a steep field.

And Michelle is getting to feel it because of the effects of the gift.


"Michelle could be stronger from now on"

"Oh, really?

"Yeah. I have no idea what I'm familiar with either."

"Heh... Oh, come on, you can't look that way!

"Say it! No, because it's a coincidence. 'Cause I'm just a little in sight."

While you were holding your hand in conversation with me, the cloud was sneaking up on this one.

Now I have the front of my shirt open and all sorts of things remain peeled out.

"Cloud, bake"

"At least make it a sentence and talk!?

"You say if you work out, you're gonna be big and strong, right?

"Who is it, I said that? I'll bust you later. That's an absolute lie!

"Daddy, by the way"

"You can never defeat me..."

I poked my hand at the ground disappointed and spared the desperate cloud from corporal punishment.

I just can't leave my offspring because I feel sorry for them.

I got about thirty kilos of skin and meat from boars.

Because the gut is difficult to process, ask Retina to use the tunnel and bury it quickly.

There are some parts that I can eat, but overall it doesn't get sunny, so it's not suitable for taking home.

This time we got a little bit of meat per capita, so the cloud was happy to be a good souvenir for the orphanage as well.

"You're almost there to bring home fresh ingredients this way."

"If the Marquis makes a request, they'll get it."

"That's all I'm willing to ask for. Besides, it feels delicious because you take it down yourself."

"That's why you can't go get it by yourself, right? And to make servants impotent."

"What do you think of me... I'm not that young."

"Retina was pretty young when we first met, wasn't she?

"Ko, aren't you talking about when you were a kid!

"I'm still not a kid"

Wrap the meat in skin before carrying it.

But with so much, you can smell the smell and an extra beast can appear, so that's it for today's hunt.

We had a relaxing air on our way back to Raum.

"Besides, I have to go to high school after graduation, and I can't be a kid."

"I mean the Higher Department of the School of Magic, because you study aristocracy. I would never ask you to."

"My shoulders are stiff too."

"I don't want to study anymore. I like it in action."

"Michelle should learn more, yeah"

Honest she swallows and remembers what she was taught.

That makes it more efficient, but it makes it harder to develop thought from there.

If you think about what's ahead, she needs to know a lot more. I might get in trouble when I get caught up in every trouble.

"Nicole and I were in Stra territory after graduation."

"Yeah. So Gaddles...... I'm going to take care of your new inn"

Thank you. I'm not used to calling Gaddles.

That bastard, unlike Lyell, is poorly hit. Or should I say people are intensely familiar with that look?

He talked quite a bit because it was me he was used to during the journey, but Cortina was so foolish when silence flowed and the air was heavy when Gaddles and I were together in the early days, for example.

Unlike Cortina, who I knew before I became one of them, I couldn't help but meet Gaddles for the first time.

"I haven't seen you much, but are you okay?

"He's surprisingly sweet. You can take care of it. I wonder how sweeter Master Lyell is."

The cloud seems to be more highly rated by Gaddles one way or another... but that's just harsh because Lyell is on guard for you.

You're telling me you don't care about that, but you still suspect that the cloud is the worm on me, so I can't bear to end it.

Well, that mistake is the same for Maria, so I guess we could call it a couple of similarities.

"Anyway, that was five months ago. Now we're all gonna stick together as much as we can, okay?

"Right. Because of this, we can spend less time together. I can't help but worry ahead."

"And we'll be back from time to time. It's not like I'm never gonna see you again."

"I'll show you the high-ranking magic I learned at the High School then!

"Don't expect me to. I'll wait."

Pass through the gates of Raum in a soothing and noisy manner.

Neither did the gatekeeper, because he knew our faces.

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