While I erase the signs on the roof, I explore the opportunity to help my aunts.

There are three men in all. From a seemingly standing around, even if I fight from the front, it's enough power to win at my leisure.

But their lives would be at stake if they made a poorer gesture than their injured uncle or their detained aunt was being held hostage.

If we're going to set this up, it has to be a good time and the safety of our aunts is fully guaranteed.

"Even so, do we need to keep these guys alive or something?

"Am I right? Michelle is a hostage that captures kids, so you have to decide."

"But I do. You should have caught him anyway, right?

"You weren't there, so you had no choice. And don't look sweet because you're a kid. It's a bucket that can snipe out of town from above the spire."

Listen that far, one of the men spits and throws away.

As I approached my aunt, I kicked that body in frustration.


The aunt screams and gets kicked off by her uncle.

The position has left me, and I'm in a bad state to ambush.

"Damn it, it's gonna take a lot of work!

"Stop. If you kill him, the kid's arrow will come this way."

"Do you subjugate your parent's figure to the shield? We fell, too."

"I don't have a choice. It's hard to fly a flag with our arms. The Goblins were taken to Second Squadron because they didn't have the strength."

"As long as I get the chance, so do I. Ooh!

So the man, now kicks his uncle.

My uncle, who was injured, couldn't even take a passive, he got a decent kick, and he was throwing up blood.

But you're already unconscious, and no screams are leaking.

Here I thought about the situation.

Even if you step in in this situation, you're just putting your aunts in danger. But your uncle looks pretty bad.

Some hands say wait for Cortina or Maxwell to rush for me, but in that case, the capacity could get worse.

"... would it be quicker for me to finish it in order to treat it as soon as possible?

But in that case, it's harder to catch him alive if you don't hide who he is.

If you show them to exert unusual combat power while Nicole is still around, they may have unnecessary suspicions.

"No problem if I change to Reid, but I don't have clothes"

Now I remain in my college uniform.

You're just a pervert for turning into Reid with this look. Well, if it comes down to it, it won't be.

"Is it also a problem to have an aunt's consciousness? Nevertheless -"

I turn my gaze down again. There the man was just kicking his aunt again and stunning her.

Although I am usually angry at the intangible imitation, I can also say that I would appreciate it only this time.

They cut off the eyewitness themselves.

"Maybe that's why it was three."

If the witness is gone, you don't have to shy away.

Sneak as much noise as you can. I'll take my clothes off and fold them.

Too many scrolls (scrolls) were then used to change her appearance to Reid.

The pain of dissolving the body irritates the whole body, but eats up the teeth and screams.

Thanks to the fact that I have also experienced this pain many times, I am getting quite used to it. Still, it was hard to bear.

He shrugged and scratched the wooden plank of the roof on a clap holding his fist, and the sound seemed to have been transmitted inside as well.

"Yeah, what's that noise?

"What's wrong?

"Something on the roof now..."

"Didn't even rats go up to the roof? In the woods."

"Check it out for once. Maybe my daughter followed me."

"Whatever it is, does the kid have that much tracking power?

With that said, blah blah blah and a man heading to the door.

This, in a way, can be described as an opportunity.

Still fluttering with pain, I move to the edge of the roof. The door under his eyes opens when he summons the armor, which is a weapon.

And the man who came out of the door overhead made a blow without jumping.

"Hmm? Kepi."

He gets his elbow slapped over his head and the man collapses without screaming and leaking a strange voice.

I can't kill these guys because the mastermind has to tell me who they are.

The other two couldn't swallow the situation and were flabbergasted at me for appearing unexpectedly.

"Become... what, this pervert!

"I'm gonna freak out!?

I accidentally screamed back, but I can't help but think of the men.

If a man jumped off the roof wearing only his armor naked, everyone would wander off. Even I'm just frightened.

But as it stands, it is not something I learned about the other party's circumstances.

I flesh against the wandering men and kick their knees in the belly.

Some men would have been surprised, but my acceleration wasn't half as good either.

Strengthened physical abilities using yarn and enhanced (enchanted) magic.

And most importantly, the flesh that can withstand those fortifications.

These overlapped, and my body ran through the cabin at exactly the same speed as I couldn't help but notice.

Regardless, there is no way that a man who dyes his hands illegally in a place like this can handle it.

One gets a decent knee kick and blows away without even taking a passive.

And before that man could slap me against the wall, I was punching a knife in the other neck.

"Become, disappear -"

A man who gets a knife and passes out right after he says so.

I'm naked in a cabin where no one's awake.

- Get dressed. Get dressed.

When he whined, he began to strip away his clothes from the men who had just passed out.

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