After I finished my training, I headed to the weapons vault to pick up a spear.

I was going to go around the outside of the mansion and look into the construction while I took this and pretended to be a patrol.

The Rittenberg mansion is an orthodox two-story building. However, there is only one place that protrudes like a tower, and that is the only three floors.

The powerful tend to prefer high places, so there's a good chance he's probably there, too.

"I also wanted to look into the internal structure, if possible, but that doesn't seem like we can afford it"

If we leave him here, we'll know the raid fails even tomorrow.

And he could hit his next hand in the middle of the day.

If we don't get rid of him as soon as possible, there's no peace coming to Michelle.

If you're upstairs or above, you can't wander around without permission in Fred, who's just a graduate.

Then you'd better disguise yourself as a maid of honor or something to manage inside.

Guess the structure of the mansion from the outer perimeter, check the escape route, and then dive back into the mansion.

Now look after the proper young maid and re-hang the magic of hallucinations.

I chose to look like a young maid because it's easier for my younger daughter to cry down when she's having trouble. The voice problem is... let's try to do something about it.

I remember Cortina making me dress like a woman a few times in my previous life... no, let's not remember this.

Rent a mid to late teenage brunette maid figure and return to the mansion.

The spear could be used somewhere, so I hid it on the way out.

"Klanez, Klanez!

"Uh... Oh, you mean me?

"Who else is there besides you?"

On his way into the mansion to the stairs, he was heard from a slightly older maid. I speak louder than I can and answer that.

My voice now is the man himself, so these efforts are needed.

Apparently, the lord of this figure is Klanes. Let's remember, just tonight.

But don't get so anxious with the sound of a name similar to the cloud.

"Have you changed your voice? Looks a little lower, though?

"Er, maybe a cold after a while?

"Really? Well, fine. I don't think I have enough turnips to serve for your restaurant dinner. Why don't you buy me one?

With that said, a maid sticks her basket out this way.

But if you go outside the mansion here, you don't have an ex or a child.

If I had thought of it as an excuse somehow, a rumor would have passed behind my brain. Rittenberg was famous for his colours.

Here I turn on the lady switch and turn on the femininity.

"Um... I've been summoned by your stall since..."

"Again? I was wondering if you could narrow it down to one person."

The maid put her hand on her hips to represent her anger and left with a basket.

Probably going shopping in a big hurry now.

I'm sorry that I'm busy, but that's something I'd like to forgive you for until today.

Then I went upstairs and was called several times but when I gave the name of Rittenberg I was able to go bare.

Apart from this case, it seems that the same thing happened many times.

That's how we pass upstairs and head to the stairs to the third floor near the center of the mansion.

There's only one room on this, and it seems Rittenberg himself is caged there.

Going up to the third floor, there was a room just ahead of the hallway, where it was a dead end. It looks like this room is the only tier.

I tried knocking on the door to try, but didn't get a response. When I opened the door quietly thinking it was strange, inside Rittenberg stood snoring (snoring) on the bed.

Is this the man who sleeps by kicking his blanket and stripping his chubby belly out of it, Rittenberg?

On second thought, I didn't know what Rittenberg looked like.

"What a pleasant..."

But keeping your hands on Michelle's parents and snoring is a frustrating but boiling thought.

I pulled the thread out of my armor to finish it on this occasion, and the door behind me was knocked hard.

I panicked and switched hallucinogenic magic through the walls of my room.

By changing from a maid's appearance to a pattern that simulates on the wall, she deceived her gaze.

"What's the matter, noisy!

"Dear Mr. Oyato, are you all right!

"What? What do you mean? Come in."

I return defenselessly to the voice that asks if it was Rittenberg's learned voice.

Immediately after, he opened the door and came in with a man with a mustache and a knight, Antonio.

"Earlier, one of my servants found a suspicious person, and I went to make sure you were safe."


"Ha, according to the person's story, he seemed to have turned into a young servant and snuck into the mansion. He's headed to your room, so apparently the purpose is..."

"You mean the eagle? Well, I don't know who I am, but I'm here for my life."

A fat man out of bed throws up in a dignified tone.

They're still pretty sure this guy's in Rittenberg.

"As usual, do you suppose to evacuate to a separate residence? Antonio, you must ambush your enemies as a weasel."

"Ha, got it!

I think there's too much difference in physique in whatever it takes, but it seems to be a subtle difference among them.

Only the man on the family order said something. I did, but I didn't come up with any extra mouth.

But for me, this is unfortunate luck. If you'll get out of the mansion, you won't have to think of a way out. You don't have to wait till night.

"I thought I'd say that, and I'm making a carriage available right now. Please hurry up with your style."

"Okay. Then call the maids."

"Yes, sir."

Apparently, this man, he can't even do his own business alone.

For a moment, I thought I was getting mixed up in it - but being surrounded by this number of people, it's just hard to handle.

No, it's easy if you want to, but useless genocide is not my hobby. I don't even want to kill a servant who takes care of me around me.

Thus, in front of my eyes, Rittenberg set himself up and left the room.

If you're leaving the city, that's convenient. It's a thing that can be done without interruption.

I was smiling under my hallucinations.

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