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It was a real coincidence that Lizzis noticed the noise of the liquor store billboard daughter, who also served as an Adventurer's Inn.

I couldn't stop coughing in my own room upstairs at night, and when I poured water into the cup from the water, I heard things coming from the ground floor.

Some adventurers come back at night more than run an adventurer's inn. We need to give them the key for those adventurers.

Normally, the father would do the part, but this time there was no way he noticed if the Lord of Things was trying to erase the signs.

I cruised to see if I should wake up my father for a moment, but somehow, it really reminds me to do that role on my own like a whim.

This is the Adventurer's Inn. In the unlikely event that he was a lowlife like a break-in robber, a single scream would instantly seize the intruder.

I couldn't deny that some easy-going thought was in the corner of my brain.

As he took the lantern and went down the stairs to the ground floor, he discovered a noose near the entrance.

It looked like a boy, and it looked familiar to Rizzis as well.

"Mr. Kufal!?

"Oh, Mr. Ridges... I think I woke you up"

"I don't care about that! What's the matter, are you hurt?

"No, you don't have to worry about this because it's just on. More importantly, is Egan and Uno there? I have an urgent report."

"We're both staying upstairs in our rooms, though."

"Will you call me? No, I'm coming. Because we're talking about work."

"I can't believe you're working like that."

"Come on, don't come!

It was Rijs who rushed to put the lamp in his hand on the table and rushed over to his side to lend him his shoulder, but it was made to stop by the voice of Kfar.

This is not because his health was adequate as the word goes. Rather, because he was unwell, he was anxious to retain the appearance of a person.

If touched by the hands of others now, there is a risk that they will collapse without being able to maintain the form of 'Kufal'. To that extent, he was exhausted.

"Hey, why..."

"No... because it's dirty. And a little... you know what I mean?

"I don't know. But I get it. You're an adventurer."

Sometimes I have a substitute that I can't speak to people more than being an adventurer.

Doesn't Kufal have those things now? Yes, Rizzis was guessing.

Regardless, it is a mistake that Kufal induced to think so, but it can also be said that it saved her self.

Because if he found out who he was, Kufal would have relentlessly wiped out Rijs.

"Well, I'll get back to you first. Oh, you can drink as much water as you like, why don't you take a little rest?

"Yeah, let me do that. I'm sorry you had to be so careful."

"What are you talking about? Kufal, you are not a customer. That's how much I'll serve."

The ground floor portion is a dining room and tavern, so there is always water on the tables at each location.

This replaces the contents every morning, but there are still waterlogs left in the middle of the night.

I wouldn't let them drink anything other than dining room guests, but I'm more worried about Kufal's health now, so I recommended it.

Thus Kufal, once he had taken his break, moved to his fellow men's room.

Rizzis was showing a bare gesture like he cared, but that's the daughter of an adventurer's gathering liquor store. No extra prying, walked away without asking anything.

"Hey, bad for the night."

"No... what better than that. I don't know how to move, do I?

"A little bit of a failure. I'm not feeling very well."

"Did you even get hurt? It's unusual for Kufal to fail."

I saw it with a light slap, but that was an unexpected word for them.

Kufal acts basically with caution.

There was a tendency not to take the tabular stage as far as possible, but to try to make things go by leaps.

That quote he failed, coming back with a hand wound, was an event worthy of consternation.

"'Cause they were."

"It was definitely a restraint on Raum, wasn't it? Does that mean that the Six Heroes have come forward?"

"Yeah, that's just who I am."

"No way, that means Maxwell and Cortina did it, didn't they? Lyell or Gaddles came out, too?

"No, it's more surprising. Reid was alive."


Assassin Reid. For them in a way, the most vigilant beings.

But Reid should have died twenty-two years ago.

It is a fact known all over the world, and there are many that actually saw the body. In fact, whoever saw him did not exist for the last twenty-two years.

That it appeared at this time was an event worthy of amazement.

"No, that can't be right. Reid's death is known all over the world. Now there's no way 'he was actually alive'!

"Oh, you're absolutely right."


"Maybe... it's Reborn Lee In Carnation. Because he was unusually reluctant to undergo jamming magic."

"Are you telling me you used hallucinogenic magic to make it look the way it was?

"That's probably not the same. I think it's probably a change (polymorph) because I'm too uncomfortable with the movement"

"I see. Do you mean you know it well? Still, the assassin who can even use the magic of change (polymorph) hasn't gotten a little more stylish?

One of the men - Egan - frowns (hissing) at Kufal's words, which actually seem to go hand in hand.

Adding up to magic to that Reid's murder technique doesn't make any predictions about being fat.

Its existence can be more threatening than Lyell's if it is bad.

"Right. That is something that must not be left alone. Above all… must be eliminated with the highest priority"

"Oh, I agree with that. But if he's changing, who is he?

"You won't have a hard time figuring that out. Still unknown. But I'm pretty sure I've been living in Raum lately."

"How do you know that?

"It's only in the last few years that things have stopped working out in that city. Until then, it was going well."

"But it's not just Raum. Even in the Jeez Federation in the south, they've crushed one collaborator."

"Is that the slaver? But he was a little overwhelmed with safekeeping. Maybe he leaked information somewhere. They bring in the Jews."

"You're a" famous "assassination group. So is Reid, but isn't a known assassin third class as an assassin?

A good assassin is not even known that murder is at the hands of a person.

Nor is the claim that Reid is third-rate as an assassin in that sense wrong.

But he had the track record and the strength to overturn it.

"I am, though. Still, it doesn't make any difference that Reid's ability to kill is insulting."

"Is that why you're sitting in Raum?"

"Until we crack the identity of our enemies, maybe we shouldn't get our hands on Raum. Instead, let's improve our combat power. How's the summons coming?

"Spirit class in one piece. The whole warrior class. After that, there are four miscellaneous fish. Summoners have successfully increased their number by two."

"Hmm... then turn the Spirit to me."

"What are we gonna do?

"It's a waste, but I'm going to feed you..."

"Do you sacrifice the demon god to the demon god? I've never heard that before."

"That's it there. It's classified."

Kfar laughing with nitarity. Two people freezing their spines on that smile.

Needless to say, it shook my body, and the secret conversation ended that night.

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