I was going to split up and take the request, and I was taking Finia in the direction of the warehouse.

The city is the northern relay point in the deal between the Union of the Three North and Raum, and there is also a considerable amount of warehouse to deliver its traded goods.

This request was also aimed at restoring the warehouse on the corner of such a warehouse district.


Finia walking alongside me, but with her fingertips on her chin like she thought of something, she was walking in the sky above.

Even if I sneak up on your ass walking beside you, you won't notice at all.

I can imagine to some extent what she's worried about.

Probably about my gift.

The same ability to manipulate yarn as Reid. restlessness and combat skills unsuitable for your age.

And it shows up to be replaced with Reid, bad timing. There are numerous elements to be suspected.

But as for the ability to manipulate yarns, it is a matter that will always be known in carrying out adventures together. I'd rather open it up here at an early stage and convince you than hide it weirdly and suspect it later.

"Nevertheless, can't we just keep doing this?

Leaving the current situation unattended could cause suspicion to swell and thoughts to Reid again.

I'll have to convince you somehow here. Including the neighborhood, this was the division.

"Oh, I got it, Finia."

"Huh? Oh, yes."

While each of them was thinking, they approached the warehouse of their destination.

There was a warehouse keeper, a man of thought, and another group of adventurers waiting for him.

"Ah, nice to meet you. I've been dispatched from the protection of the Great Shield, Nicole."

"This is my buddy Finia. Nice to meet you today."

In response to our greeting, the merchant smiled and offered his right hand.

"Nice to meet you today. My name is Lang and I manage this warehouse. We take care of Carl's Trading Store"

"Carl Trading Store... one of the biggest stores in the city."

"Yes, you know me well."

At that time, the other three adventurers pinch their mouths elsewhere, shaking hands.

The gaze of the stare clearly doesn't seem to think this one well.

"There are only two Big Shield dispatchers, and that's a girl and a kid. Aren't the six heroes busy, too?

"Hey, come on. I know how you feel."

"It's a repair to the roof of this warehouse. Is it something you can do to a kid? Don't you want to send me a foot job?

Follow the man's gaze and I'll see the warehouse for the purpose.

A building so huge that it can't beat the Gaddles Inn. The height is nearly ten meters and the width is more than that. It was also a fairly large warehouse in this warehouse district.

But on the contrary, it also means that the scaffolding is that large.

"Um, if you're this big, you can hang a ladder and climb it and it'll be easy to fix, right?

"Oh, no... shame on you for fixing the roof, but it's not going to be that easy"

Mr. Lang takes out the handkerchief and wipes the sweat floating on his forehead. Although the season is getting warmer, temperatures are still easy to spend. Maybe it's a sweat scratch after a while.

"That's what I thought at first, and I climbed the clerk, but apparently the moisture stained from the roof corroded it to the inside."

"Internal means from structural material?

"Yep. I stepped through the roof at that time, so I couldn't even climb the detour, and I had to rely on the adventurer"

It may seem odd to be an adventurer when it comes to roof repair, but some adventurers can use magic such as floating (float) or flying (flight), so it can often be quite useful in these jobs.

You can't use that much advanced magic this time with me or Finia, but you remember useful magic instead, so it shouldn't be a matter of pulling your leg.

"If you can use some magic that's effective for working at height, you can't keep your feet together, can you?

"Lie to me, I can't believe you're such a heavy worker!

"Well, well. Mr. Gaddles is the chosen person, so there's no mistake."

Mr. Lang took it from me, but it's not like I know why this adventurer makes his mouth absurd.

Even I would doubt the strength of an underage girl if she came to a colleague working at height.

Not to mention me and Finia looking so luxurious and pathetic that it doesn't seem suitable for manual labor or anything else.

"Let's get down to the work. Please come inside first."

Lang opens the warehouse door and invites him inside so that he can deceive the bad air.

There was a faint, stinking smell in the dim warehouse.

"Take a look around there. Water droplets stained with rain leaks have corroded the beam. I want you to fix it from there first."

"Something's broken, huh?

"Yeah, the first official fell out of there. Now, the skin is covered and blocked by first aid, but the rain and other stains are still stained. I've also lost some of my products"

"That's true. Was the person who fell okay?

"Yeah, there was dried meat from the product down there, so that was cushioned. The inside is blown out as a whole as you can see, so you're going to get off the roof and have the beam fixed. Are you all right, sir?

"Do you have any materials for repair?

"We have it behind the warehouse"

Mr. Lang points to the corner of the warehouse in Finia's question.

When I saw it, there was a back door in the back. I guess I have it ready over there.

"All right, then you guys carry the supplies because we're going down from the top"

"Yeah, I think we're lighter..."

"Men take dangerous places."

An adventurer who proudly puts his chest up to show. Apparently pride was high but not bad guys.

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