I understand that I have my eyes closed. In the darkness, there are times when we become so conscious.

This is a phenomenon that occurs close to awakening. The back of the eye lid brightens up loudly and recognizes the light. This meant I was close to waking up.

At the same time, it reminds me of the accident that occurred just before I passed out.

I... hung on the beam trying to help Mark, and the wood that supported him there fell and hit him hard in the head. There consciousness is interrupted.

It can't even help if you pass out on that occasion. I mean, is this awakening a process of moving to the place where I first met that white one?

Well, suppose...

"Me, dead!?

"He's not dead! What is it, bad luck"

When I woke up Gabari and looked around, I saw the swell of Finia peeking at me worryingly.

No, I guess this expression is a reaction to an earlier word, but the trick looked childish and somewhat fresh.

"And I can't admire the use of the word me. Nicole is a woman, so be more sober."

"No, I'll hear your sermon later. What's the mark better than that? What am I living for?

"On the verge of Nicole fainting, I managed to get my fall control Falling Control magic in time. I was really worried."

Falling control The magic of Falling Control has a magical application of lightening (reduction).

If the magic of lightening (reduction) reduces weight by hanging on objects, this magic is used to reduce the fall speed by hanging on people.

It has the same effect, but is another magic because it is subtly different from people and objects and so on. And drop control Falling Control is slightly more difficult.

"Well, I'm really sorry about that. So, Mark, too?

"Yes. It was a little hard to aim because it was shaking like a pendulum, but I managed to save it. Thanks to Nicole."

"Good for you."

If such a simple construction resulted in a death accident, it would involve a ticket from Gaddles' store.

Though the trigger is the Marks, it doesn't change that the deceased came out.

But Finia's activities averted the worst. This also protected the reputation of Gaddles' store.

"Yeah, Finia, thank you so much."

"Until I did what I deserved. I'm one of Nicole's people, right?

"Right. Yeah. Well done, Finia. Praise and send."

"That makes you a little irritated..."

What I was knee-pillowing at Finia was just a resting place with a cloth on the corner of the warehouse.

Next door was also seen Mark still awake.

Tony and John, who looked after him, also realized that I was awake and would say thank you.

"Nicole, are you awake? No, thanks. I'm sorry to hear that at first."

"Oh, I appreciate you helping Mark"

He said he was helped by his buddies, and just in the beginning the stabbing was gone.

They're just partying, too, and they're not bad friends. My people's deaths should be where I want to avoid them.

Saving the crisis, there was gratitude in their gaze.

"Yeah. How's Mark?

"Oh, I have a scratch on my wrist when I get my body to support me. You had a bad landing posture after that, you have a cob on your head."

"Well, we're lucky to have done this."

"Oh well. Finia, what's the healing magic...?

"I'm compatible with groundwater fire wind attributes, because healing magic requires compatibility between the Spirit of Light or the Spirit of Water, and then sacred or interfering magic."

"Can't you do it with water?

"Your magic is the magic that creates restorative water, so you need to give it to drink."

"Damn, you can't make me drink if I'm losing my mind. Glad it's not omnipotent."

"... Huh?

No, I think it's bad for the injured mark, but Finia's magical improvements have been rare lately, and my position was shaking.

Finia's magic is less level-headed than mine, but more versatile and often used.

Compared to me with the interference system, there were still many occasions when it worked.

But here I am the star! Even trying to heal the brilliant mark and make it look like an angel of healing.

"It's the only way. Ah. I'll fix it."

"Dear Nicole, your face is loose, isn't it?

"I'm a little emotionally unstable, I'm sure."

Coughed up small and I stopped by Mark's side.

From what I've seen, I have a small cob on my forehead, so I guess I landed it off my face.

But there are also rumors that head wounds are safer when these cobs are formed and swollen. Because if the bleeding builds up inside, you'll need specialized healing magic.

Of course I can use it on Maria, but I can't. When that happens, we just have to sit back and watch Mark die.

"Yeah, breathing's stable, and being swollen could be a rather good sign?

"Really? But consciousness..."

"Finia, how long have I been unconscious?

"Is it enough and a little bit? It hasn't been that long."

We fall, Finia and Tony come downstairs.

And make sure it's cheap, and move it to the resting place and it'll take about enough to lie down?

Because almost as soon as I was moved here, I woke up.

"Then maybe it's natural that you haven't woken up. Once healed light (cure light) is applied."

Put your hands on the lying mark and start chanting in the strictest tone possible.

"One of Zhu, one of the herd blue, one of the mountain blows, give healing light to his people - healing light (Cure Light)"

In chanting, what matters is the shape of the magic formations and the magic they instill, and the chanting that directs them.

Especially the first magic distribution is a must. The following sentence is often omitted during combat, for example.

This is because the role of image aids is significant. If you can clearly imagine the effect of the procedure, you can omit it there.

This time it means creating an image, so I tried to make a formal chant.

Fuwari and Mark's body shine and my figure illuminates from the bottom.

The cob on his head became smaller and the scratch on his wrist disappeared. With this level of wounds, my early healing magic also seemed to have worked.

By the way, the healing magic of interferometric magic is far inside the next phase.

The magic of healing light (Cure Light) is also my only healing magic.

"Phew... Done. But I was wondering if healing magic would be a little lacking, considering that."


Mark's body was completely healed by my healing. He woke up a few minutes after that.

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