The next morning, me and Finia had decided to change into swimsuits in the wood.

Mark's behavior was a little ayacial, but Michelle kept him away from the wooden trees as she brought it up to the third eye to be vigilant.

They don't know the power of this bow, but they still won't want to experience the power of a bow at first glance, which can be seen as a magic prop, on its own.

Thanks to you, we were able to get dressed safely.

Exactly. I can't wear a college designated swimsuit anymore, so I wear a seperate swimsuit.

Finia is a piece she wore at a previous sleepover.

The monochromatic shadow makes an extraordinary impression of her poor style.

"Ugh, you're just still cold."

"Right. I want to find out quickly and hit the fire."

Spring is already about to end, but it's still a little early to decide to swim.

It was such a delicate season that my skin had a little goosebump.

Finia hugs me to cover my back with a little tremor.

Her body temperature envelops me warm.

"Master Nicole is warm, isn't she? I don't want to be away for a moment."

"Finia's the one who's warm. Let's stay here until we get in the water."


As we left the tree holding each other, the markings that were staring at Michelle were stiff.

Apparently, he saw us in our swimsuits, and he was shocked.

"Hey, what?

"No, the... nothing, you know?


Look at Mark and the others, Finia turns her hand around my chest and hips trying to hide my body.

But wait, Finia. The movement of that hand is, on the contrary, ayashi.

"Hey, Finia. 'Cause now's not the time."


"Fine. Magic before that."

The magic of Finia's underwater breathing (breezing) is not allowed to enter the water.

She can't use waterwalking, but breathing underwater (breezing) is gained.

So you have to swim to the depths of the lake, but with underwater breathing (breezing) you can walk underwater.

Moreover, while under this magic, it can be pronounced even in the water, so magic can also be used.

In both ways, her magic was a must.

"We'll get a raft together and catch up as soon as we can."

Michelle can't use magic, so she can't provide my support until she gets off the shore or aboard the ship.

So I'm supposed to cut down a few wooden trees, tie them in a rope, build a raft, go offshore and support me.

There are many sweet men, so you can do the hard work lightly.

"Yeah, well, you're on your way."

I'll have Katana ready while Finia activates the magic. You can't use the piano wire in the water, so I have to put the front line up.

It's more efficient for her to hold back than giving Finia a dagger that turns into a spear.

And the magic activates, and the powder of light wraps me up for a moment, disappearing.

Now I can breathe underwater and speak up.

I'll see you later.

"Yeah. See you later!

Even Finia and I go into the water. My spine shook burly at the coolness of the water tangled at my feet.

"Wow, this is..."

"That's colder than I expected."

Finia and I, cai cai noise, dive into the water.

This magic is uncomfortable when you first inhale water, so even if you know you can breathe, you can't get used to it.

Hold your breath a little, then exhale Gabori. I can't breathe because the magic hangs on me, but I still feel terrified about inhaling the water.

But that's also a matter of seconds. I've taken care of this magic many times, too.

It's easy to adapt even if you're not used to it.

The waterfront was still getting light, but that's also getting dimmer and dimmer after a while.

The light had reached even if it had progressed considerably due to the high transparency of the water, but it would also become unreachable as the depth grew deeper.

Eventually it got dark and without a light source I couldn't even see my feet.

"Zhu's One, Mountain Blow's Five, Jade's One, Here's the Light That Illuminates Our Way - Light (Light)"

Finia is not used to magic yet, so she needs an auxiliary phrase. It was exposing the lack of immediate unserviceable power in battle.

But in this situation, it is treasured. Because there is no magic in the interference system that lights the light.

The sand at the bottom of the lake is deposited in very fine conditions, rising every time you walk to block your sight.

Furthermore, the water temperature was falling and the temperature could interfere with the movement.

"Zhu's One, Crowd Blue's Two, Mountain Blow's Six - Insulation (Warm)"

I touch Finia to activate the magic of thermal insulation. The swimsuit was slightly warm and I felt it was easier to move.

"Thank you, Master Nicole"

"I can't afford Finia any more."

Finia already maintains underwater breathing (breezing) and light (lighting).

Though neither magic is so difficult, any more burdens are harsh on her.

Besides, interferometric magic is also my stunt. If you keep this useful, you won't be able to make a face for it.

"It's dangerous."

Dim feet illuminated by light were suddenly lost.

Seeing it, it was hidden by the rising dust, but it is rapidly downhill.

If you look at the slightest feeling of water flow, maybe this is the spring-water point of the water.

"Maybe there's water gushing out of here. And then you don't know how deep it goes, so you don't know."

"Do you want to go back?

"No, let's dive a little further. If you keep your body connected with a rope, you won't sink. We'll turn back when we're out of length."

He wrapped a rope around a nearby rock and fastened his body. But the fixation is slightly sweet, and I get a little worried about the two of us going down.

"Will Finia keep an eye on the ropes here?

"No, I can't believe I let only Master Nicole go first. Then I'll..."

"The other way around, Finia. It's more important to secure the rope here."


"Yes, yes. If the rope comes off, I won't be able to come back. That's why I'm asking Finia. Because I trust you."

"Really...? If that's the case, I'll take care of it!

"Then pull the rope twice on a regular basis. I'll pull it back twice too, so we'll make sure it's okay."


Leave the fixed rope to Finia and I'll go downhill on my own.

Already the surroundings are completely closed to darkness, and the feet are unwavering.

We proceeded with caution and proceeded a dozen meters, where the rest of the rope was no longer permissible, the slope slowed.

That's where I stop.

Because there was a massive roll of green spheres in front of me.

"... there was"

Mark and the others are listening. Because this characteristic shape was the hallmark of Molia grass.

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