A guest visited Lyell's residence that day in the early morning.

Long-haired old man with beautiful gray hair. In other words, it is Maxwell.

Maria wholeheartedly welcomed the visit of an old friend, who, through Maxwell in the living room, behaved in tea.

As Fina is still asleep, she will remain seated without being present.

"Lyell, you're smart early in the morning"

"No. But that's unusual. Early this morning."

You're gonna wake up early.

"I know about that. So, what can I do for you? I'm thinking of going to the North Forest to investigate today..."

The forest was attacked the day before by a needle beetle. Only monsters with herd habits could be invading other forests.

To investigate it, we planned to gather the young adventurers of the village and head out to investigate.

Maxwell listens to such Lyell's words and slaps his knees all the time saying that he gets my will.

"Bye. I heard from the Alliance liaison last night."

"Oh, you already got the message I asked the guild to give you"

"Mm-hmm. So I'll have my hand on the investigation by the end of last night"

"The Hand...... Oh, no way, a woman named Haumea?

"Hmm. Well, that's a temporary name, too."

I haven't told Lyell that Reid was reborn to Nicole. Instead, it informs of the existence of a fictional woman named Haumea.

Neither Maxwell thought he could fool around forever, but while he was chasing that person, there was no way Nicole could have been more careful.

"The ability to hide and fight comes from Dantotsu. I'll leave you to it for now."

"Right, because the contents are Reid. Needlebeetles are the only way to deal with them."

"Oh, really?

Should it be called a beautification of the past? Maxwell inadvertently loses his word that Reid's stock continues to rise among the Lyells and his other companions.

But that's not the problem now. In fact, the needle beetle, already in the woods, is being crusaded by Reid.

The investigation has also been completed, so it is likely that Lyell will be wasted on his way.

And more importantly, Maxwell had a sense of crisis that a kind of demon god was looming by this village.

"And anyway, you've already received a report. They found a flock of needle beetles in the woods, and that's over crusading. Then he didn't see anything strange."

"Nothing? Isn't that the other way around?

"Uhm, that's crazy. Then you jumped first thing in the morning."

Maxwell, who can use metastatic magic, can literally 'jump'.

Moreover, there is much more magic and liberation than Nicole, so going back and forth from here to Raum is not as much of a burden.

"If you are a demon, you should have a summoner or a summoner. And yet it's not there."

"Yes, I mean, someone who summoned him is likely to have ordered the demon god to head to the woods, or this village beyond, away from here"

"The question is why do you imitate that?"

"Mm-hmm. Needlebeetles are not herds of demons. But if you're the Lord, you're not the enemy. And knowing that, he turned to me..."

Reid... No, he's the one who can repel Nicole without even pursuing one scratch. Lyell, who regained his full season of power, would be able to do exactly one kick.

And that would have been more understandable if it had been any other human being deifying the Six Heroes.

"Move me to crusade the needle beetle and put something in that gap?

"It could wake you up," he said. It's only a possibility. "

"And then you couldn't move."

The investigation team has already formed. Later, Lyell's decree was a step toward leaving for the woods.

But I can't afford to vacate the village any more cheaply than Maxwell asked me to predict.

Some hands tell Maria to stay away, but there was a chance she couldn't get around with defense and support all the way down.

"It will only take a moment to return to the village than the eagles have come here. When I left the village, I was still in touch."

"Oh. When something happens, it's no good not being able to deal with it right away. Let's pause our departure and wait a while."

Maxwell's advice was heeded and Lyell made that decision. Instruct the user who picks him up and notify him to cancel the expedition.

Now the expedition was supposed to stay on standby.

Then for a while, we waste time discussing each other's recent developments and so on. Look at the fina she's been waking up, Maxwell breaks up and hugs her.

The figure looks like nothing but an old man who adores his grandson.

"If I had a grandson, too, this would be it"

"You don't even have a daughter before that, you are."

"Oh, is Maxwell still active?

"Um, yeah. Will you adopt Fina? Nicole can do anything."

"I refuse. Nicole and Fina won't give it to you unless you're a man who can beat me."

"That's not harassment. You'll be single forever."

There are only a few people in this world, such as a man who can beat Lyell. It's like they've been pronounced single all their lives.

Maxwell's Boyaki, who raised a frightened voice, was interrupted by a decree that suddenly jumped in.

"Ha, my God!

"What's up, what happened?

"The village of Tau in the west... they're under attack by monsters!


As for Lyell, if it were to be raided, I thought it was this village. That's why I heard another village had been attacked, and I was shouting amazement.

But Maxwell had a beard in his head.

"Hmmm...... pull Lyell away from the village and attack another village at the same time. Is it a step that Lyell, far from the village, will be contacted late, and that he will be further delayed on his way to rescue? Should I say be thorough?

"If you are impressed? We're on our way to the rescue now!

"Even so, I don't know the village of Tau. You can't use metastatic magic."

"Ku, then I'll have to fly the horse..."

"No, let's fly. Fly as fast as you can and you'll get there faster than a horse."

If you fly in the sky, you can ignore the streets and go straight ahead. Moreover, this magical speed of travel is comparable to that of a horse.

Theoretically, I can rush to the ground faster than a horse.

But still, it's slower than the metastatic system. For that matter, there will be people out there who won't be able to help. That was Lyell's remnant.

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