Kufal, along with his companions, was on his way to Forneus Holy Tree Country.

Present in the centre of the continent, it is also the largest country on this continent and the main mountain of world treeism with the broken world tree Yugdrasil.

So we secure the sacrifice that is lacking, and then we create a disturbance using demons to stir anxiety in the people's hearts.

I was moving forward with my steps for that purpose.

"But it doesn't go any further than I expected."

"It's a walking trip. I'm sure I could afford to enjoy the landscape on a pleasant journey."

"Because it has a purpose. When this happens, you're going to want interferometric magic, metamorphosis magic."

"I need to visit that once and engrave the location into my brain. We need to walk to each other once."

"Oh man. You mean magic isn't omnipotent either"

Kufal walks shoulder to shoulder. The fellow men were sneaking down their chests when they realized there was no grump in town.

Follow Kufal, who proceeds without heart or with a light foothold, and go for Forneus.

But chasing them like that, there was a horseback riding.

"Ku, Master Kufal! This is a message, please wait!

A horseback riding man who notices them going ahead and speaks out so.

The Kufals looked familiar in his face. He is one of the comrades who has left in the north.

I stopped walking and waited until he arrived before speaking up.

"What's going on, what's going on?

"Yes. The raid on the village of Tau has failed!


The raid in the village of Tau is a village chosen to secure sacrifices to replenish the depleted demon gods.

Nearby are some villages inhabited by Lyell, but they planned to keep a needle beetle of trinkets in place in advance and raid neighboring villages into the gaps heading for that investigation.

It was also with the purpose of stirring up popular anxiety that I deliberately chose to be by Lyell's village by causing disturbances even within his sphere of influence.

That's why he made it look like he was after his village, pulling it out into the woods near it and also working on finesses such as making it difficult to get in touch.

Even so, Kfar could not hide his consternation after being contacted that the raid had failed.

"Did he not notice the Needle Beetle raid?

"No, I let them discover one the day before and defeat this, so they should have known it existed"

"So you left it unattended, aware of the dangers of the village? Why...?"

He returns from stunner and now leans his neck in doubt.

The man who preached the order to Kufal like that gave him additional information.

"Yes, that was the night before, the summoner said the Needle Beetle herd had been crusaded"

"A kind of demon god appeared by the village, with the possibility, of course, of going on a crusade that night. But it's pretty daring to act in the woods at night. And fast."

"That's what Ryell himself didn't seem to get out of the village. According to the watchman, we just put the vigilante on standby, and he's not out of the village that night."

"Then who?

To Kufal, who returns the inquiry, the man of the decree shows how unspeakable he may be.

"What's up? If you have any information, don't hesitate to say it."

"Ha, the... This is a guess, Maxwell is visiting the next morning. Lyell contacted me the night before, so it's not something strange..."

"I mean, Maxwell's hands, not Lyell, have wiped out the needle beetle and left the forest under investigation," he said?

"It's just a personal look, but I was wondering if it might be possible"

"I see, again. What a neglected old man."

So Kufal puts his hand on his chin and shows him the tricks he often contemplates.

After thinking for more than a dozen seconds, he asked the man of the decree again.

"Are none of the harvests in the village of Tau?

"No, we have succeeded in securing about three people, but it is not far from the amount of appointments…"

"Was it Socram you were sending? What's wrong with that?

"It was destroyed by Ryer and Maxwell who rushed"

"Maxwell again? You're more troublesome than Lyell for freely showing up everywhere. And the three of us... Now if we fill the needle beetle and the socram, will that end?"

Hearing Kfar's words, his fellow men were also absurd in their voices.

"Don't interrupt our plan. Shouldn't we still be ahead of him?

"But so many users, so easily"

"But you're going to be scratched around by one of those old men as it is. If you're bad, you might even show up at Forneus."

"No, this isn't a situation where you can't. Let's think about us first. [M] North for now, please maintain the status quo."

"Okay, Kufal?

"Oh. For once the commotion is happening, their eyes should be pointing north. It's unlikely to show up to Forneus. Then let's just make it this way."

"Okay. Sacrifice?

"After completing the prescribed procedure, promptly fill in the battle force"

Copy that, sir.

On instructions from Kufal, the man in the preaching circled his horse's head and ran back.

To Kufal, who would drop it off, his fellow man was voicing dissatisfaction.

"Okay, leave Maxwell alone?

"At this stage, no matter what you do, you lack the strength to fight. And me too..."

"Surely we can't deal with Maxwell? You need a god to be a trump card."

"... that sort of thing"

Nithari and a bottom-cold grin, Kufal also turns back on his heels.

At the end of his gaze is a huge tree trunk stretching towards heaven. It pierced the clouds and was pockingly broken just how long it had stretched out its branches.

According to the myth, the breaking god is supposedly broken for the Demon King crusade, but the authenticity is unknown.

But even though it broke, it does not change that it is a symbol of faith.

Kufal started to move forward again when his nose rang and he gave an uncomfortable look.

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