I was on my way to the Bellito Adventurer's Guild with Cortina and Marks.

He wanted me to rest in bed, originally, because he convinced me that this one was safer as a result of putting a balance on the inn where Lyell, Maria and Michelle weren't even there and how he was with Cortina.

And most importantly, Cortina is not used to working all over the city. Her active location has mainly been on the battlefield or limited to outdoor combat.

I don't have much experience searching, hunting, and stopping enemies all over the city. If someone supports him, I'm worried.

However, Finia has been asked to stay at the inn as a point of contact. Her versatile magic is a buy of time on the excuse that it helps at times like this...... Honestly, I'm a little upset right now.

That's how Cortina and I, Mark, decided to gather information in our guild.

Along the way, I found a six-hero bronze statue in a square set at the end of the boulevard.

This city called Berito is at the foot of the world tree.

In its location, the city itself is in the shape of a doughnut, and all parts of the city are dimensioned by the roots of a world tree extending in all directions.

Of course, we get past the roots and dive to secure movement from place to place, but we are far more involved than a normal city.

For this reason, squares were set up in various places, and were designed to make it easier for carriages and other turns.

It's a waste to just leave such a place, so many fountains, bronze statues, etc. are set up in the center of the square.

This square was one of those places.

"Oh, this sounds like the rumored Six Heroes. You also have Master Cortina and Maria!

"Of course, it's a six-hero bronze statue."

"But you don't pose like the one you see on Strahl, do you?

Since he is a hero who saved the world once, the statue of the six heroes may be made without his knowledge.

The statue also existed in the city of Strahl, with Lyell and Cortina standing in the center of the six.

But the statue of this city stands in the center with Maria and Lyell.

This is just a story about Donovan making Cortina an important design because Strahl was saved by Cortina.

The statue of this city stands with her in the center because of the same emphasis placed on Maria from this city of Berito.

And Lyell is mostly in formation near the center. As long as it's hateful.

"But only one of you, you don't really know your face, do you?

Among the bronze statues of the six heroes who stand majestically, there is only one person on his knees, hiding his face with a hood and a muffler.

Needless to say... it's me from a previous life.

"That's Reid. He's an assassin, so he can't know his face."

"Uh, you will. Buy resentment everywhere."

"It's not that sweet. He didn't condone evil and broken enemies, so he fought and sold them to nobles and powerful people."

"Wow, I think I'm gonna die soon."

"I survived, so I guess I can guess what that power is."

"You were an amazing man."

"That's right. He doesn't have enemies, not even Lyell."

Mark staring at my statue as impressed, and Cortina.

Cortina's cheeks, in particular, look a little red stained.

But... but. Cortina, stop overestimating me. Because no matter how much I am, I'm no match for that brain muscle.

If I could beat Lyell, maybe if I limited the situation to the limit and cut his strength to less than half.

But to Cortina, who brags about her breasts, I couldn't say I wasn't.

In the first place, what can you base your claim on? Finia found out, but Cortina still has it.

Marks who truly take what Cortina says and believe in the unfounded Reid strongest theory.

Honestly, I'd love to go in if I had a hole, but it's hard for me to be alone right now.

Even if they try to leave the spot, they will take them back with their collar necks grabbed.

Comfortable as being seated on a needle, I even came to the Adventurer's Guild. I want to claim what a shame play it is.

But such discontent also blew up as soon as the Alliance door was opened.

Because inside the guild, through the hustle and bustle, we were in a good commotion called frenzy.

"That's kind of noisy."

Usually officials are supposed to call, but that's not even true.

He rushes around left and right looking busy, clamping out the requisition slip, and approving the adventurers who took it.

It's like a battlefield.

Cortina grabbed one of the officials running around and tried to listen.

The staff, who was stopped on his feet, frowned annoyingly for a moment, but in an upright immovable position, with the adventurer's card she took out and showed.

"Ko, this is Master Cortina!? In a place like this…"

"The line is fine. Can you tell me what happened?

"Yes. There was a riot in the ghetto of District Seven. Civilians are also being harmed, depending on who is recruiting for the crackdown."

"Seventh arrondissement... that was the southwestern section of the city. These two neighbors."

"That's right. So the victims are pouring in here, and it's difficult to send troops."

Because the city is separated by the roots of the world tree, we have to go through certain paths if we want to send troops on a large scale.

But it was also a way for the victims to escape.

I guess the fleeing people and the troops being sent are bumping into each other and unable to move.

"As a result, the central government has asked us to recruit fast-paced adventurers to solve the situation as quickly as possible."

"So this kind of thing. But what happened to the Pope?

The pope, the city's greatest power, should be able to control the movement of the people and send troops promptly into riot areas.

But the official shook his head powerlessly and returned a negative response to Cortina's question.

"That's why he doesn't know where he is..."

"What the hell! That's not important."

"Yes, she was down in the city talking about her patience, but this noise broke down badly and she lost it"

"So what's the status of the search?

"We're just putting out a search for adventurers."

"It's late! Temple Knights for what!

"The Knights have been driven out by a riot crackdown... a little quicker, I could turn it around for a search"

Listening to the officials, Cortina did a little thinking.

And ask the staff again.

"How's the Alliance's network? Is there anywhere that's dimensioned?

"It's this mess, for more information. I'll look into it."

"Hurry up. There is a chance that they've been read through by the mastermind, including the movements of the Knights and the Pope."

"No way!"

"No way. Don't you think it's too convenient? This hitter is delayed at the worst possible time. I feel intent."

I remember Kufal's face in Cortina's words.

Yesterday, I was in the cloud, wondering if this was his fault, too.

If you get your hands on me in the first place, it's inevitable that the Lyells will stick their necks in.

Then the possibility of putting forward the bad skill is well thought out.

"Apparently, you got your tail."

In the meantime, only Cortina had a niggling grin.

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