Who goes undercover. I put my thoughts around it, and I glanced at the table next door.

There was a look at Cloud and Michelle fighting for breakfast with three of their servants.

Her figure, stuffed with meat all over her mouth, is vibrant and indeed feminine, but clearly no when it comes to college highs where noble rushes are demanded.

"I... can't"

"That's right."

"Then it's me and Retina."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, are you willing to infiltrate yourself?

"Well, there's no way Maxwell or Cortina can sneak up on the investigation? If we don't have time, we have to infiltrate and just turn on the cat?

"Sure, Ray - Gohon, Nicole might be able to do well around there, but staying with me until Retina is just as dangerous. Think about Lyle and Maria."

"Mm, that's exactly what they say... but it's for Retina"

"No other talent?

Gaddles asks me, and I remember my comrades from around the corner.

If Marks was about twenty, he wouldn't have managed to dive in...

"Mark's in the high department of the School of Magic? Absolutely not."


They can't use magic in the first place. It's just impossible to break into the 'magic' college.

For the same reason, the adventurers of Raum will be difficult. Especially not with Kale, who keeps getting sick about fourteen years old.

"Let it go, it's the only way... No, but..."

"I won't be impotent. Besides, you think I'm gonna take a fall for noble bong opponents?

"That's how you'd be so chronic, you'd just look at your painful eyes"

"That hurts again. But I'll be careful, because I'll just do the research and leave it to Maxwell after. The Duke of Aristocracy."

"He's the son, to be exact. Well, is that all you got?

"No, we have another problem."

"What do you mean?

Somehow I just convinced Gaddles that the pointer flew in from Retina.

"The Higher Department of the School of Magic in Methuselah is all dormitories, right? And the majority of admissions are aristocrats."


"Normally, there are a few people who look after themselves."

Finia's here, then.

"Oh, Finia's going to be my companion, isn't she?

"Huh!? Wait, are you going to come with Retina?

"I would have said. It's a school where nobles are the only ones on stage, isn't it? Mr. Nicole, can you do something about nobility there?

"Ugh... Maxwell's got a ladies' education for once..."

"Bubble ho!?

"Ngu, koho, kaho!

Gaddles and Finia were gushing out drinks in places like I was being educated by ladies.

I guess I just know I'm Reid, and I swallowed (swallowed) that mismatch.

Don't look at me. Even I want to erase it from my memory.

"How many years ago was that? Besides, the blade spotted it perfectly. That my hand is not essential for following up on those moments? Besides, my face is also passed on to the other person. There can't be a discreet transfer at a time like this, and Cain's attention would be directed at me if I moved one foot ahead. We need to divert a little attention."

"I certainly appreciate that...... but why Finia?

"If I could, I'd like to join Nicole."

"The quality of our servants is as you can see. Not to mention being a squire, it's not suitable for rough things. In that regard, Mr. Finia can fight, and his qualities as a squire are full. Besides, if you want to act as an escort, I want you to trust me and stand up."

"Sure, Finia would be a good fit, but what would I do?

"Does anyone have any idea?


I don't know anyone who performs noble manners properly and is highly capable of being a squire.

Speaking of, Maria might be, but if you take Maria with you, you'll be noticeable to death.

So is Matisse when it comes to her lovely appearance...... speaking of which, what is she doing now too?

"I don't know."

No, it took me a while to think of one.

But okay, are you?

"- None?

"Oh, I didn't think you had a squire in mind."

"No, keep Finia scratched from the side, what's that saying?"

"Mr. Nicole would be okay without the worst squire," he said.

"That'll make you stand out."

"Right. So I thought I'd send our servant. I can't do anything rough, but Mr. Nicole can defend herself."

"That's true, though. If you're someone you know, at least you can handle the rough stuff."

"That was more than anything."

The problem is - I'm not a person.

Well, we'll figure that out. If that's the case, I'll just head to the negotiations...

"Um, Master Nicole. When can we send you to Raum?

"Oh, I was messing with you."

Looks like the breakfast battle closed with Michelle's overwhelming victory.

The cloud and the two servants are about as stuffy with their bellies, but this result is also assumed.

Michelle's stomach is an unknown area for me, too.

"Either way, I don't think I can move, so you should take a little more time off. In the meantime, we're gonna get people together."

"Okay. However, I would like to inform your stall as soon as possible, so please do so as soon as possible."

"Rikai, Rikai. Wait."

Lightly return one wink and I will activate the magic of the metastasis (teleport).

The destination is Mount Maleva in the Alekmar Sword Kingdom. Ast, a mountain hidden by Hastar, the god of wind.

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