The next day I woke up with the sound of a knock. A dazzling morning sun is plugged in through the window.

I also thought it would be alarming to move around too much last night, and the investigation was self-weighing.

"Dear Nicole, are you awake?

"Morning, Den. Nothing happened last night?

"Yes, nothing special"

I crawl out of bed and head to unlock the door to welcome Den in.

When Gachari opened the door, Deng stood over there dressed in bishy butler clothes.

He opens the door indefensibly. Look at me, Deng secretly sighs.

"Dear Nicole. That outfit was a farewell."

"Not bad, I only saw Den."

"That's not the problem. Apparently, Lettina's Spartan education wasn't enough."

Oh, man, I just shake my head and show it to you.

But the tray in that hand doesn't even work with Pickle. There was today's breakfast on the tray.

"That, breakfast? Eat with me."

"Please get dressed before then. I'll wait here."

"Is there just a problem inside...? Wait a minute."

Deng is an org, so it doesn't bother me to be seen otherwise, but it affects the outside world.

When I can see him bring a man into his room, change his clothes and come out, they just make me a rumor tane.

I quickly change into my uniform and fix my messy hair with my hands. If it's true, I need to hang a proper brush, but I feel sorry for Deng for keeping me waiting outside when I take the time.

"You're welcome."

"You're messing with your hair."

"Den is surprisingly fine."

"I'm Nicole's butler now."

As soon as I got to the smaller table set up indoors, Deng lined me up for breakfast.

"I'll fix your hair, so please finish your meal, Nicole."

"Things like Finia..."

"If it's a time saver, it's not bad. It's a little bad for manners, though."

"You're starting to say what you want."

I paint butter on the toast in front of me and carry it to my mouth with a spider.

I poured incense tea from the pot in between and poured it into the back of my throat.

"Mugu, did Deng make this breakfast?

"No, Master Finia did. Because I'm not very good at cooking. Master Hastar could only cook cluttered dishes, so he couldn't tell me."

"Uh, cooking and stuff seems cluttered, that Osama"

"It was never bad, but what can I say, with all the stuff like outdoor food"

Bring a shaky, toothed salad to your mouth and drink it down.

The sensation of a delicate vegetable and the fragrance of a refreshing vegetable leaves my nose. If I didn't use fresh vegetables, the texture wouldn't come out.

That's the academy for nobles. They also seem to have fresh ingredients for breakfast.

"Yeah, that's the High Department. I use good ingredients."

"Finia seems to be enjoying cooking."

"I guess."

Finia's cuisine is also a kind of hobby.

It would have been a good stress-out for her, too.

I was just finishing my breakfast with that in mind and enjoying another cup of incense tea after dinner, and Den was finishing up my hair too.

Take a seat and check your taste by reflecting yourself in your appearance.

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Dear Nicole, prepare your class here"


I just got my bag, and once again, the door knocked.

I don't wait for this reply, I hear noisy voices.

"Mr. Nicole, I'm going to school!

"... Retina, be quiet in the morning"

Apparently, she's been in excellent shape all morning. I opened the door, laughing with Deng.

Den and Finia were entrusted with the investigation in the dorm, and me and Retina decided to go to school.

Now that I have my eyelids on, I haven't shown the power of charm, but still the noticeable blue and silver hair reflects the sun's rays and shines.

The light was attracting the gaze of those who would also go to react.

"My gaze hurts"

"It's been a long time."

"I'll stay like this for a while until I get used to it."

Enter the school building and open the locker door in an attempt to replace it with shoes for school use.

Then a letter streamed down from inside hitting an avalanche with Dosadsa.

"... again"

"You were a junior, too, this sight."

"Why haven't you written to Retina?

Of course I am, but Retina is no better than a beautiful girl. Though I don't have enough breasts.

And transferee as well. Conditions shouldn't be so different from mine.

Even so, there was not a single letter in her locker.

"On the first day of my transfer, I laughed out loud," You can be your classmates from now on, O ho ho ho ho ho, "so I'm distant."

"Prominence will help, won't it?

"It stood out so much that it was nothing more!

"That way!?

Sure, if that word and deed would stand out the best. But when people stop leaning in, it's not a matter of investigation.

Don't get pulled off, you don't get much conversation either.

I knelt down, gathered the letters, put them together and threw them into the dumpster I had left beside the hallway.

"Oh, won't you write back?

"What do you write? That's the hardest part."

"I might have had a winner."

"Retina, you're funny."

"Quite, actually."

Retina's cheek, to which I replied in earnest, I twisted my hands up.

"Yikes, Yikes!

"It's a punishment for making fun of my friends. No more?

"Hiya, whoa whoa whoa"

"'But no'? You're gonna tell me!

As opposed, Retina also extends her arms to my cheeks.

Another student has spoken to me to turn it back and continue to sanction me.

"Um, good morning, Mr. Nicole"

"Ah, good morning."

Good morning, Mr. Retina.

"Oh, my goodness."

"... pup"

The girl erupted small into Retina, who replied with her cheek still pulled.

"Is that Nha?

"No, I'm sorry. I thought Mr. Retina was a harder man to attach."

I think it's pathetic to keep pulling my cheeks in the middle of a conversation, and I let go.

Retina was holding her bright red cheeks with both hands and rubbing them with her hunnies.

"It's already terrible, Mr. Nicole."

I don't know.

"Nicole, I thought you might want to come closer."

"Because I'm not noble, I'm civilian."

"But it's the blood of the six heroes. Better than our nobles there... Oh, I'm sorry"


That's what I've always been told from a very young age. I don't enjoy it to this extent now.

Instead, she just cares about me there, and I'd say she can care for me.

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