Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 104 Successful breakthrough, unique pupil skills

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"The scene has been constructed, and the legendary battlefield has a long slope."

What appeared in Meng Haoran’s eyes were endless human heads, but these people were all dressed in ancient military uniforms, and they all exuded a strong aura. If you compare the level of ninjas, almost all of them have the strength above Zhongren, and there are a few. Shangnin, there are also about 10 shadow level.

"Hiss" Meng Haoran took a breath. This scene was specially selected by him. Of course he knew what was going on. He didn't expect that the system would raise the strength of these people so high that Meng Haoran would not be able to kill even a 100,000 ninja. Finished, and there is a danger of life if you don't pay attention.

That’s right, because Meng Haoran was fortunate to have Zhao Yun’s inheritance. Thinking of his deeds of saving Adou in Changbanpo, Meng Haoran chose this battlefield as the trial site, and to deepen his sense of crisis. , And also deliberately improved their strength, this time the goal was achieved, and even some exceeded expectations, but the difficulty was too great.

And Meng Haoran wasn't trying to save A Dou this time, as long as he didn't break through, he would keep fighting, which was more difficult than Zhao Yun's mission.

"Heroes should kill people!" Meng Haoran thought of his own purpose, and then Zhao Yun's heroism finally stopped hesitating and rushed into the killing formation.

And while Meng Haoran acted, the surrounding soldiers suddenly came to life from quiet to active.

"kill him!"

"Kill!!" The sound of the killing was deafening, and countless people killed Meng Haoran without fear of life and death.

Not long after, Meng Haoran met with them shortly. Meng Haoran was surrounded so much that there was almost no gap, and after Meng Haoran killed one person, people from behind immediately made up for it, not giving Meng Haoran a breath. time.

In order to make a breakthrough this time, Meng Haoran deliberately sealed his own ninjutsu and completely tested the hand-to-hand combat to kill the enemy, because if not, his ultimate move could easily kill these people. Of course, since it is to break through the writing wheel, of course Still use the writing wheel eye.

Three hours have passed. At this time, facing the continuous attack, Meng Haoran was numb to death, and his movements did not start quickly. Gradually, soldiers were able to attack him, leaving a little wound on him from time to time. Although they were all skin traumas, Meng Haoran would not be able to hold on if this continued, and it would be between life and death.

"Huh...huh..." Meng Haoran panted, his eyes blurred, and he killed the soldiers around by instinct, and he couldn't tell what he was doing.

"Chi" Meng Haoran was suddenly awakened by the pain in his body. Unknowingly, he was pierced with a spear, and the one holding the spear was one of the strong men with shadow level strength.

After reluctantly gathering the strength of his body and killing the shadow-level powerhouse, Meng Haoran felt that his whole body was a little reluctant, and he couldn't help feeling a little desperate looking at the enemy who still couldn't see the end.

At this time, the number of people killed by Meng Haoran is no less than 50,000. It can be said that Meng Haoran’s achievements at this time are far beyond Zhao Yun. After all, Zhao Yun’s seven ins and sevens are not as good as him, but Meng Haoran is fundamentally at this time. I don’t have the mind to think about this, and I don’t have the opportunity to think. The soldiers created by these systems are not as fearful as normal people, and they are not scared by Meng Haoran. They still attack Meng Haoran as always. If they were real people, they would have been killed and fleeing. .14 Novel Network

Although Meng Haoran didn't know that he wouldn't really die, he also knew that he was here for a breakthrough, and he would survive as long as he broke through, so he had already put his hope on the breakthrough at this time.

But the more he thought about it, the less he would come. In the end, Meng Haoran couldn't break through until the end, and was pierced to death by countless spears.

The first breakthrough failed.

"Failed?" Meng Haoran appeared in the system space again, already knowing the result of this time, knowing that he hesitated too much to write the breakthrough of the wheel, so he did not succeed in the breakthrough, and was deeply moved. At the same time, he did not use it outside. I feel lucky to make breakthroughs in this way. It's really hard to break through life and death!

"Continue." After a short break, Meng Haoran started the second experiment. It was the same battlefield, but this time, Meng Haoran remembered the lesson of the last time and let the flow go. Although there was no breakthrough in the end, he felt a little bit.

For the third time, after learning from the previous two experiences, Meng Haoran made a successful breakthrough. At this time, Meng Haoran's eyes were no longer three-hooked jade, but a big windmill, representing Wanhua pupil writing round eyes.

In Meng Haoran’s room, Meng Haoran opened his eyes and released bursts of astonishing murderous aura. This is the effect of killing hundreds of thousands of people in a row. It leaked a little because it was not long, but after a few minutes, Meng Haoran took it back. After these murderous auras, they became harmless to humans and animals again.

"It's really a pair of beautiful eyes, and only such eyes are worthy of me!" Meng Haoran exclaimed as he looked at his kaleidoscope in the mirror.

"Let me take a look at what my pupil skills are, and hope not to disappoint me!" Meng Haoran just broke through, before he had time to see what is special about his eyes.

The spirit sinking into his eyes, Meng Haoran saw two beams of light, black light in his left eye and sacred white light in his right eye, and he quickly touched them.

For a long time, Meng Haoran opened his eyes with satisfaction, he already knew what he had gotten, these two pupil skills were really against the sky, and they were not much better than other gods.

The left eye can absorb the soul, and then enhance the soul, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening the soul. It is extremely important to know that the soul is strong. Whether the soul is strong or not is directly related to the difficulty of breaking through the realm in the future, and the soul is strong enough The degree of life will increase, it can be said that Meng Haoran is in urgent need at the moment.

Although it can be foreseen that the effect of increasing life expectancy may not be achieved by one or two souls, there is always hope that it will not.

From the sacred white light, Meng Haoran’s right eye can be seen to be a light skill. I don’t know if it’s because of the attack from the other gods of Danzo. Its function is actually to be immune to any spirit-related ability that is less than 100 times the strength of the host’s soul. Attacks, it can be said that in the future, Xiang other gods and the like will be completely useless to him. Moreover, those whose soul strength is 100 times higher than him do not need to use these methods.

It can be said that these two pupil skills are complementary to each other, and the future prospects are vast, after all, his writing wheel has not yet evolved the limit.

"It's called Diablo Devouring and Holy Shield!" Meng Haoran named his pupil skills and smiled cheerfully.

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