You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"This won't work, I'll save them this time. If you want to do it, come!" The green pheasant stood in front of the red dog again.

"Green Pheasant, did you make a mistake? Now you are no longer an admiral, and it is not your turn to take care of the affairs of our navy." The red dog began to emit black smoke, which was a sign that he was about to take action.

At the same time, the green pheasant began to emit chills, and ice crystals gradually formed around him.

"Damn it, I really made a mistake this time. It would be nice if I brought one or two generals." The first time Akagu regretted his carelessness. Although it was really fought, he believed that he must win, but look. For a moment, Meng Haoran, who was still next to him, hesitated.

"Marshal! Do you want to do it?" asked a lieutenant next to the red dog.

"What are you doing, do you deal with Meng Haoran?" The red dog yelled at him. At this time, he decided to retreat, and whoever fell in love with whom.

Seeing the red dog like this, the green pheasant was also relieved. To be honest, he didn't want to fight with the red dog. On the one hand, he could not fight. On the other hand, if he really lost the red dog with a serious injury, Meng Haoran would inevitably He will take action. It would be bad if Akadog died because of this. Although he was a bit dissatisfied with the guy Akainu, after all, he is now the marshal of the Navy. If he died like this, it would be a major blow to the Navy. .

Although the green pheasant is no longer the navy, after all, after so long in the navy, he still has feelings for the navy, and I still hope that the navy can develop well.

The gang with straw hats like Yu Qing's pheasant can't see the fight now, and they are relaxed after they have escaped.

"Hey, did you just leave like this?" Meng Haoran said at this moment.

The red dog and the others stiffened, turned around and looked at Meng Haoran with a smile that was uglier than crying. There was no way people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

"What do you want? Don't think we dare not arrest you." The voice was a little violent. I saw Meng Haoran, an enemy of the navy, but he didn't dare to do it. It was a bit embarrassing to just turn a blind eye. Now he is still being called and cannot go. Who is the navy?

Meng Haoran looked at the expressions of Aka Inu and others with interest, and said, "I just want to inform you of one thing. Do you want such a big reaction? Do you really dare to do it?"

Meng Haoran's words surprised the gang of straw hats on the side. He didn't expect that Meng Haoran would be so domineering, openly challenging the navy, and it seemed that the navy didn't dare to fight back, as if it was afraid of Meng Haoran.

"It really deserves to be the strongest in the world." Sauron looked at Meng Haoran's eyes full of enthusiasm. This is the man in his mind.

"It's terrible, I'm still far away from them." Usopp had unknowingly left the army.

"As expected to be a god emperor, so handsome!!!" Chopper and Frankie's eyes lit up.

The red dog looked at Meng Haoran with a green face, his eyes full of anger after being played, but his feet were nailed to the place like roots, and he was not brainless because of Meng Haoran's words.

Meng Haoran smiled inwardly, this kind of pretense is still good, but he didn't continue to waste time.

"I'll let you know here! I will hold a world conference on Hydra Island. The theme this time is to decide where the world belongs. It's up to you to come or not."

"What? What qualifications do you have to hold such a conference, completely disregarding the navy and world government." A navy jumped out and shouted.

"En" Meng Haoran, who was still a little smiling, directly surpassed that guy and said coldly: "I don't need you to confirm whether I am qualified, but now I know one thing, you are not qualified to speak here, you are not qualified to speak. But he said something, then there is no need for existence." 180 Novel

As soon as the words fell, in the horrified eyes of other people, the body of the navy that had just spoken gradually disappeared, as if it had been erased by an eraser.

"What, my hands, my feet, ah! Help! I don't want to disappear like this." Watching himself slowly disappear, the navy has no time to regret that he just jumped out to speak.

He turned his gaze for help at the Akadog, but found that the Akadog turned his head to another direction. He was finally desperate. However, when he scanned the surroundings, he suddenly saw Meng Haoran who was sneered. Let him be the culprit.

"Please, let me go, I am willing to do anything about it, even if you betray the navy, please."

But Meng Haoran remained unmoved, "I don't need such a subordinate who can betray at any time."

Seeing that Meng Haoran had no intention of changing his mind, the Navy finally knew that he was helpless, and then looked at Meng Haoran with a bitter expression.

"You devil, I curse you not to die, to give birth to a son..." After the following words were not finished, I saw Meng Haoran's originally indifferent expression changed, and half of Haijun's body disappeared instantly.

"Although I know it's impossible, I can't let you say that sentence." He said as if nothing happened, but it was full of malice in other people's eyes.

Right now, even Lu Fei was a little farther away from Meng Haoran.

Of course, the navy dared not talk nonsense anymore, and the scene was silent.

"Well, the annoying guy is gone, the matter has been notified so I will leave." Meng Haoran walked away into the distance Shiran.

the next day,

The world is boiling again,

"Big news! The gods release news to hold a world convention on the island of Nine Snakes. It seems to decide where the world belongs and change the current pattern of opposition between the navy and the pirates!" A man stared at the newspaper in his hand.

"What, is it true? Show me." A young man next to him grabbed the newspaper and looked, and his face became increasingly ugly.

"Will the world that has just calmed down again have major changes?" Countless people who received the news thought this way.


"Father, Meng Haoran's invitation, let us go to the Nine Snake Island to attend the conference in a week." Marco said to the white beard who was drinking heavily.

"Master, the latest information, and an invitation." Baby5 handed Ming Ge an invitation representing the gods.

The five old stars of the world government are sitting together in a meeting, and there is an invitation on the meeting table, which is particularly eye-catching.

At the same time, the world's major forces have received news and admission tickets to Hydra Island.

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